beauty bible

Chapter 296

Chapter 296
Li Ling didn't know how long time had passed.

She shed tears silently, watching the half-human cat's body constantly changing.

It seems that there are bones in his body that are broken abruptly, and it seems that there are bones growing slowly in his body...

At a certain moment, Li Ling gasped, and his eyes blurred...

She saw that the bones in his body were slowly protruding from the flesh...

Li Ling really didn't dare to look at it anymore, she wanted to tell the cosmic coordinates of that planet, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Ha!" Xie Chen clapped his hands fearfully: "Okay!"

Li Ling trembled all over, she bit her lip and opened her eyes wide.

The half-human-sized kitten in front of him had turned into a human at some point—a human without legs.

Black thick eyebrows, deep eyes, high nose bridge, lips that are neither thick nor thin, white skin with visible blood vessels, thin upper body, naked body, but no legs.

It was Sima Zhen.

Li Ling's tears kept falling.

She had thought that one day when she entered Jinlin City and she appeared in front of the emperor as the third expert in the world, what would happen between them.

But she never expected that when she saw this face again, it would be here, on the Valen, and in such a tragic way.

Xie Chen clapped his hands and approached Sima Zhen with a smile: "Looks good, he's still a handsome man! However, you orcs and pure-bred humans haven't invented any machines to turn disabled orcs like you into human form. You turned into a human form, shouldn't you thank me?"

Sima Zhen sat with his eyes open, sweating all over his body, unable to speak, and looked at Xie Chen calmly.

Xie Chen looked at Sima Zhen's thigh, and pretended to be surprised: "Oh my! It seems that my machine is still a little bit worse. After being forced into shape, it will leave a disability! Hmm... I don't know you Can you change back! But... you look like this, so you are much better than a stupid cat, right?"

Sima Zhen chuckled, raised his head and said calmly, "You're right."

Hearing Sima Zhen's hoarse and calm voice, Xie Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Sima Zhen's eyes: "It turns out...the stupid cat can still talk, and it's not completely disabled. Tsk tsk tsk..."

Sima Zhen turned to look at Li Ling with gentle eyes: "Don't blame yourself, if you have to choose, I'd rather be someone who can talk."

Li Ling pursed her lips and looked at Sima Zhen. She seemed to see the majestic prince back then, and also the kitten who was intimate with her.She opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say...

Xie Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Hey! It's very touching! The orc, who has been unable to speak for a long time, can finally speak, and the first thing he thinks of is to comfort the beauty!"

Xie Chen snorted coldly: "A disabled orc! A useless person! Do you still have the love between men and women in your mind? It's just a dream!"

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" Xie Chen clapped his hands.

A strong man came over and forced a small blue pill into Sima Zhen's mouth.

"What did you feed him?" Li Ling was trembling with anger, "Xie Chen—how are you going to torture him—"

"Don't say it," Sima Zhen calmly shook his head towards Li Ling: "Don't say it."

Xie Chen shrugged: "Don't worry, I will tell you this. Jumping beauty, I gave him a poison. This poison will not let him die immediately, um... Ten days, I remember, it seems It will be ten days before he dies."

Xie Chen raised his chin slightly and smiled at Li Ling: "Within these ten days, you can think carefully about whether you want to tell me the cosmic coordinates of that planet... and lock them up!"

Li Ling and Sima Zhen were picked up by two strong men, and then they were locked in a small dark room.

Before Xie Chen and others left, they gave Li Ling and Sima Zhen two injections of medicine.

One injection made both of them weak.

The other needle is the nutrient solution.

"If you want to talk, you can knock on the door and test me!" After leaving these words, the door slammed shut.

In the small, dark space, only Li Ling and Sima Zhen were left.

Li Ling struggled to crawl to Sima Zhen with both hands. She picked up Sima Zhen who was lying on the ground and let him lean on her: "Sima Zhen, Sima Zhen... how are you? Are you in pain? Are you in pain now? Does it still hurt? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't dare..."

"Don't be afraid..." Sima Zhen's gentle and calm voice sounded: "Don't be afraid...I don't hurt anymore..."

Hearing this, Li Ling's eyes turned red. She couldn't imagine the pain in the situation just now.The pain was not on her own body, she couldn't empathize with it.

Sima Zhen's voice sounded softly, still calm and gentle: "You are not wrong. You can't say it... If you say it, you will destroy too many people. Moreover, with Xie Chen's vicious mind , as long as he is sure that what you said is true, he will immediately kill the three of us."

After Sima Zhen suffered such pain, he was the first to think of comforting her.Li Ling's heart tightened, and his hands holding Sima Zhen also tightened.He didn't have legs, or even a piece of clothing, and he could only "sit" up by leaning against her.

Sima Zhen chuckled: "Look, I'm fine now. Xie Chen took poison for me, and it took me ten days to die. You know, we can go back in less than ten days... we just need to endure it That's it. You're doing the right thing."

Li Ling let out a long sigh: "Sima Zhen, are you cold?"

"..." Sima Zhen paused, he turned his head to look at Li Ling, but did not speak.

Li Ling shook his head mockingly.

Sima really didn't wear any clothes. He was in a cold sweat after being in so much pain before. Of course he would be cold now.But if he replied that she was cold, wouldn't he ask her to hug her tighter?
Sima Zhen did not answer.

In the dark little room, Sima Zhen leaned against Li Ling and sighed softly: "What should I call you? Jingjing? Or Tiaotiao?"

In normal times, when Li Ling heard this question, he would have to think carefully about how to answer it.But at this moment, she really didn't have the heart to think too much.

Sima's arms were really cold, and so was his body.

Li Ling seemed to still be able to see Sima Zhen's tragic "transformation" scene before her eyes, and she finally felt that she chose not to tell the cosmic coordinates because she was sorry for Sima Zhen.

The intense emotions in Li Ling's chest gradually calmed down, and even his rationality was relaxed.

Unable to think about the right and wrong, Li Ling said softly, "I am Li Ling."

Sima Zhen froze, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and his originally gentle face was full of surprise: "Li Ling, the most powerful person in the heavenly realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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