beauty bible

Chapter 303 Are you willing to give me a chance?

Chapter 303 Are you willing to give me a chance?

day after day.

Li Ling and Sima Zhen were imprisoned in a small dark room.

Every day, Sima Zhen would cough up blood, more coughing every time.He also looked weaker and weaker.

Sima Zhen's translucent skin became paler day by day.

At first, Sima Zhen was able to sit against the wall by himself, later, he leaned against Li Ling, and later, he could only lie on the snow-white quilt, breathing weakly.

Li Ling knelt down beside Sima Zhen and raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat from his temples with gentle and familiar movements.

I don't know what toxin Xie Chen used.Except for Sima Zhen coughing up blood, every time he fell asleep, cold sweat would continuously overflow from his head. On the contrary, when he was awake, there was no sweat stain in his black hair.

His body became thinner and colder... Li Ling's hand rested on Sima Zhen's cheek.

With thick black eyebrows, wise and deep eyes, a straight nose bridge, and lips that are neither thick nor thin, this emperor is handsome.

If Shen Lang is outwardly a great general who bears the lives of tens of thousands of people, in his heart he looks like a rambunctious hero.

And this emperor, just looking at his appearance, he looks more like a noble son born in a wealthy township.Perhaps it was because he was young, or perhaps it was because he had been in a high position for a long time, he had a domineering and deep look in his eyes.But when he looked at Li Ling, the undivided attention, persistent love and extreme tenderness that enveloped everyone seemed to be the other side of him.

The last time they saw this face, they were strangers.

This time when he was in the same room with this face, he had been with her for a long time.

A human emperor with an expressive and wise expression, this should be the dream girl of a spring boudoir.

And when this ancient girl's dreamlike man really approached, he was as she imagined, and he was also different as she imagined.

Things are not that simple.

The wise and wise emperor walking in front of him is not the end of a fairy tale, but a process of life.

Li Ling silently looked at Sima Zhen's face, staring blankly, not knowing where his thoughts drifted.

"Ahem," Sima Zhen covered his mouth and coughed a few times. He opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his pale face: "Look at me, dumbfounded? Does it look good?"

Li Ling grabbed his hand, and it turned out to be bright red again.

Li Ling slowly wiped away the blood from his hands, with a calm expression: "It's already like this, so don't make jokes."

There was a trace of fatigue on Sima Zhen's face, but his eyes were still smiling: "Li Ling, if I die, will you treat me as a man?"

Li Ling took a deep breath: "There is one more day. By tomorrow, we can leave. We will not die."

Sima Zhen shook his head slightly, and continued to say: "Li Ling, if I die, would you be willing to treat me as a man? A man who really pleases you?"

Li Ling looked down at Sima Zhen, he seemed to be having difficulty breathing, always panting with his mouth half open.

Li Ling replied in a low voice: "You are a man."

Sima Zhen laughed in a low voice, and couldn't help coughing again while laughing.Bright red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth again.

Li Ling raised his hand to wipe off the blood on his face, trying to calm himself down, but he started to panic.

Sima Zhen raised his eyes and looked at Li Ling: "There is one more day... for a long time, for a long time... Li Ling, please hug me. I will be afraid..."

"Okay." Li Ling held Sima Zhen in his arms and let him lean on her shoulder.

After she hugged Sima Zhen well, she saw that Sima Zhen had closed his eyes, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Li Ling's heart tightened and she quickly used her hands to detect his breathing.

And breathing.

Li Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

The body in his arms began to feel cold, Li Ling pursed his lips, picked up all the quilts on the ground, and covered Sima Zhen.

The cold body in her arms made Li Ling's heart feel a little cold, she said in a low voice, as if comforting Sima Zhen and herself: "There is one more more day... Sima really don't be afraid, you We will not die. We will go back. You continue to be your emperor, I will go to Jinlin City, and we will meet again. Everything now is just a task, just a process... It will pass. We will meet again in Jinlin City See……"

Li Ling murmured lowly.

Sima Zhen fell asleep and did not open his eyes.

But even if Li Ling hugged Sima Zhen's body tightly, even if Li Ling covered him with three layers of quilts, his body was still cold, and he couldn't get hot at all.

Li Ling gritted his teeth, feeling as though his throat was being choked.

She hugged him all the time, not daring to fall asleep.

The body of the person in his arms was cold and motionless, and his breathing was weak and seemed to be non-existent.

Li Ling had to stretch out his hand to sniff at him from time to time to make sure if he was still alive.

A long, dark night passed.

It wasn't until Xie Chen's subordinates came to inject the two of them with two doses of medicine that hope gradually rose in Li Ling's heart.



Today is the tenth day that God said, as long as he stays up for a few more hours, Sima Zhen will be able to survive!

Li Ling raised his heart and raised his hand to check Sima Zhen's breath.

It took a long time before she could feel that weak, extremely shallow breathing.

That very shallow breath moved Li Ling's heart, her eyes turned red, she leaned her head down, and pressed it against Sima Zhen's face.

When he was still obedient, they were always so close.

When he turned into Sima Zhen, Li Ling felt awkward.

But at this moment, the cold body in her arms and his almost dying state made her forget everything.

She only remembered that this was a person who was very close to her, but now, his life was dying, as if he would die in the next moment.

She embraced him, embraced a dying soul that had given her joy.

A pale hand slowly raised up, and touched the tip of Li Ling's nose.

Li Ling was startled and looked down.

Sima Zhen opened his eyes and smiled weakly: "Li Ling, as you said, this is our secret little trick..."

In an instant, tears welled up in his eyes, Li Ling bit his lip and said, "Yes."

When he was a cat, in Jinlin City 5000 years ago, Li Ling pointed the tip of the kitten's nose like this, and told it dotingly, "This is their little secret gesture"...

Looking back now, it's not a taste.

Li Ling took a deep breath, smiled and raised his hand to tap Sima Zhen's nose: "Emperor, look, I'm daring to touch the dragon's nose..."

Sima really laughed silently.

Li Ling held Sima Zhen's head in both hands, and said in a low voice: "It's today... just wait a little longer, and it will be fine in a few hours..."

Sima Zhen gasped lightly: "Li Ling, I think I can't wait any longer..."

"No! No!" Li Ling sniffed: "Soon! Sima Zhen, you are the emperor, how could you give up your Great Zhou Dynasty so easily!"

Sima Zhen's eyes were blank, and his voice was soft: "Li Ling, if I die, please help me, Fu Xian Wang ascends the throne, and let Shen Lang stabilize the overall situation... Cough, if Shen Lang refuses, let him take the lead Politics..."

Li Ling shook his head: "I don't understand these things. I just want to kill Li Jingshu and go out to have a good time. Don't die, Sima Zhen, just wait, it will be soon!"

Sima really didn't seem to hear Li Ling's words, and his voice lowered: "If I can live, Li Ling, would you give me a chance?"

Li Ling hugged Sima Zhen tightly, tears streaming down his face.

Sima Zhen said in a low voice: "Li Ling, if I'm still alive, can you give me a chance? I swear that you are the only one in this life. Give me a chance, okay?"

Li Ling sobbed: "Don't die, Sima Zhen. We are just performing a mission, it's just a mission, you still have your country, you still have your great can't let go, don't die .”

No answer, no sound.

(End of this chapter)

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