beauty bible

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Sima Zhen was wearing a moon-white dragon robe, a high crown of white jade, and his handsome face was also somewhat pale.He stood in front of a stone wall with his hands behind his back, his expression calm and cold.

A-Xia knelt in front of Sima Zhen, lowered her head and said slowly: "The identity of the Marquis of Anping is that there are people who are fanning and fueling the flames in both the court hall and the harem at the same time, especially in the court hall, which can no longer be suppressed..."

Sima Zhen looked indifferent, as if he was listening to A Xia's narration, but he didn't seem to be listening.

A-Xia continued: "A-Xia caught a bunch of people who spread rumors in the palace, and followed the vines... It seems that people from the Palace of Compassion and Ning were involved in this incident. As for the news outside the palace, the other party released it. news, but the other party's whereabouts are uncertain, and there is no trace at all."

Sima Zhen said calmly: "I know..."

A Xia looked up at Sima Zhen.

These days, although Sima Zhen didn't have a headache again, he became thinner day by day, and his expression became colder day by day.

A Xia said: "I have something to say to Your Majesty."

Sima was really noncommittal.

"The identity of the Marquis of Anping was exposed suddenly this time. I'm afraid it's also the work of the mastermind behind the scenes. The purpose is to divide His Majesty and Marquis of Anping, make His Majesty and Marquis of Anping turn against each other, and leave His Majesty isolated and helpless in the palace." A Xia bowed his head and kowtowed He continued: "No matter what the status of Marquis Anping is, if Marquis Anping doesn't intend to tear himself apart with His Majesty at this time, His Majesty might as well keep a 'calm' situation with Marquis Anping."

Sima Zhen looked down at A Xia.

"Now that His Majesty is poisoned, if Marquis Anping is still in the palace, at least he can block the man behind the scenes for His Majesty. Also, if Marquis Anping can catch the man behind the scenes for His Majesty, that would be even better..."

Sima Zhen couldn't help but smile, and he calmly said, "I understand."

A Xia couldn't figure out what Sima really meant, so he hesitated: "Then, do you want to go to the Palace of Compassion and Ning..."

Sima Zhen said softly: "You go to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to search the palace. If you can't find anything, you can punish them with small punishments and teach them a lesson."


Sima Zhen waved his hand.

Asha backed out silently.

Sima Zhen walked into the stone house slowly, walked to the wall on the left side, flipped the switch, and the stone door slammed shut.

Inside the stone chamber, there were rows of burning candles, and there was a faint breeze.

In the center of the stone room, there is a tall stone platform, and in the center of the stone platform is a black tablet - the seat of Emperor Taizong Xitong of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Sima Zhen silently walked to the tablet, and slowly knelt down on the bright yellow futon.


Sima Zhen's face was calm, but his words were soft.

There was no one else in the stone room, only Sima Zhen and a tablet that could not speak.At this moment, Sima really seemed to let go of all his defenses, and on his slightly pale and handsome face, there was a look that only young people could have.

"Father, before you died, you only entrusted two things to your ministers, one is Shen Lang, and the other is the blood of the former royal family..." Sima Zhen lowered his head and chuckled: "Unexpectedly, these two things happened not long after entering Jinlin City. , they all came..."

"Father... my son, before, I always wanted to become a wise monarch like my father. Father, you and Taizu wielded swords to conquer the Great Zhou Dynasty. This foundation is the meritorious service of you and Taizu in your life. And The Great Zhou has been in peace for decades, and it should have begun to bloom in the glory of the prosperous age in the hands of my ministers."

"I still have a lot of things that I haven't done. My son wants to promote the imperial examination, recruit talents, and spread the word. My son also wants to build a city wall, dig a canal, build bridges and pave roads, so that I can have smooth roads in the fifty states of the Zhou Dynasty. My son I don't dare to hope that there will be a day when the roads of the Great Zhou Dynasty will not be picked up, and the house will not be closed at night, but I also want to see the harvest of the grain and the people's happiness, and I also hope that one day I can walk on the rice fields in spring, and all I hear is the laughter of the prosperous age..."

