beauty bible

Chapter 400

Chapter 400
Li Ling knew the meaning of the words "I am very happy".

In Li Ling's heart, Xia Qi is not an outsider.

Ever since Li Ling knew that he could take a spaceship to reach the state of Jin in a short while, Li Ling naturally wanted to take this "free ride".

The first thought in her mind was not that there was a fee for a "free ride", nor was it that one should not take a "free ride" from others. Li Ling naturally felt that it was a bit silly for her not to take a "free ride" and to fly here by herself.

That was the attitude of a very familiar friend.

Although he only met Xia Qi a few times, Li Ling did not regard him as an outsider long ago.

But when he realized this, Li Ling couldn't help but restrain the smile on his face.

Those who are really close to Li Ling.Aunt Qian died, and Xiao Chao suffered death. I don't know what the situation is now. It doesn't matter whether Shen Lang and Sima really don't mention it, Shen Youyou is thinking of Li Jingjing's blood after all...

After counting like this, Li Ling had to smile wryly.

It seems that only Xia Qi, a netizen who has never met a few times, is really close, her friend of Li Ling.

Li Ling's face was cold, but there was a trace of timidity in his heart.


Those men and women watching from a distance, whether it is Shen Lang or Sima Zhen, are such unparalleled figures who attract all sentient beings. They are not just beautiful but beautiful.They are also truly willing to take on the great responsibilities of the world, and are not those irresponsible and mediocre people.

No matter inside or outside, it seems to be as brilliant as gold and jade.

Li Ling admired them so much, and was so happy to get to know them.

Even at this moment, if there were no such pasts, Li Ling would praise Shen Lang as a hero when she saw Shen Lang, a great general who protects the world, is loyal and patriotic!If there were no such pasts, Li Ling saw that Sima Zhen was seriously ill and died soon, but he was still working hard for his ancestral foundation and for the great world, Li Ling would also praise him as a wise king!
But when he really got close to these people, and became the one who was sacrificed because of Wanmin, Li Ling had to retreat a thousand miles.

No more closeness allowed.

Standing beside the truly brilliant people, shouldn't she give her all, forget herself, and lift her head up to hold their responsibility and glory?

At this moment, Li Ling was really close to Xia Qi and regarded him as a good friend.But after so many things, Li Ling didn't dare to get "too close" to others.

Just looking at them from a distance, they are all such beautiful people.But when she got closer, those beautiful people had sharp horns on their bodies, which made her have to wear tough armor.

Or the friendship between gentlemen is as pale as water.

Don't get too close, let her keep this beautiful feeling from afar.

Li Ling did not answer Xia Qi's words, but typed: "Xia Qi, can you deliver the urgent message to me within a few minutes? Do you... have my address?"

These days, Li Ling has been flying and moving.If Xia Qi knows where she is now, that is to say, Xia Qi has been able to grasp her dynamics in real time.

Insect-killing Prince: "Well. Let me explain. Usually when we come to an indigenous planet, as an official, we all need to immediately outline the general situation of the planet. About the environment, climate, geography, biology, social structure, etc. Every indigenous planet will be inspected by robots, and then we will get some basic information. When we really officially contact the indigenous planet, we usually have a specific plan, and we will not contact this planet without knowing it. .It's not wise."

Insect-killing Prince: "Of course, your planet has some special circumstances, that is, zombies. So, in addition to releasing some micro-robots that collect information, I also released some robots to lock zombies to solve it."

Insect-killing prince: "Unless necessary, this information will generally be kept in a secret file. However, your address... I happened to see it."

Li Ling raised his eyebrows: "Exactly?"

Insect-killing Prince: "Well, I saw your profile picture in the video of the micro-robot, so I took a few more glances."

Li Ling shook her head. She didn't know what procedures Daxingchen State had when contacting indigenous planets!
Li Ling: "... I won't talk to you about this. I'm sure I can't beat you on this point. By the way, Xia Qi, you gave me so many intermediate nutrient solutions. How much is the price?"

Xia Qi: "Are you sure you want to make this clear with me?"

Li Ling paused: "Okay, I just remember the 30 billion of the primary genetic evolution liquid, and treat the rest as your treat. Well, I'm still a little curious, how much is the price of the intermediate nutrient liquid?"

Xia Qi: "100."

100 star coins?
Calculated in this way, it is much more expensive than an ordinary meal, but it is not too expensive.

Li Ling: "I see."

When Li Ling pulled Qin Huo and others to stop to rest, the sky was about to darken.Now, she had a few words with Xia Qi, and it was already dark.A faint brilliance of stars appeared in the night, and a round of bright moon shed brilliance.

The translucent light screen paused for a moment, and then a new message jumped out.

Insect-killing Prince: "Li Ling, as a friend, there are some things that I shouldn't interfere too much. But... I wanted to thoroughly investigate why your abdomen was damaged by toxins, but I found out... the secret code of Jinlin City Imperial Palace Hospital. files……"

Li Ling was taken aback.

Insect-killing Prince: "... Li Ling, I know that you live with Sima Zhen, so... the medicine that Sima Zhen it a taste with your consent?"

Li Ling was stunned.

Did Xia Qi think too much? !Is he caring too much? !
A trace of anger floated on Li Ling's face: "Xia Qi, don't you think you're taking too much care of yourself?!"

Insect-killing prince: "I'm sorry. It's really not my business. I'm just worried about you. With your force, without these medicines, you should be able to do whatever you want on this planet, and no one can hurt you. And if There are these drugs on this planet, and you will also be harmed. As your friend, I couldn’t worry about your safety because of the physical distance before, but I still have doubts in my heart. After all, this planet is not a society ruled by law, but imperial power society."

Li Ling took a few deep breaths.

Mentioning those things is really embarrassing and uncomfortable.

Li Ling typed with a straight face: "You are so sexy! No more chatting!"

After sending this sentence, Li Ling turned off the live broadcast hemisphere.

Li Ling closed his eyes angrily.

Xia Qi!High tech world!Tiny robots!It’s really pervasive——

There was a tinge of anger in Li Ling's chest: she should really sue Xia Qi for violating her privacy.

"Hey—" Li Ling turned and sighed again.After all, Xia Qi was just worried about her.

For a moment Li Ling thought that Xia Qi really cared about her, but at the same time he thought that he really cared too much, and even threw out the word "interest".

Li Ling grinded his teeth and said in a low voice: "Are you treating me like an ignorant underage girl and caring for me? Interesting?!"

According to the age that Li Ling travels through, she has already grown up!

Li Ling knew what he was doing.What happened between her and Sima Zhen did not happen because she was tricked by ignorance of the world!
Between her and Sima Zhen, there was only choice, abandonment, trust and betrayal.

Li Ling gritted her teeth and thought a little discouraged, according to her current body age——Li Jingjing is really underage.

(End of this chapter)

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