beauty bible

Chapter 28 Think too simple

Chapter 28 Think too simple

The main hall of Li Mansion.

These days, the main hall of the Li Mansion has become a place where everyone in the Li Mansion gathers.

People in Li's mansion were trapped in Li's mansion, and the howling of zombies outside the mansion could be heard from time to time.People in Li's residence gathered in the main hall most of the time, as if everyone was together, and everyone felt more at ease.

Aunt Qian took Li Ling's hand and softly reprimanded her for being disobedient, and she was still running around mischievously at this moment.

Li Xuanming sat at the head of the main hall, slowly reading the words on the red edict with relaxed eyebrows.

After the edict was read, everyone in the hall was overjoyed, and their tense nerves rarely relaxed a little.Almost all the servants had smiles on their faces, and some even cried with joy.

It turned out that the emperor did not give up on the people in the capital!

The edict stated that the emperor decided to lead the army in the capital to move the capital, leave the capital, and head for Jinlin City.And all the people in the capital can follow the team to move the capital, be protected by the army, and leave the capital full of zombies.

Everyone in Li's mansion was trapped in the mansion with no way out, and now they heard the news that the emperor would lead the army to lead them out of a way out, they were naturally overjoyed.

After Li Xuanming finished reading the edict, he handed the edict to Li Jingshu who was standing aside, then he leaned on the back of the chair and murmured: "Sure enough! There are also ancient books in the palace, calling those things zombies."

Hearing this, Li Lingru was struck by lightning.

When talking to the palace guard Lie Luo before, Li Ling was busy telling lies one after another.At this moment, Li Ling suddenly realized that the red imperial edict also referred to those things as "zombies"!
Li Ling's eyes wandered.

Why do the people of this world, the ancients of this world, also know the name "zombie"?
This... can't be a coincidence!

Could it be that in this world, long, long ago, there were other traversers? !

That's why the word "zombie" was uttered by the traverser, which was later recorded in the book—the so-called ancient book?

Just when Li Ling was doubting, Li Xuanming sighed with a relaxed face: "Yes! It's time to go back to Jinlin City!"

Li Ling hurriedly stopped his thoughts of running around, and asked with a puzzled face, "Go back to Jinlin City?"

Li Xuanming stroked his beard with ease, and said, "Yes! Go back to Jinlin!"

Seeing that Li Ling was still puzzled, Li Xuanming said, "Jing Jing, have you forgotten the story about the Spring Festival?"

Li Lingdao: "I know about the Spring Festival. Rumor has it that this world began at the end of the world. Two gods built a city in the world, which made everything grow and humans appeared... Wait, you mean?"

Li Xuanming nodded affirmatively.

"What?" Li Ling frowned: "How is it possible?! You said Jinlin City is the city in that story? The first human city built by the god? How is this possible? Not to mention whether the story is true or not, even if the story It’s true, this story has been circulated for tens of thousands of years, and the city tens of thousands of years ago... is still there now?!”

Li Xuanming nodded again, and he couldn't help saying in a lecturing tone: "Jingjing, you have read a lot of idle books, but you really know very little about history books. That Jinlin City is indeed the legendary city, the first city in the world. For tens of thousands of years, Jinlin City has been standing upright. Not only that, for tens of thousands of years, Jinlin City has been regarded as the most powerful defensive city in the world several times, and it has also been used as the capital several times. Therefore, Jinlin City has been continuously used by various dynasties. The emperor renovated and rebuilt. Jinlin City may have changed in countless ways, but it is called Jinlin, and it has indeed remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years."

Regarding Li Xuanming's explanation, Li Ling could only sigh: "Unbelievable...unbelievable..."

Li Xuanming smiled slightly: "Since the gods built Jinlin City for us, now that the end is coming, of course we have to go back to Jinlin City."

Li Ling tilted his head, and tentatively said, "Just because of that rumor, the capital is going to be moved?" Isn't this pure superstition?

"Of course it's more than that," Li Xuanming said, "I think there is another reason why Your Majesty accepted His Highness the Crown Prince's proposal to move the capital, that is, Jinlin City is the most easily defended and difficult to attack city in our Great Zhou territory. Although I I have never been to Jinlin City, but I know that Jinlin City was originally built to defend against foreign attacks. Everything in the city is the most suitable for defense."

Li Ling raised his eyebrows: "Since Jinlin City is so good, why didn't Jinlin City be used as the capital when the Great Zhou Dynasty was founded? In this case, it also saves the need to move the capital now. Your Majesty only needs to call all the troops from the whole country into the capital, and directly transfer the capital to the capital. Clean up the zombies in the capital, wouldn't it be fine?"

Li Xuanming looked at Li Ling in the eyes, and changed into the eyes of a mature official looking at his ignorant little girl: "Quiet, you don't understand. Although Jinlin City has the strongest defense, the transportation is inconvenient. If Jinlin City As the capital, as the center of the Great Zhou, it will be very difficult for our Great Zhou to prosper."

Li Xuanming stroked his beard and said: "Of course, in the past thousands of years, there have been many emperors of dynasties who were unwilling to make progress and used Jinlin City as their capital. In that case, the royal family living in Jinlin City would be very safe. It is impossible to control the entire country and build the entire country better..."

"But any royal family that wants to make the country prosperous and strong will mostly choose the 'Hongcheng' where we are now as the capital. But any royal family whose country is in turmoil and the imperial power is difficult to stabilize will often choose Jinlin City as the capital. Because of this, in the history books, apart from the 'Hongcheng' where we are now, 'Jinlin City' is regarded as the city with the most capitals. Therefore, people often call Jinlin City the old capital..."

Here, Li Xuanming was rarely patient. He chatted with Li Ling about the history of Jinlin City, and he almost brought out the history books to teach him.

On the other side, Li Jingshu frowned, and suddenly interrupted loudly: "You seem to think things too far, and it's too simple..."

Li Ling and everyone in the main hall were startled and turned to look at Li Jingshu.

Li Jingshu handed the red edict back to Li Xuanming and said: "Your Majesty's edict said that in half a month, your Majesty's army will be at the south gate of the capital. At that time, all the people in the capital will have to go to the south gate. Then join the military escort."

"Yes!" Li Xuanming looked puzzled, he took the edict and put it on the table at hand: "Half a month, half a month, our house has enough grain."

However, Li Ling immediately understood what Li Jingshu meant, and was unable to help her forehead: "We, we can't reach the south gate at all..."

Everyone in the main hall was stunned when they heard the words.


Today's capital city is full of zombies, not to mention rushing to the south gate of the capital to join the emperor's army, just walking out of Li's mansion, I am afraid that everyone will be immediately torn up by the zombies!
After receiving the emperor's edict, everyone excitedly thought that they were saved, but they didn't expect that they would not be able to get out of this first step!
(End of this chapter)

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