beauty bible

Chapter 328

Chapter 328

Shen Youyou glanced at Li Ling with complicated eyes.

Li Ling said: "Open the main door, I'll go right away."

"Yes!" The guard quickly walked towards the main entrance.

Li Ling also walked towards the main entrance.

Shen Youyou walked a few steps behind Li Ling, hesitatingly said: "Master Hou wants to welcome the emperor in, or go out with the emperor."

Li Ling: "Go for a walk."

"Oh." Shen Youyou said nothing.

When he arrived at the main gate, he saw Sima Zhen wearing a black dress and standing outside the gate with a young attendant.

Hearing footsteps, Sima Zhen turned his head.

Wearing a golden unicorn red dress, with a pair of flying phoenixes in her black hair, her face is flawless, her brows are picturesque, and her red lips are thinking about the red skirt. The beauty seems to have come from a painting, but she is far more exquisite and beautiful than the person in the painting.

Although I have seen the image of Li Ling as a woman, at this moment, Sima Zhen's eyes lit up, a gleam of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he thought to himself, people say that Liugong Fen Dai has no color, but Li Ling's appearance at this time is absolutely gorgeous Not to mention the harem Fendai, even the women in the world will lose their color when standing beside her.

Sima really felt lucky for a moment that he was able to meet such a once-in-a-thousand-year-old beauty in his lifetime, and at the same time felt that he was reckless, and gave Li Ling such a beautiful dress. It's not a microservice private visit.

Under Shen Youyou's extremely complicated eyes, Sima Zhen led Li Ling out of Anpinghou Mansion with a smile.

As Sima Zhen expected, Li Ling's already beautiful face and such an eye-catching embroidered red dress really attracted passers-by to look back frequently.

Almost everyone who saw Li Ling couldn't help but stop and look at Li Ling in amazement and fascination.

While walking, Sima Zhen turned his head and said a few words to A Xia beside him.

"I wanted to take you around Jinlin City, and tell you about the future layout of Jinlin City..." Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling with a smile, with satisfaction and helplessness in his eyes: "Unfortunately, if you go on like this, half a year will be lost." Everyone in Jinlin City will be lost in their way by the Marquis of Anping."

Li Ling lowered his head and smiled.

Since her martial arts broke through to the heavenly level, she only showed her face in Jinlin City 5000 years ago. In this era, she mostly travels in men's clothing.This is the first time for a woman with a figure to go out in full dress.

Li Ling also wanted to see what this body looked like now.

Li Ling shook his head slightly: "You are exaggerating..."

Sima Zhen stared at Li Ling with a smile: "When a beauty smiles, her face is even more attractive. Li Ling, if you don't know martial arts and have a face like yours, I don't know. I want to imprison you in the palace, so as not to seduce others soul."

Li Ling smiled, pretending to be false: "If you imprison me, I will break your legs."

When Sima Zhen heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing Sima Zhen like this, Li Ling couldn't help but smile.

In front of the courtiers, Sima Zhen looked mature and thoughtful.If those courtiers saw Sima Zhen like this, their jaws would drop.

Two handsome men and beautiful women with outstanding looks appeared on the bank of the river, attracting many people on the road along the river, and many people lay on the bridge and looked at the two of them.

Sima Zhen smiled and spread his hands: "It seems that we can't go on like this, I'll let A-Xia drive a carriage."

Just as he was talking, he saw Axia in black driving a carriage and stopping in front of the two of them.

Sima really got into the carriage, opened the curtain of the carriage and waited for Li Ling to come up.

Li Ling jumped onto the carriage and got into the carriage.Sima Zhen also got into the carriage, and the two sat opposite each other.

The carriage was quite spacious, but the two were sitting in the same carriage, Li Ling still felt that the carriage was very small.

"Where are we going?" Li Ling asked.

"I'll know when I get there." As if he had reached a space where no one else was around, the expression in Sima Zhen's eyes seemed to overflow: "Li Ling, I gave you the jade comb, do you like it?"

Sima Zhen smiled slightly: "I knew you were coming to Jinlin City, so I specially chose a piece of jade and carved it slowly."

Li Ling was startled, then turned to look at Sima Zhen: "You carved it? Aren't you very busy?"

Sima Zhen said with a smile: "If you want to do something, you can always find time."

Li Ling didn't know how to answer, so he smiled.

Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling's appearance: "I remember when I was still obedient, you would hug me on your knees. Thinking about those was really rare."

Listening to Sima Zhen whispering about the past, the carriage jolted to the destination.

After getting off the carriage, Li Ling was surprised to find that they had already arrived outside Jinlin City.

Surrounded by wilderness and a few scattered green trees.

Sima Zhen got out of the carriage holding a box.

There is no scenery here, why did Sima Zhen bring her here.Li Ling: "What are we doing here?"

Sima Zhen took a few steps forward, opened the box, and took out a hoe from inside.

He squatted down, picked up the hoe and began to dig the soil on the ground.

Li Ling was a little surprised, what is the emperor going to do?
Sima Zhen turned over the soil with a hoe, took out a handful of seeds from the box, sprinkled it on, covered it with soil, and poured some powder on it.

After finishing all this, Sima Zhen put the hoe back into the box and handed it to A Xia, turned around and walked to Li Ling's side, looked at Li Ling with a smile and said: "I said, Li Ling, we will build a few bamboo houses outside Jinlin City in the future. Wait for everything It's settled down, let's go to the bamboo house to rest together, this is the Phoenix tree I planted."

"After a while, let's look again, and there will be a bamboo house here..." Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling with a smile: "One year, two years, ten years, maybe, in the future our children will be able to touch the bright red poinciana , know that this is what I carried for their mother..."

Li Ling: "... Ten years... a child?"

Sima Zhen smiled and nodded: "Of course, after ten years of planting trees, when the trees are tall and big, and the bright red poincianas are in full bloom, then I will play the piano and practice martial arts with you, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing in the world?"

A trace of confusion rose in Li Ling's heart. She looked at Sima Zhen, her eyes paused slightly, and she frowned slightly: "Sima Zhen, what's wrong with you?"

"What?" Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling in surprise.

Li Ling tapped his nose and said worriedly, "You're bleeding."

Sima Zhen was taken aback, raised his hand to touch his nose, and sure enough, a little bright red came out.

Sima Zhen's complexion changed slightly, and he felt the pulse of his left wrist with his right hand.

The fingers of his right hand rested on his wrist for a few seconds, Sima Zhen slowly let go, and looked up at Li Ling: "'s nothing, maybe it's because I've been tired recently, and I didn't fall asleep last night, so something went wrong."

"Are you sure?" Li Ling said, "Sima Zhen, why don't we go back and ask the imperial doctor to take a good look at it."

Sima Zhen lowered his head and smiled: "It's okay. When I come out today, I must be with you for a day, no less than a moment. If I go back, I don't know when I want to get out again. Don't worry, I will send you back at night After leaving the Anping Marquis Mansion, I will definitely see the imperial doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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