beauty bible

Chapter 44 I Come to Kill

Chapter 44 I Come to Kill
Seeing that An's expression was different, Li Zhi asked with concern: "Mother? What's wrong with you?"

An turned around, grabbed Li Jingshu's hand, and said, "Jingshu, Jingshu, do you know who mother saw today?"

Li Jingshu held An's hand instead: "Mother, tell me."

An look of reminiscence appeared in An's eyes, and his face was a little blank: "Today, I met Yunxiu, the eldest daughter of the family of Lang Yun, a member of the Ministry of Industry."

In fact, when An's first saw Yunxiu, the eldest daughter of the Yun family, she didn't recognize her.

The official daughter named Yunxiu had a similar background to Li Jingshu and was the same age as Li Jingshu.Because the master of the Yun family and Li Xuanming are both foreign ministers of the Ministry of Industry, they work together on errands every day, so when the banquet was held at the official's house, Mrs. An had seen that girl Yunxiu several times.

When An Shi saw Yunxiu today, Yunxiu's complexion was blue and yellow, her figure was thin, and the brocade embroidered skirt she was wearing had several big holes.Her body was covered with dust and weeds, and she was like a beggar who had been reduced to the street.

At that time, Yunxiu was desperately pulling a peasant girl in old cloth clothes. Yunxiu took out a red hairpin on her body, and wanted to exchange it for a piece of bacon in the hand of the thick-handed peasant girl.

A fine red hairpin is exchanged for a piece of bacon the size of chopsticks.

Yunxiu wanted to change it no matter what, looking at the bacon like a hungry wolf, but the peasant girl was hesitant.

Just as the peasant girl hesitated for a moment, the peasant girl's mother came over and dragged away the peasant girl in civilian clothes.

When the peasant girl left, An saw Yunxiu's face clearly and recognized her.

Yunxiu's eyes were full of humiliation and grievance. She clutched her hairpin with one hand and choked: "Who do you think you are? Who do you think you do! You are just common people farming! Wait! Wait until I get to Jinlin City! I will You are the daughter of an official family, I don’t want anything!”

Yunxiu's humiliated and disheartened eyes seemed to wake up An Shi who had been in a daze for a moment.

If her Jingshu didn't know martial arts, if she didn't have the grain that Li Jingjing proposed to buy, if the Li family didn't have the help of Liu Jin and Lie Luo at this time, as a high-ranking official wife, could she... be like Yunxiu? Same, reduced to begging for a piece of meat from a lowly peasant girl? !

At this time, An Shi looked at Li Jingshu with some uneasiness in her eyes, and said, "Jingshu, Yunxiu is not doing well, very badly."

Li Jingshu didn't take it seriously, and said: "Mother, it's okay. With me here, we won't have a bad life."

An seemed to be comforted by Li Jingshu, she lowered her head, took the meat that Xiao Chao handed over, and ate it.

The smell of wolf meat is very strong, and the only seasoning for barbecued meat is salt. Even if it is cooked thoroughly, the taste is really not very good.

Of course, for ordinary people who haven't tasted meat for several days, wolf meat is also a delicious barbecue.

But to Anshi, this wolf meat is really not tasty!Especially compared to the delicacies tasted in the capital in the past, this wolf meat is really unpalatable.

Anshi held back the discomfort in her throat and heart as she bit into the wolf meat, which tasted like chewed meat.Her eyes turned to Li Ling.

Anshi secretly said in her heart: No!Never!She will never fall to the level of Yunxiu!
Her parents and elder brothers have all gone, she has suffered so much, she must not go on like this!Her Jingshu should marry into the East Palace.When Jing Shu meets the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace, if Jing Shu is so outstanding, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely like Jing Shu, far more than this Li Jingjing.

At that time, their Li family will be able to enter the front of the army to move the capital. At that time, she will not have to suffer anymore!

After experiencing the shock of the death of his parents and relatives, and the stimulation of reality, the idea of ​​letting Li Jingshu replace Li Jingjing in An's heart was revived again after being interrupted by the sudden doomsday.


The army that moved the capital had a few days to rest, and many people set up simple wooden sheds in the mountains and forests.

At night, except for the patrolling soldiers, most of the people had already fallen asleep in the messy wooden sheds or hiding in sheltered places.

Anshi pulled Li Jingshu to a deserted corner.

"Mom! You're crazy!" Li Jingshu looked at An Shi in surprise.

"Jingshu! Jingshu! Listen to your mother! His Royal Highness has only met Li Jingjing once, and it won't be long before he can't remember what Li Jingjing looks like! Even if he remembers clearly, we still have several months to go to Jinlin City At that time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince recruited 'Li Jingshu' into the palace. Let's say, after a few months of marching, eating and sleeping in the open, so the appearance and temperament of 'Li Jingshu' changed a little." An took Li Jingshu's hand, and She thought about it for a long time and said it.

