beauty bible

Chapter 385 And the General King

Chapter 385 And the General King
Sitting in the carriage, Li Ling lifted the curtain of the carriage from time to time and looked out from the side.

Sima Zhen pulled down the curtain again, and coaxed: "Yesterday I said I would take you out, and today I will leave the palace with you. Li Ling, you are not allowed to look out again. If you let others see you, with your appearance, Anyone can guess that you are Li Ling, Marquis of Anping. At that time, Xun Li will come to the door."

Li Ling glanced at Sima Zhen, then opened the curtain of the carriage slightly: "No way! No way! How can it be so easy to find me?!"

Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling's appearance and sighed dotingly: "Li Ling, were you still so naughty when you were young?"

As if Sima Zhen's words were automatically blocked, Li Ling seemed to have not heard Sima Zhen's words at all and just looked outside the carriage.

Jinlin City is becoming more and more prosperous day by day.

All the zombies and dangers were isolated from hundreds of thousands of troops and two moats, Jinlin City was stable.With stability, there will naturally be more prosperity.

Seeing that Li Ling ignored him, Sima Zhen continued: "Li Ling, what did you talk about with Qin Huo yesterday? Does Qin Huo have a wife in Jin?"

Hearing this, Li Ling turned his head and clarified: "No! I sprinkled fish food with Qin Huo yesterday. Later, I poured the fish food down, Qin Huo just smiled and told me that I shouldn't do it, and then Then bid farewell to me! How could Qin Huo have a wife?" Li Ling stuck out his tongue: "I always thought he liked Li Jingshu!"

"Li Jingshu?" Sima Zhen shook his head: "If it's really Li would be difficult for him to handle."

Sima Zhen lowered his head and smiled: "Qin Huo likes Li Jingshu? I don't think so. But... Qin Huo is a handsome gentleman, although he has a bit of a scholarly spirit, he is also a person worthy of association. It's a pity... that he can't be me Minister of the Great Zhou."

Li Ling didn't seem to hear Sima Zhen's sigh, and just looked out of the carriage window.

Sima Zhen shook his head, picked up the veiled hat in the carriage, and put it on Li Ling's head.

Thin white gauze hung down from the veil, blocking Li Ling's sight.

Sima Zhen coaxed: "Okay, Li Ling, here we are! Let's go to the restaurant we visited last time. After entering the restaurant box, take off the veil, okay?"

Li Ling was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't pull down the veil persistently.

Sima Zhen smiled and got out of the carriage, leading Li Ling to the box on the third floor of the restaurant.

Still the same box as last time.

After entering the private room of the restaurant, Li Ling couldn't wait to open the window, pulled down the hood, lay down in front of the window, and watched the flow of people downstairs.

Sima Zhen ordered A-Xia to order food, then got up and poured a cup of tea for each of them.

With a smile in his eyes, Li Ling looked at the various stalls and pedestrians under the restaurant.

Sima Zhen smiled and looked at Li Ling.

Such a scene can't help but remind Sima Zhen of the last time the two of them came to the restaurant, and it also reminded Sima Zhen of the Phoenix tree that had long been wiped out.The smile on Sima Zhen's face paused, and the picture of Li Ling turning his head coldly flashed in his mind.

Sima Zhen lowered his eyes, his eyes were full of tenderness, sigh and relief.

"Bang! Bang!" There were two knocks on the door.

Sima Zhen frowned, this is not A-Xia.

"Who is it?" There was a trace of coldness in Sima Zhen's voice.

"Your Excellency! Your Excellency! This villain wants to see the two noblemen!" An unfamiliar male voice came from outside the door.

Sima Zhen frowned even tighter.

Li Ling turned around from the window, with a curious look in his eyes.

Seeing Li Ling's eyes, Sima Zhen smiled and shook his head, picked up the veil and covered Li Ling's head, turned his head and said, "Come in."

With a slightly reserved smile, a middle-aged man opened the door of the box and walked in. He casually saluted the two of them: "I have seen the two noblemen."

Sima Zhen sat still, looking at the middle-aged man, raised his eyebrows slightly: "I've seen you. Last time, it was also in this restaurant."

"A nobleman has such a good memory!" The middle-aged man laughed: "Young Li San is just a small person, and it is a small person's honor to be remembered by a nobleman."

Sima Zhen looked down at the teacup in his hand, and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

Seeing Sima Zhen's posture, Li San felt more and more that these two people were extremely precious. He bowed slightly, cupped his fists, and said with a smile: "The villain was lucky enough to meet two nobles last time, so I treat this... Li San turned to look at Li Ling: "I am very impressed with this nobleman."

"Crack!" Sima Zhen slammed the teacup on the table and said coldly, "Presumptuous!"

Li San shook his body and bowed down again, not daring to show a smile on his face anymore, he quickly said: "It's the villain who said the wrong thing! It's the villain who said the wrong thing! The villain entered Jinlin City back then!" At that time, I came across a painting by accident, the beauty in the painting and this nobleman are very imaginative, so, this is why I can't choose what to say..."

The coldness on Sima Zhen's face dissipated a little: "...painting?"

Li San nodded hurriedly: "That painting also says 'Yuan Jun Ji Fairy Li'! The villain thought, maybe the beauties in the world are somewhat similar, so it happened that the ancient beauty Fairy Li was somewhat similar to the noble man. .”

When leaving Qianqing Palace today, Sima Zhen told Li Ling that if he meets others, try not to talk.So, since Li San entered the box, Li Ling just watched and listened curiously.

But hearing the words "Yuanjunji Li Xianzi", Li Ling blurted out: "Where is the painting?"

Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling, and smiled slightly: "You didn't even ask if it's true or not, so you're so eager to ask for it?"

Li Ling turned to look at Sima Zhen: "One! Definitely! Yes!"

