beauty bible

Chapter 419 Welcome

Chapter 419 Welcome
There was hesitation on Li Ling's face, but no fear in his eyes.She took a breath, calmed down, and walked to the left calmly.

The marble floor reflects the faint glow of the white lamps on the ceiling. The entire high-tech city is so clean and bright, making people feel comfortable.But this empty environment without anyone gave me a strange feeling.

Li Ling walked to the elevator step by step.

The elevators in this high-tech city do not look much different from the elevators in Li Ling's impression.

Li Ling stretched out his hand and pressed the round button on the wall.

The round button glowed yellow, and in a moment, the elevator door opened.

Li Ling entered the elevator.

Inside the boxy elevator, facing Li Ling is a half-length mirror.

A girl dressed in an ancient women's skirt and wearing an ancient women's hair bun walked into the elevator, her face of bewilderment and uncertainty was clearly revealed in the modern mirror.

Li Ling couldn't help laughing.

With such an attire and such an expression, appearing in such a scene, it is as if a real ancient woman has suddenly traveled to the modern age.

With this smile, Li Ling relaxed slightly.

Since stepping into this high-tech city, Li Ling has been constantly shocked by everything in front of her eyes, and even has the fear of facing the unknown. Her spirit is always tense.

Li Ling turned around and looked at the translucent light screen on the right side of the elevator entrance.

In this elevator, there is no button to select which floor of the stairs, only a translucent light screen.

Li Ling took a closer look.

What is displayed on the translucent light screen is: Please enter the floor you want to reach.

Li Ling was slightly surprised - this is a font she knows!
Li Ling stretched out his hand and wrote 500 on the translucent light screen.

The translucent light screen flashed: 500 floors underground.OK or re-enter.

Li Ling raised his hand and nodded.

The elevator door closed silently, and Li Ling soon felt the weightlessness of the elevator going down.

"I don't know... How long will it take to reach the 500th floor..." No matter in the 21st century before traveling, or in the Great Star Country, Li Ling has never encountered such a tall building with [-] floors.

It didn't take long for the elevator door to open silently.

Li Ling glanced at the font displayed on the translucent light screen: He has reached the 500th floor underground.

After sighing in his heart about the speed of the elevator, Li Ling got out of the elevator.

The indifferent male voice sounded again: "Go forward 500 meters."

Li Ling regained his composure and continued to walk forward.

In this place five hundred underground, the surrounding layout is different from what Li Ling saw above.

As Li Ling walked forward, he turned his head and looked around.

"This is..." Seeing something in a huge room on the left, Li Ling couldn't help but take a few steps towards the room on the left.

It was a huge room, Li Ling estimated that it was hundreds of square meters. In this room, there were many white shelves, and all the shelves were full of palm-sized white boxes.

Li Ling couldn't help being startled when he saw the words written on these small boxes.

"Doctorate in Applied Physics."

"Li Congzhu, doctor of cosmophysics."

"Wu Zhen, doctor of cosmic energy."


Li Ling opened his mouth and swallowed: "This, this is... these are the ashes of everyone in this high-tech city?"

"Doctor of Medicine...Doctor of Human Mechanics...Doctor of Pharmacy..."

Li Ling couldn't help taking a few steps back, and slowly exited the room.

Li Ling's face turned pale, and she couldn't help but look up.

A huge underground city, maybe... countless humans have survived here?
And now, everyone is dead?
So... the high-tech city under Jinlin City is empty?

So, is God the one who "didn't die," or a robot?
No matter what kind it is, Li Ling only needs to think that in this huge underground city, there were countless people busy here, and in the end, everyone died one by one, leaving only one "god" here, and The ashes of countless human beings have been with an empty city for thousands of years, and for tens of thousands of years, Li Ling felt a boundless chill in his heart.

If "God" is an intelligent being, is he really a "person" living in this dead empty city for thousands of years?Tens of thousands of years?
As long as Li Ling imagined this kind of boundless loneliness, he would feel as if he had fallen into a dark abyss, making him breathless.

Li Ling glanced at the room filled with countless human ashes again, and frowned slightly: "Why? Why are they all doctors?"

Li Ling once again had a doubt in his mind - is there no ordinary citizen in this high-tech city?
Li Ling couldn't calm down the shock in his heart. He couldn't help but take another look at the huge room, and then walked forward slowly.

Before God told Li Ling that he should "walk forward 500 meters" directly, but Li Ling was attracted by the room on the left.

Li Ling warned herself that this underground high-tech city was already an amazing place, and she had better not waste time making a fuss about what she saw.

Walking forward slowly, even though he saw something that shocked him, Li Ling warned himself not to stop again and again, wasting time.

But when Li Ling saw her face in a room, she couldn't help but exclaimed, and walked into that room involuntarily.

It was also a huge room, and there were countless complicated equipment in the room.There is a translucent light screen on each instrument.

Data and images are changing rapidly on each translucent light screen.

Even though the images and data changed very quickly, Li Ling could still see clearly what was displayed on these translucent images.

That is every moment when every human being kills zombies on this planet.And displayed next to the image are the person's name, martial arts level, and the number of zombies killed.

Li Ling was stunned in shock, and couldn't help muttering: "The beam of light on the leaderboard..."

Here, it is actually a place that monitors the martial arts level and the number of zombies killed by all human beings on the entire planet.

On the ceiling of this room, dozens of translucent light screens hang.On every light screen, there is a human avatar.

On the translucent light screen on the ceiling, Li Ling saw himself, Shen Lang, and Zhou Chi...

This is the person who is instantly displayed on the leaderboard light beam!

Li Ling opened her mouth, and suddenly recalled in her mind that Xia Qi once told her that the ranking light beams all over the planet were the result of high technology.

Now... Li Ling has seen it!

Monitor, summarize data, adjust leaderboard light beams...

Li Ling couldn't imagine where this high-tech city was being monitored?But the facts are before our eyes.

All the miracles...are really the results of high technology!
Li Ling took a deep breath, turned out of this room, and walked to the last room in this corridor.

The door is open.

Li Ling saw another "data space" in the room, and Li Ling saw countless more complicated instruments.

Li Ling was still in the center of the room and saw a huge translucent light screen.

A man was displayed on the translucent light screen.

Seeing Li Ling, a smile appeared on the face of the man on the translucent light screen. It was still the voice of the "God", but there was some rare smile and emotion in the voice: "Welcome."

Li Ling stood stunned on the spot: "It's you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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