Li Jingshu's face was a little irritable, and she didn't speak.

An continued: "Jingshu! Jingshu, think about it, as long as Li Jingjing dies, you can enter the East Palace justifiably. When His Majesty issued the decree, Li Jingshu was also allowed to enter the palace, not Li Jingjing! You go! You go into the palace! That’s what’s truly justified.”

"Mother!" Li Jingshu frowned: "Don't you care about what my father thinks the most? My father will not agree to this!"

"I know! I know!" When the imperial decree was just issued, Anshi had this idea, and Li Xuanming vetoed her idea at that time.

It was precisely because she knew that Li Xuanming would not agree, that's why An asked Li Jingshu to discuss it.Because she can't do it alone.

An Shi said: "Jingshu, you don't have to be afraid, let your mother do everything! As early as when the imperial decree of marriage came down, my mother prepared a pack of poison, not to mention poisoning Li Jingjing, even poisoning a few warriors. I have kept this pack of poison in my hands all the time, and no one else has touched it. Jingshu, you just need to help your mother and throw away Li Jingjing's body. If Li Jingjing died in the army and was discovered by those soldiers, it was found out that it was If Mom kills someone, those soldiers will definitely throw Mom into the zombies!"

"You——" Li Jingshu struggled for a moment and said, "Mom, I don't agree with this!"

Seeing that Li Jingshu still disagreed, Anshi wiped the corners of her eyes, and cried: "Jingshu, Jingshu. Mother's father, mother, and elder brother are all gone! Mother only has you and Zhi'er! Mother only wants you to live well." Now that the end is coming, apart from sending you to the palace, Mother really can't think of any other way to keep our family alive and safe!"

As she spoke, An Shi became more and more saddened as she thought about it.

She has been the daughter of the official family since she was born, and she is also the wife of the official family when she gets married.She never thought that one day, she would live and sleep in the open, living such a hard life.She can't accept the current life, and she wants to return to the original life as soon as possible.

Li Jingshu sighed: "Mom, I know that you are doing it for my own good. Don't worry! Give me some time. I have other ways besides killing Li Jingjing. I am a warrior, and I will not let you suffer!"

"Then you promise mother! Jingshu, since you don't want mother to suffer, then you promise me!" An said loudly: "Jingshu, you know, mother has never liked Aunt Qian and Li Jingjing! If you kill Auntie Qian Li Jingjing, you go into the palace. At that time, I will feel at ease, Jingshu, you don't need to worry about your future life anymore. What's wrong?!"

Li Jingshu was silent, and she looked at Anshi with tears in her eyes.

In the past, An's family was well pampered, with a plump face and delicate skin, no age can be seen, and after careful makeup, there is still a sense of beauty.Now that it is the end of the world, after these days, An's lost his parents and family, he is sad, and he is tired of traveling and traveling. Without powder to apply on the face, An's face has many fine lines, and he looks like he is five years old.

Li Jingshu didn't take many of the mother's thoughts seriously.However, she is Li Jingshu's mother after all, and she has always treated Li Jingshu sincerely.Seeing her plain face, Li Jingshu felt a little distressed.

Li Jingshu had thought about her future direction carefully, but it was true that she would not be able to give An's a comfortable life for a while.Even though Li Jingshu has methods and martial arts, she still needs time to let Anshi live a good life.And entering the East Palace is undoubtedly the fastest way.

Since mother doesn't like Aunt Qian and Li Jingjing, then kill her!Since mother wants to live a comfortable life as soon as possible, then she, Li Jingshu, should enter the East Palace!
Li Jingshu showed a cold look on her face, and said slowly: "Okay."

An's face was filled with joy: "Jingshu, you agree that mother has done this."

Li Jingshu nodded: "We are living in the last days, and it's not easy to live. Some things are thrown away. Since you want to do this, my daughter agrees. After all, I, Li Jingshu, will benefit the most from this matter. I will kill it."

"Then, when shall we do it? Tomorrow?"

Li Jingshu's face was calm: "Mother, don't worry. Since you want to do it, you have to do it cleanly. Since you want to kill Li Jingjing, then Aunt Qian and Xiao Chao can't live. Don't tell your father and brother about this matter. If we Doing it now will inevitably arouse the suspicion of Lie Luo, Liu Jin and other soldiers. Be patient and wait."

Anshi listened to Li Jingshu's words and nodded repeatedly. After hearing the last word, she said blankly: "Wait? What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for the zombies," Li Jingshu looked up, looking at the branches and leaves that were covered by the forest and could not see the moonlight: "When Lie Luo and Liu Jin go on patrol, I will kill the three of them and bring some zombies over. At that time , just tell Lieluo and the others that it was Li Jingjing who secretly went out to practice martial arts again. Aunt Qian and Xiao Chao were implicated by her, and the three of them were surrounded by zombies..."

(End of this chapter)

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