beauty bible

Chapter 422 Signal

Chapter 422 Signal
Looking at the middle-aged man in the two-meter-high translucent light screen a few meters away, Li Ling slowly adjusted his mood, stood up and took a few steps forward.

In a few steps, Li Ling remembered many things from the past.

For example, at the beginning when the end came, there was a heavy red rain in this world, and then there was an outbreak of zombies.At that time, Li Ling had wondered why the Great Zhou Kingdom would call those zombies "zombies" from top to bottom.

Where did the word "zombie" come from?
Now that I think about it, at the very beginning, or when Jin Jinlu appeared at a certain time, he left some things, leaving words or words about "the end of the world, zombies" and so on, and these became this Some ancient books in the world that don’t know the truth.

Li Ling remembered again that the legend she had heard in the Great Zhou Kingdom was that the end would come and the gods would come again.However, the legend heard by Yuan Jun 5000 years ago is that "there are two gods, a man and a woman, and three kinds of experimental items are everywhere in Jinlin City."

Among them, there are places that have been passed down by ancient people for thousands or thousands of years, but in the beginning, these legends all had a source.

It's just that these legends have been passed down orally by countless people for thousands of years, and I don't know how much they have been changed.Even if there are written records, after several dynasty overthrows, only a few ancient books with definite records remain.

Li Ling walked a few steps away from the translucent light screen and looked up at Jin Zilu slightly.

It just exists in the computer, like a video or a piece of software.But when Li Ling saw him, he felt like a living person.He behaves and thinks like a living person.

Jin Zirui has been dead for 5 years, but he still looks like a living person.

Li Ling had imagined before that if there was an intelligent creature living alone in an underground empty city, with only machines and the ashes of old friends accompanying him, this would be an extremely terrifying thing.

Not to mention 5 years.

Jin Zilu said that he chose to sleep and only appeared when a big disaster broke out on the ground. Li Ling completely understood this feeling.

It is really terrible to live alone with the ashes of countless old friends and an empty city, and the long years of boundless loneliness!No matter how good the mentality is, people have to be driven crazy by this state.

Li Ling raised his left wrist and pointed to the blood-red bracelet on his wrist: "So..."Beauty Bible" is a gift from you to your wife?"

Back then in Fangjia Village, Li Ling's martial arts broke through to the ground level. The "Beauty Bible" once reminded that "the creation of the inner strength method above the sky in the "Beauty Bible" is too difficult, and now there are only a few creative ideas and half of the method. If we still have time, I will definitely perfect it for my dear. it."

At that time, Li Ling realized for the first time that the martial arts secret book "Beauty Bible" was a gift from one person to another.

Now I think of the phrase "if we still have time", which means that the end of the earth is coming.

Jin Zilu smiled, and looked down at Li Ling slightly: "Yes. The "Beauty Bible" was created by myself and several other scientists."

Jin Zilu sighed softly: "At the moment when life and death are endangered and genocide is exterminated, all our scientific development is to enable us to survive the doomsday safely. Traveling through time and space is one way, and human body transformation is another way. "

"In this city of Jinlin, someone has researched the blue smoke. We call it blue particles. What a brilliant scientific achievement that should have been! We have used the blue particles for all living humans, and given them All unborn babies are ready. It's a can't resist the erosion of the human body by the doomsday after all. Death comes very fast, so fast that there is no warning, so fast that I have no time to send my wife and anyone else to another In an instant, countless people fell one by one in this once glorious city."

"Some people have also studied the ability to change their appearance through martial arts. In normal times, this is certainly an ability worthy of praise. But in the face of the doomsday, this scientific achievement is not as good as a failed time-travel device. It can change people Its appearance is meaningless at the end of the world. Therefore, a few scientists and I just combined it with peak martial arts as a small gift... but I didn't have time to give it away."

Jin Zilu looked down at the blood-red bracelet on Li Ling's left wrist: "At the beginning, we not only tried three kinds of time-travel equipment, but also used time-travel equipment to make high-tech products. Just like the bracelet in your hand, it is actually the same as the big star today. Most of the functions of the bracelets of the Kingdom of Stars are similar. Of course... we were in a hurry at the time. Although this bracelet was similar to the bracelet of the Kingdom of Stars, it had many flaws and we did not have time to perfect it. "Beauty Bible" It's an electronic document that I keep in my bracelet."

Li Ling also looked down at the blood-red bracelet: "The function of the bracelet is similar..."

Li Ling remembered that when she, Shen Lang, and Sima Zhen traveled through the Great Star Country for the first time, they did not have the function of translating languages.And when they traveled for the second time, they were already able to communicate freely with people from other different worlds.

At that time, Li Ling guessed whether the "God" had obtained the function of "translation" in the Great Star Country.

Listening to what Jin Zili said now, sure enough, the facts are just as she once guessed!

"So..." Li Ling looked up at Jin Zilu, with a very unhappy look in his eyes: "To me, this blood-red bracelet is more like a monitor. You can monitor me through it."

"I only love my wife," Jin Zilu said quickly, "Apart from collecting information, I'm not interested in your private life at all."

"Ha..." Li Ling sneered.Regardless of whether Kaneko Ritsu is interested or not, he can monitor her at any time, which is already an extremely uncomfortable thing.

Even if this golden rule has been dead for 5 years, he is not a robot at all.In Li Ling's eyes, he was just a person.Li Ling was naturally extremely dissatisfied.

Li Ling exhaled: "Then you let us travel time and time again, each time, you are to collect information?"

Jin Zilu paused and whispered: "Most of the time, yes. But... the last time, I sent you to the Holy Land of the Soul Clan, and after witnessing the birth of the magical Soul Clan, the signal was lost."

Jin Zilu was a little confused and curious: "Where did you go after that? How did you come back here? I'm very surprised. In the high-tech Great Star Kingdom, in the mysterious Soul Body Clan, I can still collect I got the message. But you disappeared for a while later, and I couldn't feel the signal at all. It's like this bracelet has been erased."

Li Ling was slightly taken aback.

At that time, didn't she travel to a bar through the holy land of the soul body clan, and met a strange fellow villager!
That strange villager gave her a glass of orange juice, which made her mind dazed for half a month.

Li Ling only felt that he had committed a fool again.Seeing the fellow countryman, he was moved for a moment, so he believed her.The result is another cheating person.

Li Ling was a little confused, and waved his hand: "I don't know. Anyway, I met a cheating fellow, and got cheated again."

Li Ling didn't want to mention it, this was another stupidity of his own.

"Fellow?" Jin Zilu lowered his eyes, his eyes were sharp, and he looked at Li Ling's eyes and repeated them very seriously.

"En." Li Ling nodded indiscriminately, not wanting to repeat his stupid experience.

(End of this chapter)

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