beauty bible

Chapter 394 Changes

Chapter 394 Changes
Li Ling woke up.

The images of the past flashed across his mind quickly, Li Ling slowed down a little, and then opened his eyes.

She was lying flat on the small bed, with a transparent glass cover above, and a clear mechanical voice sounded: "The treatment has been completed, and Li Ling has recovered her health."

Li Ling turned his head.

Xia Qi was dressed in a black windbreaker, which was exactly the same as when we first met him. He was well-proportioned, but taller than Li Ling imagined.He just stood casually, his body and face seemed to be the most perfect statue.But he is so cold that it makes people feel difficult to approach.

This is Xia Qi.

Seeing Li Ling wake up, Xia Qi turned to Li Ling: "...although this is not the first time we meet. Li Ling, hello."

"Hello, Xia Qi." Li Ling rolled over and sat up.

When Li Ling sat up, the transparent glass cover slowly turned and opened the exit.

Li Ling walked out of the transparent glass cover. She turned her head to look at the small bed she was lying on before, and asked softly with lowered eyes, "How long have I been lying there?"

Xia Qi lowered his eyes slightly, looking at Li Ling who was a head shorter than him.

When we first met three days ago, Li Ling seemed like an ignorant girl with dependent eyes.When she opened her eyes, the look in her eyes was completely different.Calm and rational, less dependent and more alienated and cold.

Li Ling three days ago was pitiful and cute.At this time, Li Ling made people feel cool and charming.

She is a little different from the Li Ling he imagined, or she has grown and changed.

Xia Qi opened his mouth: "Three days."

"Three days..." Li Ling murmured in a low voice, she looked up at Xia Qi with extremely calm eyes: "Thank you Xia Qi. I'm awake now."

Looking into Li Ling's eyes, Xia Qi realized for a moment that Li Ling was not in a good mood. She was not as happy as she was when she first met him, nor did she intend to swim with him.

Maybe it took him several months to come to this planet, but Li Ling was not in the mood to spend a day or two with him.

He came across countless stars just to see her.Now, he saw it.Her eyes were cold, and she had no intention of spending too much time with him, a distant netizen.

In this case, there is no point in getting to the bottom of it.

Xia Xun asked in a statement tone: "Li Ling, do you have something to do?"

Li Ling nodded slightly.

"Okay," Xia Qi nodded: "My friend came all the way, if you leave directly, you will be embarrassed. Have a drink with me, and then go to your own affairs."

A smile appeared on Li Ling's face: "Xia Qi, sometimes when I hear you talking, I always have the feeling that you are telling a bad joke. If someone who doesn't understand the situation listens to your words, they will think that you are making money. "

"Really?" Xia Qi was noncommittal, turned around and walked out, then looked back at Li Ling: "I don't lack time to eat."

Li Ling laughed, followed Xia Qi's footsteps, and walked towards the outside of the medical room.

Xia Qi walked in front, and Li Ling followed behind.This seemed to be exactly the same situation as three days ago, the only difference was that Li Ling's expression was completely different.

After walking through the silver and white cabin aisles, Xia Qi stopped in front of a black door.

Xia Qi opened the door, stood sideways by the door, and asked Li Ling to go in first.

Li Ling thanked him and walked into this medium-sized room.

This is a dark room with dim lamps, simple and smooth tables and chairs, and a low bar.

Li Ling said softly, "Like a bar."

"This is a bar on this spaceship." Xia Qi led Li Ling to sit down at a small table, and brought two more bars and a bottle of wine.

After pouring wine for the two, Xia Qi sat on the other side of the small table, looked at the light-colored liquid in the glass, and said, "Fruit wine, not intoxicating. It is specially prepared for ladies and teenagers."

Li Ling raised the wine glass with one hand, looking at the liquid in the transparent glass, his eyes flashed suddenly.

There is really nothing good for her to have a drink.

Xia Qi looked at Li Ling steadily: "Remembering something unhappy?"

Li Ling shook the transparent glass in his hand, then turned to look at Xia Qi.

Xia Qi looked calm, with a hint of worry on his face and nothing.

With such a cold face, what Li Ling thought of was: if a person like Xia Qi didn't deal with anyone, he would probably fight with a sword like Shen Lang, without using any medicine. things.

This feeling even surpassed the sense of security that Xia Qi had just treated Li Ling and brought to Li Ling.

Li Ling took a sip of the sweet wine, and said lightly: "It's all over. I want to talk about the present, for example, what medicine did you use for me? I feel that I am so strong that I am about to explode."

A smile flashed across Xia Qi's eyes: "Your body's qualities are not balanced. I used the primary genetic evolution fluid for you, and you fell asleep before. If you use the genetic evolution fluid while awake, you will suffer a lot. "

"Gene evolution liquid?" Li Ling's face changed: "30 billion star coins? Xia Qi, you decided to be my creditor after we met? I'm not even sure that I can still pay off this debt."

"No rush," Xia Qi raised his glass and took a sip of the fruit wine, "I can afford to wait."

"..." Li Ling was silent for a moment: "I will return it to you. Thank you for curing me."

Xia Qi nodded: "In addition to the genetic evolution liquid, I also changed your name along the way. Your name registered in the Star Country was Li Tiaotiao, and I changed it back to Li Ling."

Li Ling laughed, raised his glass and touched Xia Qi's glass: "Thank you."

Xia Qi's face became gentler and more natural, and he drank the whole glass of fruit wine slowly.

Xia Qi poured the wine silently, and the bar with only two people fell silent.

In the past, when chatting online, Li Ling was more likely to tell her experiences and conjectures on this planet.When we met now, Li Ling changed a lot, she was not so talkative, and Xia Qi was not used to it.

The small room was quiet, only the slight sound of two people drinking in silence.

But the two of them looked natural and didn't feel embarrassed.

Half a bottle of fruit wine was drunk by the two of them, Xia Qi stopped Li Ling from continuing to pour the wine, he looked at Li Ling: "Enough."

Li Ling raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Qi: "I'm not drinking too much."

"Well, that's enough." Xia Qi paused and looked at Li Ling: "You have something to do. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Li Ling thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Xia Qi is your friend, and his spaceship welcomes you at any time."

Li Ling laughed: "Yes."

Xia Qi looked at Li Ling's natural and calm smile, and felt more and more that Li Ling had changed a lot. He didn't feel that there was anything good or bad about this change, but he was deeply aware in his heart that the little man who often talked to him online The girl seemed to be getting further and further away from him.

Xia Qi's expression remained unchanged, he looked at the desktop, and asked, "Li Ling, if you finish your work, where will you go?"

Li Ling looked stunned: "Where to go?"

A faint smile appeared on Li Ling's face again: "I'm not sure."

"So, is Xia Qi still your friend?"

"of course."

Xia Qi stood up: "I'll take you off the spaceship."

(End of this chapter)

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