Sima Zhen nodded knowingly: "I see." Sima Zhen turned to look at Li San: "Since you came here for this painting, show us the painting."

Seeing that the two nobles were really interested in this ancient painting, Li San smiled again.

Li San hurriedly took out the dusty package on his body, held a gray-yellow scroll in his hand, and said with a smile: "If the two nobles are interested in this ancient painting, the younger one will naturally be willing to offer the ancient painting. If the nobles are willing, Just reward some traveling expenses."

Sima Zhen nodded: "That's what it should mean. How much do you want?"

Li San took a deep breath, he dared to knock on the door to meet the two nobles today because of this moment.

Li San had sent this ancient painting to various pawn shops in Jinlin City for valuation.

This is a good painting, and it is painted like Li Xianzi, a beauty with allusions.Such a good painting, coupled with the artist's superb skills, should have cost 5000 taels of silver.

However, it is the end of the day, and everyone is running for food and life.By this time, how many people are still in the mood to appreciate an ancient painting?
None of the prices offered by the pawnshops exceeded 1000 taels.Li San was not satisfied.

Therefore, Li San stayed near this restaurant for more than half a month, and he met these two noble men again.

Li San didn't rely on antique paintings for a living, maybe he got a lot of money for nothing, why would he not want it?

Li San unfolded the scroll with a smile, pointed to the beauty in the scroll and said, "Look, nobleman, this is a famous artist's handwriting. Coincidentally, the beauty in this painting is somewhat similar to the nobleman. This is fate. If the nobleman is willing, then Reward the villain with 5000 taels of silver."

In the grey-yellow scroll, a beautiful woman in a skirt seems to be dancing in a faint halo.The picture scroll is old, and the scene in the corner has been blurred.

Both Li Ling and Sima Zhen could tell at a glance that the beauty in this painting was Li Ling!
Sima Zhen nodded: "Yes."

"Hey? Hey!" Li San's eyes lit up immediately, and he was overjoyed. He stopped laughing and put the scroll on the table in front of Sima Zhen.While Li San's heart was beating wildly, he scolded himself for being ignorant.Maybe these nobles are not short of money. If I knew this nobleman was so forthright, I might be able to say 1 taels!It's just that the 5000 taels that were exported must not be changed.

Li Ling walked to Sima Zhen's side all of a sudden, looking down at the gray-yellow scroll.

A Xia pushed the door open silently and came in. Seeing someone in the box, she paused slightly.

Sima Zhen looked at the beauty on the scroll and said softly, "Ah Xia, take 5000 taels and give it to Li San."


"Thank you, nobleman! Thank you, nobleman!" Li San walked to Axia's side, took several bank notes, and walked out with a bow and a smile.

Li Ling pointed to the scroll: "Sima Zhen, can I have this painting?"

Sima Zhen put away the scroll and handed it to Li Ling: "If you want it, of course it's yours. And that boy Yuan Jun..."

Li Ling took the scroll with a smile and put it away carefully, with a satisfied expression on his face.

A Xia saluted silently, and said softly: "Do you want to serve?"

Sima Zhen nodded, seeing Li Ling's contented smiling face, he just felt that he was also very satisfied, leaving the palace today was not in vain.

Asha waved his hand.

Behind him, his own servant brought up plates of dishes.

Li Ling was very happy because he got the painting.

Li Ling and Sima really ate happily, and walked around Jinlin City a few times. Because they didn't want to reveal their whereabouts, Li Ling spent most of this day's tour of Jinlin City in a carriage.


Shen Youyou and Zhen Shiming walked out from the Shunfeng Inn.

Zhen Shiming stood behind Shen Youyou, blushing slightly: "Yuyou, why are we not in the mansion and want to come out?"

Shen Youyou looked at Zhen Shiming with a smile: "The great general, Wang, keeps a straight face all day long, which affects my appetite too much!"

"Oh..." Zhen Shiming responded softly, took a step closer to Shen Youyou, lowered his head against Shen Youyou: "Yuyou, Yoyo... am I doing okay?"

Shen Youyou turned her head to look at Zhen Shiming, and smiled, "I'll let you be on top next time."

Zhen Shiming's face turned red, and he turned his head to look around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, he was slightly relieved. He looked at Shen Youyou: "Yuyou, when will we get married?"

Shen Youyou originally looked lazily at the street, but suddenly, her expression changed: "Master!"

Zhen Shiming turned his head to look in the direction Shen Youyou was looking at, slightly startled.

"Master..." Shen Youyou murmured in disbelief, and was about to rush up.

Zhen Shiming held Shen Youyou's hand.

Shen Youyou turned her head and glared at Zhen Shiming.

Zhen Shiming looked calm, and said softly: "Ah Xia is driving the carriage. There must be His Majesty in the carriage."

Shen Youyou frowned.

Zhen Shiming continued: "The Marquis of Anping is with His Majesty. There is no news about Marquis Anping from the palace... His Majesty ordered it to be kept secret."

Shen Youyou's eyes turned cold: "Everyone knows that my master and the emperor are not dealing with each other now. The emperor is hiding the news of my master, who knows if he used some kind of conspiracy to put my master under house arrest? Zhen Shiming, you still want to stop me? If so? They have entered the palace, how can I break through the heavy guards of the palace?!"

Zhen Shiming still held Shen Youyou's hand: "Marquis Anping is the second best martial artist in the world. If she is under house arrest in the palace, are you sure you can rescue her now?"

Shen Youyou's complexion immediately turned ugly.

Zhen Shiming turned his head to look in the direction of the carriage, lowered his head: "I don't know if I should do this..."

Shen Youyou looked at Zhen Shiming coldly.

Zhen Shiming raised his head and looked at Shen Youyou: "...and the Great General."

(End of this chapter)

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