beauty bible

Chapter 417

Chapter 417

The stone chamber is as big as four or five rooms.

Li Ling lit the nine lamps placed in the stone room, and then put down the lamps in his hand.

There were ten lamps in the stone room, illuminating the spacious stone room brightly.

Li Ling looked around. In the stone room, there are tables, chairs, beds, screens, incense burners, several white porcelain flower pots, and a large wooden box... This place is like a real room for people to live in. .

After a few glances, Li Ling was attracted by the scroll on the wall of the stone chamber.

On one wall of the stone chamber, there are two pictures of beauties.

These two paintings have the same brushwork as the one in Li Ling's hand. They also depict Li Ling's face, and even the clothes are the same.

Li Ling walked over in a few steps and looked up.

The scroll is light yellow, and the beauty in the picture is also dancing.The two pictures of beauties on the wall and the picture of beauty in Li Ling's hand are three pictures of dancing beauties with different movements.

In the corners of the two pictures, there are also the words "Yuan Jun Ji Li Xianzi".The difference is that there are three different seals on these two pictures.

Li Ling was stunned for a moment.

There were no seals on the two paintings in her hand, only the words "Yuan Jun Ji Li Fairy".

"No way..." Li Ling didn't believe that Yuan Jun would affix three different seals on the two paintings.

"The Treasure of Yuanping", "The Treasure of Yanchu", and "The Treasure of Huangwu".

Li Ling frowned slightly. These three different seals were clearly the seals of three different emperors!

Speaking of which...

In the past 5000 years, at least three emperors have discovered this secret passage, walked down it, and finally left their seals on the scroll that Yuan Jun left for her!
"...No wonder this passage doesn't look that bad, and the lights can still be used." Li Ling looked stunned. For a moment, Li Ling's expression changed: "...Speaking of which, Shen Lang has seen it before The story about Fang Guojun Fang Ying and Li Xianzi... was actually spread by the emperors who entered this secret room?"

Li Ling felt strange in his heart.

I don't know when was the last emperor who discovered this secret way?

Presumably those emperors also tried to repair the secret passage and preserve the things here?Or, many things here have been changed several times by different emperors?
Li Ling's eyes lowered slightly, and he saw a white dress, which was placed on a wooden shelf.

From a distance, it looks like the wooden frame of this white dress is standing next to two pictures of beauties.

Li Ling sighed a little.

Li Ling recognized this white dress.Those were the clothes Yuanjun wore when she first met him.

Mr. Yuan, it's only been a few months with me, but it's been 5000 years with you.

At this moment, Li Ling only felt how ruthless and terrifying time was.

Li Ling stopped for a moment in front of the two paintings and the clothes rack, then got up to look for the next way.

The end point of the scroll she carries is here.There are no more black lines guiding the way.

Li Ling walked around the stone room for a few times, but there were no other stone gates in the room. It was like a dead end, like an end point.

Li Ling would not believe that the so-called secret of Jinlin City is such a stone room - there must be a way to other places here.

Although it has been discovered, repaired, and preserved in the past 5000 years, most of the things here are dilapidated.

Li Ling turned around for a long time, and even turned around many things in the stone room, but no other secret passage mechanisms could be found.

Without any clues, Li Ling sighed, and his eyes fell on the big box in the stone room.

Next to the stone bed in the stone room, there is a big box.

Li Ling only wanted to find another way out, and didn't pay attention to the box at first.At this time, there were no clues to be seen, so the attention fell on the big box.

This big box is one of the few items in this stone room that still looks intact.

I don't know what's in it?Any clues?
Li Ling couldn't find a way out for a while, so he was going to open the big box to have a look.

Walking to the stone bed, Li Ling touched the big wooden box with one hand.

A shallow layer of soil accumulated on the big wooden box, perhaps because there was not much dust in the stone room.The big wooden box was not locked, and Li Ling opened it with one touch.

"This is-" Li Ling looked at the contents of the wooden box in shock.

Blood-red jade, cyan jade, golden metal - the big wooden box was filled with these three things that had brought Li Ling, Shen Lang and Sima Zhen across time!

Li Ling raised his hand and touched a piece, it was cold.

The big wooden box is full of these three things, and they vary in size and shape.

Seeing that there was still a small wooden box in the big wooden box, Li Ling hurriedly took it out.

This is an old wooden box, with images of dragons, phoenixes, etc. carefully carved on the wooden box. This should be an extremely delicate wooden box.

The wooden box is as big as a palm and has a lock on it.

A small lock can't stop a heaven-level powerhouse, Li Ling broke the small lock and opened the wooden box with a little bit of internal strength.

Inside the wooden box are several sheets of paper.

Li Ling carefully took out a few pieces of paper and read the words on them carefully.

The top piece of paper was left by that Huang Wudi.He wrote on the paper that he accidentally discovered the secret passage leading to the bottom when he was building the secret passage, and saw in it the picture scroll of Fang Guoguo, Fang Yingsimu and Fairy Li, as well as the pictures left by the past emperors. Unfortunately, it took some time. He failed to unlock the secret passage left by Mr. Fang Yingying to Li Xianzi, so he decided to take away all the gold and silver treasures left by the emperors in this stone room, and to use this secret passage Seal it with stones and build another secret passage.

