beauty bible

Chapter 397

Chapter 397
This is the second time Xia Qi has heard this question today.

Qin Jun asked this before sending Li Ling away.Now he is going to find Li Ling, and Cang Xiaojun also asks the same question.

Xia Qi knew his answer.

He turned his head to look at Cang Xiaojun, and calmly said: "Li Ling has a boyfriend, don't you know?"

"What, what?" Cang Xiaojun was stunned. Hearing this answer, Cang Xiaojun felt that he was thinking too much.

Maybe... a character like the human god of war really thinks differently from ordinary people?Marshal, does he really have such a pure male-female friendship?Is he really willing to travel thousands of miles and spend a few months to meet a netizen?

Cang Xiaojun felt that his three views had been impacted.Because, according to Cang Xiaojun's thinking, he really couldn't do this kind of thing, and he couldn't understand it either.

Just when Cang Xiaojun looked dazed, Xia Qi jumped down.

The black windbreaker flapped, and with a "bang", Xia Qi once again landed on this planet.

Seeing Xia Qi's sudden appearance, the expressions of Zhou Yichi, Sima Zhen, Shen Lang, and Shen Youyou all changed.

Xia Qi glanced at Li Ling from a distance.

With joy on Shen Youyou's face, she immediately walked up to Xia Qi in a few steps, raised her head slightly and said, "You, you are my master's friend? Then you go to help my master?!"

Xia Qi looked down at Shen Youyou slightly: "She won't die."

Shen Youyou wrinkled her face, and looked at Xia Qi with a cold face: "What do you mean by that? You won't help my master? Are you still talking sarcastic here?"

Xia Qi said patiently: "I am here, she will not die."

"I'm here, she won't die..." Shen Youyou thought for a moment, and a smile appeared on her face: "Really? That's really great! Master didn't make you a friend in vain."

Xia Qi was silent, he took a few steps to the right, stood in front of Sima Zhen, and stretched out his hand: "I am Li Ling's friend, Xia Qi."

Sima Zhen looked at the calm Xia Qi with a strange expression on his face. He reached out and shook Xia Qi's hand, "I'm Sima Zhen. Li Ling and I mentioned you as her netizen."

Shen Lang looked sideways.

Xia Qi looked into Sima Zhen's eyes and said softly, "Li Ling has been cured. He is in good health and there is no problem at all."

Sima Zhen's eyes lit up: "Really? I saw her before, and all I know is that she seems to be awake. So, she's all right?"

Xia Qi nodded.

Sima Zhen: "Thank you, really thank you."

Xia Qi paused slightly: "I'm her friend. This planet is already full of zombies, and the Big Star Congress will take over the planet and clean up the zombies."

Sima Zhen smiled wryly: "I know..."

Xia Qi glanced at Li Ling, who was still fighting, and then turned to Sima Zhen: "So... what will you do next?"

"Li Ling told you about my identity?" Sima Zhen sighed, "She told you that I am the emperor here?"

Xia Qi nodded.

Sima Zhen twitched the corners of his mouth: "...Since this is already the case, how can I reverse the general trend of the world... In the future... In the future... I will go wherever Li Ling goes."

After speaking, Sima Zhen looked firmly into Xia Qi's eyes.

Xia Qi fell silent. He turned around and watched the fight between Li Ling and Xun Li. His body was straight and his expression was naturally calm.

Seeing Xia Qi's reaction like this, Sima Zhen looked calm, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.


The battle between Li Ling and Xun Li lasted for three days and three nights.

During these three days, the few people who watched the battle stayed in place and watched.

If people and other people who don't know the truth pass by, they will be persuaded away by the guards led by Sima Zhen.

Ruan Yuan, Zhen Shiming, guards and others brought food and water to them.

Later, Cang Xiaojun sent several intermediate nutrient solutions.

Watching the battle day and night these days, I felt a little tired, but after hesitantly drinking the intermediate nutrient solution given by Xia Qi, my spirits improved a lot.

The sun had already risen on the fourth day, and while drinking water, Shen Youyou frowned and sighed: "You must have been so tired after fighting for so long!"

Xia Qi took a step forward with a cold face, and commented: "Li Ling's progress is faster than her."

Not long after Xia Qi finished speaking, the person who had been wrestling stopped.

Li Ling's long sword pierced Xun Li's left chest.

Xun Li's body was stiff, with a hint of disbelief on his face, and the excitement still glowed in his eyes, which quickly dimmed.

Li Ling drew out his long sword: "Let's go."

Xun Li's legs softened and she knelt on the ground. She didn't look at the bleeding left breast, but kept looking at Li Ling with a smile on her face: "The talent in martial arts is a gift from heaven. not regret."

Xun Li fell sideways, slowly closed his eyes, his face was full of satisfaction and serenity.

Li Ling glanced at Xun Li, closed her eyes slightly, and then flew to the crowd waiting for her outside Jinlin City.

Shen Youyou was the fastest to rush forward, her face full of joy: "Master, you won? Master, are you okay? Are you tired? Are you injured?"

Li Ling looked at Shen Youyou and smiled slightly: "Yuyou, I'm fine."

Shen Youyou's eyes turned red: "Master, have you recovered?!"

Li Ling nodded, and said directly: "Yuyou, I'm going to the Jin Kingdom. It's for Li Jingshu, and also for Xiaochao. Take care of yourself."

Shen Youyou hurriedly said: "Master, I will accompany you."

Li Ling looked calm, but shook his head unquestionably.

Seeing Li Ling's resolute expression, Shen Youyou had no choice but to nod.

After bidding farewell to Shen Youyou, Li Ling nodded to the acquaintances again, thanked them for worrying about her battle, then turned and left.

Shen Lang, Zhou Yichi and the others all said goodbye to Li Ling with a smile, and congratulated her on her recovery.

Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling with sadness in his eyes, but did not speak.

Xia Qi glanced at Sima Zhen and frowned.

Seeing that Li Ling was about to leave, Sima really had no intention of speaking. Xia Qi took a few steps forward and handed some intermediate nutrient solutions: "Here for you, take it easy."

Li Ling smiled: "Thank you Xia Qi. I can't thank you for always saying thank you."

Xia Qi paused, looked at Li Ling and said softly, "We can finish that bottle of fruit wine to ease your embarrassment."

Li Ling laughed loudly, and nodded to Xia Qi repeatedly: "Okay, okay."

After speaking, Li Ling waved his hand and flew towards the west, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xia Qi looked at Sima Zhen and then at the direction where Li Ling disappeared, with a hint of thinking flashing in his eyes.Then, Xia Qi said "goodbye" and returned to the spaceship.

On this day, Xun Li, No. 1 in the world on the light beam of the leaderboard, disappeared.

On the beam of light on the leaderboard, No.1 on the martial arts ranking and No.1 on the zombie killing ranking all changed into Li Ling.

But at this time, the eyes of everyone inside and outside Jinlin City were attracted by the huge "ship" hanging high in the sky above Jinlin City and the "popular science knowledge" that was played every day. The ranking beam that originally attracted attention lost its popularity and did not have much People have noticed that the No. 1 martial arts master today has been replaced by someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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