beauty bible

Chapter 322 Preemptive Strike

Chapter 322 Preemptive Strike
Xiao Xia raised her head and glanced at Li Ling, with a flash of surprise in her eyes, she hurriedly lowered her head: "For this night banquet, all the generals and soldiers are invited, so the Empress, Concubine Shu, and Concubine Zhen will not be present. .”

Li Ling was slightly taken aback.

What she wanted to ask was Li Jingshu, but the palace maid answered her about the ladies in the harem.

Li Ling narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sima Zhen.

Li Ling had to remember the promise he made to Sima Zhen...

Li Jingshu is not in Li Ling's eyes, but there is still a queen and concubine Zhen in Sima Zhen's harem!

Even if Sima Zhen has no relationship with them, the two of them are really people with their own ideas, not puppets at the mercy of Sima Zhen.

In the different world traveled, Sima is really the emperor, the kitten is obedient, and the soul who has intimate contact with Li Ling.But here, in this Jinlin City, in this imperial palace, Sima Zhen is far more complicated than the kitten.

At this moment, the queen and concubine Zhen really seemed to be real people standing in front of Li Ling, reminding Li Ling of the complicated situation around Sima Zhen.

Li Ling felt a lump in his throat, and lowered his face: "Lead the way."

Xiao Xia came to lead the way for Marquis Anping, which was personally arranged by the eunuch next to the emperor.

Xiaoxia knew that this Marquis of Anping was different from everyone else.

Marquis Anping has high strength in martial arts, he is the most powerful person in the sky, he is high above the ground, and he is the third person in the world in martial arts.Marquis Anping also made good friends with King Zhongyong and King ZY, and he can be regarded as a powerful figure.She was so beautiful that she entered the imperial court since the Marquis of Anping, which one of the imperial palaces is not rumored that the beauty in the painting that His Majesty misses is not Concubine Shu, but the Marquis of Anping with superb martial arts.

Every day after the Marquis of Anping entered Jinlin City, rumors arose in the palace.

Everyone guessed that His Majesty really loved this Marquis of Anping so much, but because of Marquis Anping's superior martial arts, he couldn't ask for it, so he turned to find Concubine Shu, who was somewhat similar to Marquis Anping, as a substitute .

And the Jingren Palace, which was repaired early, has been vacant all the time. Maybe it is because His Majesty is waiting in his heart for the Marquis of Anping to enter the palace.

Xiao Xia has heard many rumors in this palace, and she is dubious in her heart.But seeing this Marquis of Anping, Xiao Xia felt that these rumors must be true.

Without him, it's because the Marquis of Anping is so beautiful.

The confidante in those stories probably looked like Marquis Anping.

But Anpinghou was very powerful in martial arts and different from other outstanding figures.

If Marquis Anping refuses to enter the palace, even if His Majesty is thinking about it, it may not be possible!

At this moment, seeing Anpinghou's face suddenly changed, Xiaoxia panicked, not knowing what she said wrong.Xiao Xia's face turned pale, seeing that Marquis Anping didn't express his intentions, she hurriedly lowered her head, turned around and led the way silently.

It was almost autumn, and the green trees in Shuofeng Garden were still dark green, but most of the flowers in the garden had passed their flowering period. As Li Ling walked around, he saw not many flowers.

When Xiao Xia led her into the banquet, it was already dark.

Exquisite paper lanterns are hung everywhere in Shuofeng Garden. The lights are shining, and the garden is as bright as day.

Following the sound of "The Marquis of Anping -", Li Ling entered the banquet.

Shen Lang was already sitting at the top small table on the left. Hearing this, he turned his head, raised the wine glass in his hand towards Li Lingyao, and drank it down again.After drinking the wine, Shen Lang lowered his head and smiled, then he didn't look at Li Ling again, just lowered his head.

Sitting at the small table on the right, Zhou Yichi saw Li Ling and nodded to her.

Zhen Shiming was sitting at the second table on the right, and he also turned to greet Li Ling.

On the left and right sides, there are small tables and seats one after another like a queue.

Li Ling walked in slowly. At this moment, Li Ling suddenly realized that although she was obsessed with killing zombies in Shen Lang's army and didn't pay much attention to military affairs, she actually knew most of the officers and officers at the banquet.

Most of these people had a few acquaintances with her, and when they saw her coming in, they all greeted her: "Marquis of Anping!"

"The Marquis of Anping is here!"

"The Marquis of Anping came a little late!"


Li Ling greeted him with a smile, and walked slowly to the left.

The second table on the left was vacant, apparently reserved for her.

Li Ling sat behind the second table on the left, and Shen Youyou sat silently behind her.

Li Ling sat down, but Shen Lang didn't turn his head to talk to Li Ling.He looked down at the delicacies on the table, twirling the wine glass in his right hand, looking lazy, wondering what he was thinking.

Not long after, the eunuch sang "Your Majesty is here—"

Sima Zhen was wearing a light yellow dragon robe, with a gold and jade high crown on his head, walking like a dragon and walking with his head held high.The brilliant and bright lights hit the young and handsome emperor's face, making him look more noble and deep, with the air of a king.

Sima Zhen took his seat at the top.

Everyone at the banquet stood up together, bowed down and said: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live——"

"Pingshen, all lovers, please take a seat."