The second piece of paper was left by Emperor Yanchu.He wrote on the paper that after he discovered this secret way, he gradually fell in love with the beauty in the painting, fell in love with Li Xianzi, and envied Fang Guoguo for being lucky enough to meet such a beauty. Although he had no chance to meet Li Xianzi, he He wanted Fairy Li to accompany him.Therefore, Emperor Yanchu took five of the eight pictures of beauties, as well as the objects used by Li Xianzi left by Fang Guoguo in the stone room, and kept them with him to comfort the pain of lovesickness.

Seeing this, Li Ling was startled.

Eight paintings?
Two paintings remained on the wall, and the other six paintings were taken out.

This emperor took out five paintings, and another painting was taken away by another emperor?

Li Ling turned to the last piece of paper.

The last piece of paper was not left by another emperor. It was a letter left by Yuan Jun to her.

Yuan Jun said in the letter that since she left, he missed her very much.Later, after waiting in Jinlin City for a long time, Li Xianzi did not reappear in the world, and felt that she might have returned to the sky.In the letter, he said some words of lovesickness in detail, and then Yuan Jun wanted to build a small stone room under Jinlin City, leaving behind all the objects used by Li Xianzi, as well as the nine pictures of beauties he drew.

But when excavating the underground secret room, Yuan Jun accidentally discovered a very old underground passage.And the entrance of this underground passage is full of three kinds of jade and metals placed in a large box—that is, three kinds of test objects of "God".

Yuan Jun believes that the place where the underground passage leads is the place Li Xianzi once wanted to find.

Therefore, Yuan Jun sent people to slowly repair the passage, and finally found a very strange door at the end.

But when they met the gate, no matter what methods the craftsmen used, they couldn't break through the gate.Yuan Jun continued to order the craftsmen to find ways to open the gate, and at the same time he chiseled away all the stones near the gate.

After digging a large underground cavity, it was discovered that there were also some walls of strange materials next to the strange gate, which could not be broken through.

Countless craftsmen have spent years of painstaking efforts, but they could not open the door, let alone the walls, so Yuan Jun simply built a stone room in this underground cavity, and left all the things he wanted to preserve in this stone room. The picture scroll depicting the entrance to the secret passage was buried with him.

At the end of the letter, Yuan Jun wrote the way to find the gate.And told Li Ling, if Li Xianzi is really a fairy, after Yuan Jun and him have a chance to enter this secret path, Yuan Jun only hopes that Li Xianzi can remember their first meeting, not seeing Yuan Jun and him. The appearance of old age and decayed bones.

Therefore, Yuan Jun did not leave his own bones here, but only a piece of clothing accompanied by eight pictures of beauties.

Li Ling put the other two letters back into the wooden box, put the wooden box in the big box, and only kept Yuanjun's letter in his hand.

Li Ling walked up to the stone bed and touched the wall on the stone bed.

A hand full of dust and dirt.

Yuan Jun said in the letter that he left a mechanism on the stone wall for Li Ling. As long as Li Ling took out six bricks and opened the mechanism, he could see the strange gate and wall.

Li Ling touched the wall, but what she touched was not six loose bricks - the bricks on the entire wall were loose!

A certain emperor who went down to this secret passage once carved out this layer of stone brick wall!
That being the case—

Li Ling raised his palm and quickly hit the wall on the stone bed!


Li Ling dodged back to avoid the falling bricks.

Li Ling waved his hand, and the smoke quickly fell to the ground.

Behind the brick wall, is a huge, heavy steel gate!

Li Ling looked at the heavy steel gate—this was the gate made by Yuan Jun. Yuan Jun said in the letter that only Fairy Li could open it.

After walking a few steps forward, Li Ling walked to the place where the six bricks Yuan Jun said were located.

Hanging on the flat and heavy steel door is a long steel rod as thick as an index finger, slightly longer than a writing brush.

Yuan Jun said in the letter that as long as Li Ling writes a word where the six bricks are, the mechanism will be opened.

And that word is the object that Li Xianzi once wronged Yuan Jun.

Li Ling picked up a long steel stick, and wrote heavily on the steel gate—good boy.



The huge, heavy steel gate slowly rises upward.

Dust was flying in the stone room. Li Ling watched the steel gate gradually open, revealing the strange gate and the strange wall that Yuan Jun said.

Li Ling's solemnly frowning expression gradually changed, and his whole face also changed into a look of surprise.

"This is...a diamond gate and a diamond wall?"

How did the ancients cut hard diamonds?
How could the ancients make diamonds into such a large and thick wall?

Li Ling was full of disbelief, but she was more concerned about another thing: "I, how can I open this door?"

Just when Li Ling was having doubts and thinking about whether to ask Xia Qi for help, the diamond door opened silently and easily in front of Li Ling's eyes!
Li Ling was shocked and suspicious.

But I couldn't wait for Li Ling's suspicion and fear to arise in his heart. Seeing the thing facing her inside the door, Li Ling's face changed in shock, as if struck by lightning!

(End of this chapter)

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