beauty bible

Chapter 341

Chapter 341
In the early morning of the next day, Li Ling walked towards Qianqing Palace after eating breakfast.

Li Ling's face was calm, but there were various thoughts in his heart.

She thought in her heart that she wanted to tell Sima Zhen what happened last night.Maybe, the black shadow she met last night was the one who poisoned Sima Zhen.

As Li Ling walked, she thought, should she let Sima Zhen search the palace with great fanfare?

The visitor from last night was easy to identify.

The speed of the opponent is extremely fast, even if the opponent has amazing lightness skills, he must at least be a strong man of the earth level.Or, the opponent is a strong man at the peak of the earth rank.

There are only three heavenly powerhouses in this world.There are countless people at the peak of the ground level, and there are almost only a few people at the peak of the ground level near the Imperial Palace of Jinlin City.

Of course, if the opponent is a high-level earth-level powerhouse and there are too many of them, then there is no way to judge.

While thinking about it, Li Ling slowly walked to the gate of Qianqing Palace.

But this time, the main hall of Qianqing Palace was closed.

Ever since Li Ling entered the palace as Marquis of Anping, she had never been blocked. Li Ling naturally stepped forward, wanting to knock on the door.

But when she was five or six steps away from the palace gate, Li Ling was stopped by two guards in front of the gate.

The two guards bowed and said softly, "Please stop, Marquis Anping."

Li Ling: "But Your Majesty is not feeling well, is he still resting?"

The two guards looked at each other but did not answer immediately.

At this time, Li Ling also heard a soft female voice in the Qianqing Palace: "Thank you for the phoenix hairpin, Your Majesty, does it look good on this concubine?"

It is Queen Liu Weilan.

Li Ling was startled for a moment, and immediately stopped. She didn't need to ask the two guards any more. Of course, she understood why they stopped her.

Sima Zhen's gentle voice sounded softly: "It is naturally the most appropriate for the queen to bring Feng Chai..."

Li Ling lowered his eyes and said softly: "Don't bother Your Majesty, I will come to see Your Majesty tomorrow."

With that said, Li Ling turned and left.

The two guards opened their eyes slightly, neither blocking nor not blocking, looked at each other with hesitation in their eyes.

Who in the whole palace didn't know that the emperor loved Anpinghou in his heart.It was not easy for Marquis Anping to enter the palace, and His Majesty did not give Marquis Anping the title easily.Anyone can see that it's not that His Majesty refuses to concubine Anpinghou, but that His Majesty looks at Anpinghou and is unwilling.

Your Majesty is really sincere. In addition, Anpinghou is the third in the world in martial arts and has an extraordinary status. This is why he does not easily classify Anpinghou as a concubine in the harem.

A few days ago, I saw that His Majesty got along well with Marquis Anping, maybe in a few days, there will be a favorite concubine in this palace.Unexpectedly, Marquis Anping saw the intimate scene between His Majesty and the Empress today. At this time, should he not disturb His Majesty and let Marquis Anping leave?Or should he stop Anpinghou in consideration of the status of Anpinghou in His Majesty's heart, so that His Majesty can know that Anpinghou is outside the palace?

The two guards were in trouble, but thinking that His Majesty had not given special instructions, they decided to continue standing outside the shop door as usual, and let Anping Hou leave.

In Qianqing Palace, Liu Weilan supported Fengchai in Fuwu's hair, her face was as gentle as water, with a smile on her face: "Your Majesty gave Fengchai last night, and Weilan came to thank you today."

Sima Zhen sat on the soft bed and smiled, slightly raised his head to look at Liu Weilan who was standing in front of him: "The Queen met Anping Hou yesterday?"

The smile on Liu Weilan's face paused, she lowered her hands, and smiled softly: "Yes. The concubine admires Anpinghou, who is the most powerful person in the sky, and wants to see her. After seeing her, she really saw Anping. Hou is not only superb in martial arts, but also has a beautiful appearance. If such a beautiful woman can stay in the harem, it will be a blessing for people to look at her more."

