beauty bible

Chapter 374

Chapter 374
Outside Jinlin City, in the wilderness, there is a small yard surrounded by fences.

The half-built bamboo house welcomed the pale-faced Emperor.

There was silence in the fenced courtyard, and the busy craftsmen in the small courtyard were all driven away by the emperor.

Sima Zhen sat quietly in front of the bamboo hut, in front of him was a wooden table that had just been made, and Axia stood behind him.

Sima Zhen held the steaming white porcelain cup in one hand, and looked coldly at a pit in front of him a few steps away.

On that pit, Sima Zhen had personally dug the soil and planted a poinciana seedling. At that time, Li Ling was restless, but patiently accompanied him, watching him look forward to their future.

At that time, Li Ling was still there.

Now, Li Ling has left.

Phoenix wood was also destroyed by Li Ling.

Sima really thought, maybe... this life is just like this.It may be long or short, but I will never see a woman named Li Ling again.

"I... the imperial doctor said that my illness is a little ahead of schedule. Maybe, I won't wait for the [-]% chance of survival that you said..." Sima Zhen looked at the pit: "Li Ling, a person in the Palace of Compassionate Ning Farewell, it's this life. I, I may not have the chance to see you again in this life... Li Ling, do you hate me?"

Sima Zhen's expression was indifferent, and a miserable smile appeared on his face: "Whether you hate me or forget me, I just hope that you can live a happier life. After all, I am sorry for you."

"Li Ling, do you know? I let Li Jingshu out..." Sima Zhen looked at the pit with fixed eyes: "I let Li Jingshu out, will you come back and kill her? You are already in the sky. Have you tasted it? Will you come back and kill Li Jingshu?"

Sima Zhen took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "Unexpectedly... one day, I will release Li Jingshu to beg you to show up."

"...I don't want to unleash Li Jingshu to anger you. I, I don't ask for anything anymore. I just hope that I can see you again before I die..."

Sima Zhen raised his head, looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and said softly: "The last time you showed your face was here... Li Ling, are you here? Did you hear that I released Li Jingshu -"

It was quiet inside and outside the fenced yard, except for the gentle breeze.

Sima Zhen sat in the fenced yard for the whole morning, and finally got up calmly: "...let's go back."

A Xia silently followed behind Sima Zhen.

The two walked towards the outside of the fenced yard, where a large and low-key carriage was parked.

A Xia quickly got into the carriage, then turned around and helped Sima Zhen get into the carriage.

Sima really got into the carriage, but he didn't get into the carriage immediately, but stood on the carriage, looking back at the small fenced yard.

Just at this moment, a light flashed at the entrance to the fenced yard.

Sima Zhen was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, he mobilized his inner strength like crazy again, and flew towards the entrance of the fenced yard.

A dark shadow flashed before his eyes, and the emperor suddenly stood up and left. A-Xia was startled: "Your Majesty——"

Seeing Sima Zhen forgetting about his physical illness and flying towards the fence yard quickly, A-Xia quickly followed him.

At the entrance of the fenced yard, on the originally empty dirt ground, there lay a figure that was so familiar to Sima Zhen that he couldn't be more familiar with it.

Sima Zhen stood there blankly, his hands trembling, holding his breath, as if he took a heavy breath and the figure lying on the ground would disappear.

Axia flew behind Sima Zhen and blurted out in surprise and shock: "Marquis Anping?"

A gleam of light flashed in Sima Zhen's eyes, and he slowly squatted down, hugging Li Ling's upper body in his arms, revealing an incomparably handsome face.

A-Xia took a breath, his eyes showed surprise, he murmured: "...When did the Marquis of Anping become like this? Isn't this, this, this a fairy descending from the earth? No wonder, no wonder, no wonder those craftsmen only They said it was a fairy descending to earth, but they didn't expect that it was the Marquis of Anping."

Li Ling, the Marquis of Anping in the past, was originally a peerless face that could overwhelm the city and the country.But seeing you now, she seems to be much more beautiful.

Flawless as jade, skin as curdled fat, her face so white that it seemed to have a faint white light, her facial features were too beautiful to describe in words, with just one glance, it was like seeing a fairy come into the world.Every inch of her body was incompatible with everything around her.Even the clothes made of the best silk on Sima Zhen's body seemed too rough to put on Marquis Anping.

She is as exquisite and perfect as a banished fairy. The best clothes and the most beautiful scenery in the world all look dull under her face.

Sima Zhen bowed his head, his eyes turned red, and said softly: "She is naturally the most beautiful woman in the world."

After finishing speaking, Sima Zhen trembled slightly and felt Li Ling's pulse.

"What's wrong with Marquis Anping?" Axia couldn't help asking: "She is one of the mid-level martial arts supremes. In this world, who else can hurt her except Xun Li?"

"Not necessarily. The world of Marquis Anping is much bigger than what you see." Sima Zhen replied lightly, the nervousness in his eyes receded, and his whole person softened: "She is fine."

Sima Zhen got up with Li Ling in his arms, and walked slowly towards the carriage.His movements were extremely gentle and soft, but he was only a few steps away, and he couldn't help but look down at the beauty in his arms several times.The whole person is so gentle that he no longer looks like an emperor, but just like an infatuated man.

A Xia followed behind Sima Zhen, hesitantly said: "Your Majesty... If Marquis Anping wakes up... will she...will hurt Your Majesty?"

Sima Zhen's steps paused slightly, and his expression lost a bit of joy: "No way. She didn't hurt me that day, and she won't hurt me in the future." Li Ling said, since she had decided to "sever ties with each other," she would leave immediately if she woke up.

Thinking of this, Sima Zhen cherished every breath and every moment that Li Ling was in his arms.

Sima Zhen carefully hugged Li Ling and got into the carriage, saying softly: "Go slower."

"Yes." Axia was driving the carriage, and said in a low voice.

The carriage moved slowly, and Sima Zhen looked down at the woman in his arms, as if she would open her eyes in the next moment, and then leave with a cold face.

The strange thing is that Li Ling didn't wake up even after the carriage entered Jinlin City and the palace.

Sima was really satisfied and happy in his heart, he hugged him tightly, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

After gently carrying Li Ling back to Qianqing Palace, Sima Zhen softly ordered Axia to summon the imperial doctor from Tai Hospital.

Not long after, the old director of the Tai Hospital came in a hurry.

The old dean thought that the emperor had another headache, but unexpectedly he met Anping Hou Li Ling again in Qianqing Palace.

The old dean lowered his head, with a surprised and complicated expression on his face.

That day in the Qianqing Palace, the old dean found out the five medicines in Anpinghou's body... especially the first four medicines, as long as the emperor's knowing expression, the old dean can also know - this is clearly the emperor. Want to force Marquis Anping!
Although it came to an abrupt end because of the cold medicine, the news that Marquis Anping and the emperor had turned against each other faintly spread in the palace.

There are other rumors in the palace that the Empress Dowager gave Anpinghou the cold medicine because of his status as the royal family of the previous dynasty.Now, the empress dowager, who has never been respected by the emperor, has been placed under house arrest.

The old dean had met the "Queen Mother" and knew that the Queen Mother was no longer a human being.

This point, very few people in the palace know.

The old dean did not expect that Li Ling, the Marquis of Anping who had turned against the emperor, would lie in the Qianqing Palace again after only a day or two.And... the appearance of Marquis Anping seems to be a little more beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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