beauty bible

Chapter 369

Chapter 369

It was raining, and Li Ling walked aimlessly through the mountains and forests.

The rain is cold, and the world is lonely.

As he walked, Li Ling rose into the air and landed on the top of the branches and leaves of tall trees, looking up at the sky where the raindrops were falling.

Heavy rain poured down on my head and face, my clothes were soaked and my whole body was cold.

Li Ling was silent for a long time, slowly drew his sword, and swung it against the strong wind and rain.

Jianguang split the rain curtain.

A white dress fluttered between the dark green crowns, thin but fierce.

The long sword danced with a cold light, like crazy, like a demon, like dancing wildly, like howling.

The sword dance is a sad song.

A long time ago, Li Ling had a wish in his heart.

She wanted to ask about the world.

In this world, is there never a kind of love that can ignore anything?

Can you love me regardless of whether I am a man or a woman, whether I am fat or thin, whether I am beautiful or ugly, whether I am healthy or sick?

Can you love me, no matter if I stand in the center of all eyes, or if I am dirty and fall into the mire and can't get up?
Can you love me, regardless of whether I am gentle as water or violent and vulgar?
Can you love me, regardless of whether I am a living virgin or a poisonous snake?

Can you love me until my morality is ruined and I become an enemy of the world?

Is there such a hug that seems to embrace souls?

Li Ling once thought that if there really was such a person in this world, she would be willing to fight for him, live and die for him, and it wouldn't matter if she fell into hell.

Later, Li Ling gradually understood.

No, no, there is not such a person in this world.

If you don't have it, you don't have it.

Then, Li Ling thought, maybe she should be like the kapok tree in the poem, not entangled, but just standing with each other, the branches and leaves interact, support each other, and there is never a gap.

But still nothing, Li Ling didn't see such a person.

Those close souls that she embraced through different time and space.That soul in the Jinlin City Imperial Palace, looking at her with love in his eyes and earnestly in his voice.In the end, she was given such an answer.

She was not untouched.

She was not unmoved.

She truly believed that it was a sincere feeling.

She is entangled with right and wrong with cherishment and even guilt.

Li Ling closed his eyes and danced with his sword.

The rain fell into the sword light, and the raindrops turned into sharp arrows and shot in all directions.

Before she cut off her robe, it was his betrayal after his choice.

How not to be sad?
How can I not be sad?

However, at this moment, there is really nothing worth crying about.

Then dance the sword!
Then dance the sword!
The sword dance is a sad song.

I really shouldn't thank God for giving me such an experience.

However, there is still a way forward, and the long sword in her hand is far more stable than when she first held it.

It rained heavily for a day and a night, Li Ling stood on the tree and danced the sword for a day and a night.

When the rain stops, the sky clears up.

Li Ling put away his sword.

The live broadcast hemisphere on the left wrist hummed softly.

Li Ling paused, raised his hand and took a look.

It was Xia Qi's message.

There is a line of words on the translucent light screen.

Insect-killing prince: "Li Ling, are you there?"

Li Ling looked at the translucent light screen, paused, and then closed the screen.

Yuwang doesn't have the slightest desire to chat with anyone.

At this moment, in this mood, in this state, it is better to be alone.

When she calmed down, she would naturally reply to Xia Qi.

Li Ling's face was cold, and she lifted her sword and flew down on the flat ground. After walking a few steps, she stopped.

The bracelet on his left wrist gradually became warm.

For a moment, a burst of intense light burst out from the bracelet.

The light quickly enlarged, covering Li Ling's entire body, and in the blink of an eye, Li Ling disappeared.


On the unremarkable floor, on the four mirrored walls, the numbers "0" and "1" composed of light flash across rapidly.

Li Ling once again stood in the data space.

After a while, no one else appeared in this data space.

An indifferent male voice remembered in mid-air: "Hello."

Li Ling curled her lips.

For so long, all Li Ling heard was "Hello" every time he traveled to this data space.This time, "God" said "Hello" directly.

It seems that "God" has no intention of finding other people to travel across different worlds to do tasks.

From now on, Li Ling is the only person who travels through different worlds.Perhaps, until a certain day, she, Li Ling, would not be able to continue traveling.

"God" didn't say much, after greeting, "God" continued coldly: "Perform the task, life and death are at your own risk. Your task is on the wall."

Hearing "your mission" instead of "your mission" again, Li Ling felt that the data space was deserted.

The numbers on the mirror wall, made of light, quickly disappeared.

Another light formed three new lines of handwriting, which appeared on the mirror opposite Li Lingzheng.

Task Five: Explore the Holy Land of the Soul Body Clan.

Reward: The secret of Jinlin City.

Since Li Ling may not be able to return here.The mission rewards will be released in advance.The reward for this mission is - the secret of Jinlin City.If you want to find the secret of Jinlin City, you need to find a picture of a beauty. (Hint: There are six characters on the beauty picture, "Yuan Jun Ji Li Fairy")
"Since Li Ling may not be able to return here..." Li Ling lowered his head, smiled, and said in a low voice, "Is this another way of expressing a high-risk mission? He may not be able to come back alive?"

Knowing that it was inevitable to travel to another world, Li Ling did not feel much fear in his heart.

"The secret of Jinlin the clue on a picture of a beautiful woman?" Li Ling bowed his head and said softly, "'Yuan Jun Ji Li Fairy'... So, 5000 years ago, Yuan Jun found the secret of Jinlin City?"

Li Ling closed his eyes, and the appearance of that young grandson flashed in his mind.

At the beginning, when traveling to Jinlin City 5000 years ago, Li Ling met Yuan Jun because of his blood-red bracelet, and Yuan Jun also knew this.Later, it was also because of Yuanjun that Li Ling learned that a long time ago in Jinlin City, there were three kinds of "god's experimental products": blood-red bracelets, green jade, and golden bells.

Li Ling couldn't help thinking, maybe... After she left Yuan Jun, Yuan Jun once looked for her, and then, he also looked for God's "experimental product"?Finally... Yuan Jun found the secret of Jinlin City.Yuan Jun didn't reveal the secret of Jinlin City, but left it in a painting?
That portrait was of her, Li Ling—Yuanjun, did he want to give her that portrait one day?

That portrait is now in Jinlin City?

So, that painting is now in the hands of one person?Or is it in the hands of an antique painting dealer?Still in a tomb?

Before Li Ling could think about it, a ball of light quickly enveloped Li Ling's entire body.

(End of this chapter)

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