Sima Zhen looked around with a smile, his eyes paused on Li Ling and Shen Lang, and said with a smile: "Today's banquet is to cleanse the wind and dust for King Zhongyong and the generals. The generals protect the people of Dazhou and escort them thousands of miles away. Your hard work is worthwhile, and I would like to respect you all."

After speaking, Sima Zhen picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down.

Sima Zhengao sat on the table, and slowly said a few words on the occasion, and the banquet began.

A court lady came in silently and served delicious food and wine to everyone at the banquet.Team after team of dancers lightly leaped into the center of the banquet, their figures swaying and dancing gracefully.

Li Ling saw the dancing beauties, at first she thought that the beauties danced beautifully, but after watching for a long time, she found it boring, lowered her head and just focused on eating.She also added some food to Shen Youyou from time to time.

Shen Youyou secretly winked at Li Ling with a smile on her face.

In Li Ling's view, this welcome feast was too formal.

If Shen Lang wanted to rebel, then this welcome banquet might be the shadow of swords and swords.

If Sima really wanted to take away the 40 troops in Shen Lang's hands, this reception banquet would be a drink to release the military power.

But the reality is that Shen Lang and Sima Zhen still seem to be "loving brothers, still in the honeymoon period", so this wedding banquet has no special meaning.

This is just a banquet for Sima Zhen to express his heart to the 40 troops.

Li Ling felt that probably nothing major would happen at this banquet.She also looked leisurely, eating and drinking with her head down.

Moonlight as water.

Li Ling's belly was [-]% full, and most of the people at the banquet were already half drunk.

An official that Li Ling didn't know ran out from nowhere, and was lying on Shen Lang's desk, trying to persuade Shen Lang to drink.While toasting Shen Lang, the middle-aged man in purple official uniform praised Shen Lang for his loyalty and patriotism. A person with a long history.

Shen Lang smiled and said nothing.He never refused to come and drink a glass of wine.

I don't know what he said, but the purple-clothed official smiled and drank alcohol, and said half-drunk, "Men in this world should be like you, King Zhongyong, who is unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness! Cough! King Zhongyong, you are the biggest hero in the hearts of the officials. How do you say this? Loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, loyalty is the first! Also, brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes. Clothes can be changed, brothers are for life..."

Li Ling pursed his lips, raised his glass and took a sip. After listening to the words for so long, he couldn't help interjecting: "So, this lord thinks it looks good to go out without clothes?"

"Cough!" Shen Lang coughed suddenly, a smile flashed across his eyes, he shook his head, and continued to drink himself.

The official in purple was taken aback for a moment, and turned to see Li Ling. His eyes were blurred for a moment, then his face turned pale, and he bowed to Li Ling: "See Anpinghou. Xiaguan, Xiaguan, Xiaguan doesn't mean Anpinghou Such as clothes? No, no, no! That’s not what I mean by being an official.”

"Of course Marquis Anping is not clothes." Sima Zhen's voice sounded with a smile.

At some point, Sima Zhen walked down the high platform holding a wine glass and stood behind the purple-clothed official. His face was like a spring breeze, showing that he was in a good mood.Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling with a smile: "The Marquis of Anping is the Marquis of Anping."

"What's more," Sima Zhen looked down at the wine glass in his hand: "In my opinion, brothers and feet are inseparable, and of course clothes must be carefully cared for. No one needs both!"

Shen Lang shook his body and stood up, raising his glass to Sima Zhen: "Your Majesty is right, Shen Lang respects His Majesty, I wish His Majesty's wishes will be fulfilled, and the world will last forever."

Sima Zhen smiled, clinked glasses with Shen Lang, and they drank at the same time.Sima Zhen smiled and said: "King Zhongyong and I are not real brothers but better than real brothers!"

Shen Lang also laughed, and he cupped his hands towards Sima Zhen: "Your Majesty, I am a little too drunk today, so I will take my leave first."

Sima Zhen nodded slightly.

Shen Lang let out a breath, helped a personal guard beside him, and walked out of Shuofeng Garden.

When Shen Lang left the banquet, Li Ling couldn't help but also wanted to retreat.

Although the food at the banquet was good, it was still not as hot and fragrant as the freshly prepared food in the Anping Hou Mansion.

Before Li Ling could say that he was leaving the banquet too, he heard the eunuch at the entrance of Shuofeng Garden sing loudly: "Concubine Shu is here——"

Li Linggang paused as he was about to stand up.

Sima Zhen frowned, the smile on his face faded away.

Another voice sounded: "The Marquis of Shunyi has arrived——"

Li Ling sat at the banquet, his eyes glanced at the entrance of Shuofeng Garden.

Sima Zhen's complexion was slightly gloomy, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes. He turned around and walked towards the dragon chair. When he sat down on the dragon chair, Sima Zhen's expression was normal.

Seeing Li Jingshu and Xun Li walk into Shuofeng Garden, a word suddenly came to Li Ling's mind - preemptive attack.

Since Li Jingshu had seen her in the court before, she knew that Li Ling would never let her go.

So, first, the two fathers and sons of the Li family.

After one move failed, Li Jingshu immediately made a second move!

Li Jingshu has brought Xun Li to her Li Ling!

Li Ling sneered in her heart, she was here to find her.

Sima Zhen was busy with chores, so she told Li Ling to wait.

But now?

Li Jingshu is not ready to wait anymore, Li Jingshu wants to come here before Li Ling makes her move!
(End of this chapter)

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