Sima Zhen spoke softly: "But as Erchen grows older, he realizes that those big Zhou imaginings in childhood have to go through countless games to get the point that Erchen wants."

Sima Zhen laughed: "I think that the prosperous age came from the people of the Great Zhou, and what the emperor can do may be difficult, but we should do it step by step. No matter what, my Great Zhou should be a prosperous world."

"My son can't think of the end." Sima Zhen lowered his brows, his pale face showing a little helplessness: "Father didn't think of it either."

"The doomsday, zombies, changes in the world...all of these, let the Great Zhou in Erchen's dream and the Great Zhou in Erchen's memory disappear at the same moment."

"These... are all here, I'm still here in Da Zhou."

"Father, it was you who trained my son from a child to become the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It was you who supported and protected my son so that he could ascend to the throne smoothly. It was also you who gave my son subject to everything."

Sima Zhen smiled: "I understand that you have trained your second and third younger brothers so that they cannot be enemies with you. I even know that in recent years, father, you will only choose Xiaojiabiyu when you are drafting. , not the daughters of high-ranking families, but also to make these harem concubines no longer able to threaten their sons..."

Sima Zhen paused slightly when he said "Draft, Xiaojiabiyu".If it wasn't for the fact that the first emperor liked to recruit some Xiaojiabiyu during the draft, Li Jingjing, the daughter of a fifth-rank civil servant, might not have had the chance to enter the palace.Nor would he have had a memorable first encounter.

"You were driving west on the crane on the way to move the capital, and my minister looked at your cold body and made a silent oath. In this life, I, Sima Zhen, will devote my whole life to clean up the world's zombies and quell the rebellion in the fifty states of Zhou Dynasty. , Recover every inch of my country."

"In my heart, I really never let go of Da Zhou for a moment."

"My subject has been poisoned, and there is no cure," Sima Zhen said softly, "That man wants my subject to suffer like a weak bug, and die without dignity..."

"If I die like this, I will be able to see my father and queen in the ground..." Sima Zhen kowtowed: "I am ashamed, I have not achieved much since I took office, but I want to meet my father like this Empress."

"Li Ling said that she has a friend who has a [-]% chance of curing me." Sima Zhen looked up at the silent tablet.

"Father, Li Ling is the woman that my minister likes." Sima Zhen lowered his eyes slightly, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "She is very beautiful, like uncut jade, like clear water, like a delicate flower in full bloom, If I just look at her face, my son would be willing to stare at her for a day, not willing to blink..."

"I won't do this. If I really look at her like this for a day, she will definitely make fun of me." There was even a hint of sweetness in Sima Zhen's eyes.

"She is not only stunningly beautiful, she is also the most powerful person in the heavenly realm. She is also... no," Sima Zhen shook his head slightly: "She doesn't need anything. She is already my treasure."

"But she is still a direct descendant of the former royal family..."

After saying this, Sima Zhen fell silent.

After a long time, the candles were half lit, and Sima Zhen looked up at the memorial tablet again, and said, "Father, you once said to your sons and ministers with a smile that a man will rule the world, and 100 years is too short. How can a man be limited by the little love of his children."

"Father, if you were still here, you would never allow her to survive, would you?"

"Then, if you are the son of the emperor... what would you do?"

"Father, if you were a minister, how would you choose?"

"Father, if you were a minister, would you choose Dazhou Jiangshan without hesitation? Or would you be reluctant to do so?"

A drop of tears fell on the cold stone floor, and Sima Zhen put his head on the ground: "Father! Father! Today, I can't turn back! I can't let her go, and I will never let her go!" Affect the country of Great Zhou."

"God treats my ministers like this. From now on, my ministers will not respect heaven and earth, ghosts and gods, and do not believe in fate... My ministers, my ministers only believe in the father, the queen, and the queen."

Sima Zhen raised his head, closed his eyes, and said softly: "Father, maybe, you will feel that this minister is messing around, maybe, you will feel that this minister is playing with Da Zhou's country and his own life."

"But... what about my son? What about my son?"

"There can be no double law in the world..." Sima Zhen murmured: "But I just want Da Zhou, Jiangshan and her to be here! Both are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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