Hearing this, Sima really smiled, lowered his eyes slightly, and said softly: "The empress is always so tender and understanding."

Liu Weilan smiled calmly: "Weilan is not only the queen of Da Zhou, but also His Majesty's wife, so naturally she should think of Da Zhou and His Majesty."

Sima Zhen looked at Liu Weilan, with rare tenderness in his eyes: "Weilan is really a good woman and wife."

Liu Weilan lowered her head, pursed her lips and smiled: "Your Majesty is too good-for-nothing."

Sima Zhen sighed softly: "Such a good girl, I shouldn't be delayed..."

Liu Weilan's face turned pale. She looked at Sima Zhen and her voice trembled: "Your Majesty, what do you mean by this? I am so scared..."

Sima Zhen lowered his head, looked at his pale hands on his knees, and said in a low voice, "Wei Lan, I gave you the golden hairpin last night, just to say a few words to you..."

Liu Weilan knelt softly in front of Sima Zhen, looked up at Sima Zhen, clenched her sleeve tightly with her left hand, her face showed panic, but her voice was still gentle: "Your Majesty, what do you want to say?"


Coming out of Qianqing Palace, Li Ling thought that he might as well go back to Anping Marquis Mansion.

Sima Zhen didn't know how long he would have to chat with the queen, if she went back early and disturbed Sima Zhen and the queen's solitude again, it would be troublesome again.

The distance from Qianqing Palace to the entrance of the palace was a little far. Li Ling walked slowly, still thinking about what happened last night.

As he walked, Li Ling heard a familiar voice.

Li Ling looked up.

Shen Lang was walking towards her, turning his head from time to time to chat with Zhen Shiming beside him.

Seeing Li Ling, Shen Lang was startled, then walked over with a smile: "I haven't seen Anpinghou for several days. How is Anpinghou?"

Li Ling nodded and said with a smile, "It's okay. Li Ling is fine, but His Majesty is slightly ill."

Shen Lang blinked, and looked at Li Ling: "Your Majesty is slightly ill. Shen Lang knows that Shen Lang is thinking of going to see His Majesty, and by the way, report to His Majesty the situation of the army's land reclamation outside the city in the past few days."

Li Ling hesitated: "King Zhongyong is going to see His Majesty now?"

Shen Lang raised his long eyebrows: "What? What's wrong at this time?"

Li Ling: "At this time, the empress is in the Qianqing palace, does King Zhongyong want to go later?"

Li Ling didn't understand the situation.If the minister is asking to see the emperor, should the queen avoid it?Or should the minister wait?
A flash of surprise flashed in Shen Lang's eyes: "Queen?"

Li Ling nodded.

Shen Lang's face darkened slightly and he looked in the direction of Qianqing Palace: "It doesn't matter, Shen Lang can just wait outside the gate of Qianqing Palace."

Li Ling nodded again: "Then Li Ling is leaving first, King Zhongyong please."

"Please, Marquis of Anping."

Li Ling continued to walk outside the palace gate.

When Shen Lang was talking to Li Ling, Zhen Shiming just stood there silently bowing to Li Ling.At this time, Li Ling was far away, Zhen Shiming walked to Shen Lang's side, and said softly: "It seems that Marquis Anping is going out of the palace."

Shen Lang nodded: "I see..."

Zhen Shiming looked at Shen Lang's expression, hesitant to speak.

Shen Lang patted Zhen Shiming's shoulder: "Okay, give me the memorial, and I will go see His Majesty myself."

"Oh." Zhen Shiming obediently folded some of the memorials in his hands to Shen Lang's eyes, and looked at Shen Lang's face: "General, the emperor and empress are harmonious, and you didn't take into account the mood of Marquis Anping, are you angry?"

Shen Lang nodded with a sullen face.

Zhen Shiming frowned, and said softly: "General, you have decided to be a loyal minister, don't make mistakes!"

Shen Lang's expression was indifferent: "How could you offend me? This king and His Majesty are brothers, even if they fight, it's just to learn martial arts..."

Zhen Shiming was terrified, watching Shen Lang striding towards Qianqing Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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