beauty bible

Chapter 275 Underestimate

Chapter 275 Underestimate
In the cockpit of this small spaceship, a quick glance revealed hundreds, even thousands, of buttons of various colors and sizes.

It was impossible for Li Ling and Shen Lang to try the buttons one by one.Also, this is a pirate den, who knows what will happen the longer they stay here? !

Li Ling lowered his head and thought for a moment, then turned around and took Xie Chen's left hand with one hand.

Xie Chen looked at Li Ling coldly.

Li Ling pulled open the black leather jacket on Xie Chen's left hand, revealing a blue bracelet on his wrist.

Xie Chen's expression did not change.

Li Ling put one hand on Xie Chen's left hand and looked up at Xie Chen: "Pirate chief, I know that a person like you must have many secrets that cannot be revealed to others. You can turn on the switch of this small spaceship for us. Send us away. Or—”

"What else?" Xie Chen sneered and said, "Little beauty, how do you want to threaten me? Do you want to check the data in my bracelet, copy the data in my bracelet, or destroy my bracelet?"

Li Ling: "What do you think?"

Xie Chen looked at Li Ling with a serious look: "Little beauty, do you really think that I don't have the ability to kill you? Do you really think... just the three of you, oh no, it should be two of you and one of you is disabled. Leave my Xie Chen's Valen?"

Li Ling couldn't help but glanced sideways at the snow-white kitten in the cage.

The palm-sized kitten squatted in the cage, looking at Li Ling silently with gentle eyes.

At this moment, being looked at by "Guaiguai" with such eyes, Li Ling felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. She quickly turned her head and looked at Xie Chen with a cold face.

Xie Chen said coldly: "Even if you destroy my bracelet, I can buy it again. Even if you check all my secrets... as long as you kill you, everything will be clean!"

Li Ling had a little smile in his eyes, and asked back: "Xie Chen, do you know what the 'living body time travel technique' is?"

Shen Lang gave Li Ling a strange look.

Xie Chen raised his chin slightly: "If you are willing to tell me, little beauty, I can consider letting the three of you go."

"No," Li Ling said with a smile: "Xie Chen, you don't know what 'living body time travel technology' is. Then, how do you know that the three of us traveled to the Faren with a task arranged by the organization? Why don’t we have monitors on us?”

"Impossible!" Xie Chen said coldly: "You don't have monitors on you. They have already checked your whole body before destroying the live broadcast hemisphere!"

"Are you sure?" Li Ling said with a smile on his face, "Xie Chen, since you don't know what the 'living body time travel technology' is, how can you be sure that the three of us... don't have more high-tech monitoring equipment arranged by the organization? ?Maybe... your detection equipment can't detect it at all. And when I opened your bracelet, the data on your bracelet has been monitored and sent to our leader!"

Xie Chen's eyes flashed slightly but he said nothing.

Shen Lang couldn't help but glanced at Li Ling.

Shen Lang knew that his time travel with Li Ling was God's arrangement.The two of them have no organization at all.

The so-called "organization" is just something that Xie Chen imagined.

Now, Tiao Tiao said, they may have higher-tech monitoring equipment on their bodies, which can evade Xie Chen's detection equipment...

Shen Langming knew that Tiaotiao was making up a story, but he had to think, maybe... Tiaotiao was telling the truth!

They couldn’t be sure at all whether God had been secretly watching and watching their every move!
"Tiaotiao, are you telling the truth? Is God really watching us all the time?" Shen Lang asked.

Li Ling turned his head to look at Shen Lang, and nodded slightly: "Brother Shen, God is too unpredictable, I think he knows a lot of things. Brother Shen, have you forgotten? We traveled to another place for the first time. In a time and space, God didn’t even provide us with a translator. But... since our second time travel, can’t we all understand the words and languages ​​of different worlds?”

"We talked about this issue at the beginning. Brother Shen, don't you think that God has been monitoring us since the first time we traveled. Therefore, in the first world we traveled to, God got the translator. Data, or function. Then, after that, every time we travel through another world, God will directly add this translator function to us."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and looked at Li Ling fixedly: "Yes, Tiao Tiao, you are right."

Shen Lang said this in his mouth, but the look in his eyes was clearly "Tiao Tiao, you know too much!"

Xie Chen silently watched the conversation between the two with deep eyes.

Li Ling looked at Xie Chen: "We just want to leave. The two of us have no ability to challenge your Valen. Believe it or not, we came to the Valen, which was beyond our expectations."

Xie Chen looked at Li Ling in silence for a few seconds, then walked to the other side.

Shen Lang grabbed Xie Chen with one hand and followed him.

Xie Chen walked to the school button on the left and pressed a red button.

In the hall, countless small white lights suddenly lit up, revealing every detail in the cab.

"The Shengnian small spaceship has started, choose manual operation or automatic operation?" A clear mechanical female voice sounded in the hall.

Li Ling looked around and said loudly, "Autopilot."

"Autopilot has started, please select a destination." The mechanical female voice continued.

Li Ling frowned and said, "Choose the nearest habitable planet."

"The destination has been selected, and the asteroid is 'high jumping'. The estimated distance is 16 hours. The Shengnian has entered the autopilot state, please sit back in your seat." The mechanical female voice said.

Li Ling took a few steps to the glass window and watched the scenery outside the glass window change.

The small spaceship gradually rose into the sky and slowly headed towards the black universe.After a while, Li Ling saw that the small spaceship began to accelerate, and it sailed out of the Varen spaceship at once.

Li Ling breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, turned his head, and smiled at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang had a pensive look in his eyes, and when he saw Li Ling turning his head and smiling at him, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smile.


The moment Shen Lang relaxed his body and smiled at Li Ling, Xie Chen twisted his body and punched Shen Lang in the stomach!
Shen Lang screamed in pain and was sent flying, hitting the silver-white door of the cockpit.

Xie Chen turned sideways and pressed a button beside him.In an instant, all the cabin doors on the Shengnian small spacecraft were opened.

Li Ling's expression changed and he flew forward.

Xie Chen sneered, and quickly backed away.

Li Ling chased after Xie Chen in surprise, and then, she found that Xie Chen's speed was actually faster than her!

(End of this chapter)

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