beauty bible

Chapter 248 The only way to plot the world

Chapter 248 The only way to plot the world
Hearing Li Ling mentioning zombies, Shen Lang straightened his expression slightly, and he said slowly, "Why not?"

Shen Lang said: "Some people have tried using water to attack zombies."

Zhou Yi Chi shook his head: "Water can't hurt zombies. Zombies will have no effect at all when they encounter water. Unless the zombies are completely sunk to the bottom of the lake. At that time, zombies will be like 'sleeping' and will not have any reaction, but once The zombie came out of the water, and it was 'alive' as usual."

Li Ling asked again: "But burning zombies is useful, why not use fire?"

When Li Ling was not good at martial arts and lost her sword again, she tried to use fire.

Shen Lang sighed: "If the town is set on fire, the people hiding in the city will not be spared."

Zhou Yichi said: "It was also suggested that we move forward in the wilderness and pull out some weeds in the wilderness. The outside is a circle without weeds, and the inside is an area full of weeds, and then lead the zombies to the area full of weeds. Grassy areas, and set fires in the middle."

Shen Lang lowered his head: "Unfortunately, after pulling out the weeds, the fire only burned in the center, but the zombies would not be obedient. The zombies have the speed of a warrior. When they are rolling and wailing, they may roll out of the fire. Circle'. At that time, as long as a zombie is not immediately brought back to the 'Fire Circle', it will cause a wilderness fire. Once the fire starts, our own people will also be burned to death."

Water attack is useless, neither is fire attack.

Li Ling asked: "Have you ever tried to let the strong lead the zombies to one place, and then surround and kill them?"

Zhou Yichi said: "That zombie is stupid, it is extremely stupid. But it is not stupid enough to be lured and killed by a person."

"It's like this," Shen Lang explained: "If there are two parties, the zombies will definitely run to the direction with more people, and only a few zombies will run to the direction with fewer people. That is to say, if you invite one The strong go to lure zombies, but they can only attract a few zombies..."

"More people can attract more zombies," Li Ling murmured, "So it's like this..."

Shen Lang smiled wryly: "No matter how many warriors there are, it is impossible for them to exceed the number of ordinary people who don't know martial arts. If you really lure all the zombies here, unless you lure them far away, the zombies will definitely run to the place where there are even more people. the direction of many people.”

"And if we send most of the warriors to attract the zombies, and then surround them," Zhou Chi said, "Once a wave of zombies breaks out among the people, it may be too late to come back... Without warriors to suppress and kill them, the zombies spread very quickly. "

"And if you only attract a small number of zombies to's not as fast as warriors entering a group of zombies to kill zombies." Li Ling said.

Shen Lang nodded: "That's it."

Zhou Chi: "That's it."

Li Ling let out a sigh of relief: "Speaking of which, we really have nothing to do except let the warriors fight head-on."

Shen Lang glanced at the sky: "Wait! When we all arrive at Jinlin City, the people are safe. At that time, warriors can go out of the city to siege zombies at will. At that time, how can things without thought compare with Warriors with brains! There are plenty of ways to kill them!"


into the night.

The army stopped and stationed.

In Zhou Chi's military tent.

After dinner, Su Ren looked up at Zhou Yichi, and said, "Master Zhou—this Li Ling—"

Zhou Yichi let out a small sigh: "He is really a strong man at the heaven level."

"But—but—" Su Ren was puzzled and said urgently: "This Li Ling has the same name and surname as the Li Ling we knew before, and his appearance is five points similar...Master Zhou, have you forgotten the flower picker? Is it 'male-to-female' kung fu?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten," Zhou Yi said with a straight face, "It's just that the names can be the same, and the looks can be similar... But this martial arts—Su Ren, do you believe that a person can hardly know martial arts within a few months? , to become the most powerful person in heaven?"

Su Ren looked blank and shook his head: "This is impossible."

"I think so too," Zhou Yichi closed his eyes, "I wish he was the Li Ling we knew... Unfortunately, no martial arts in this world come for nothing."

Su Ren persisted, "I still have my doubts."

Zhou Yichi laughed: "That's right, I'm also skeptical."

Su Ren looked at Zhou Yichi: "It's just a coincidence...these three things are all coincidences, I really think he is her..."

Zhou Yichi smiled slightly: "Su Ren, do you feel that you suddenly care too much about Li Ling?"

Seeing Zhou Chi who was smiling quietly, Su Ren's heart skipped a beat, and he smiled awkwardly: "Is there? I just think it's too coincidental... How can there be such a coincidence in this world! I'm so surprised! "

Zhou Chi nodded, looking at Su Ren's face losing his usual calmness, and said calmly: "Yes, this is really a coincidence..."


An hour later.

"What did you ask me out for?" Shen Youyou stood in the night wind and asked impatiently.

Su Ren walked out slowly, approached Shen Youyou, and whispered a few words in her ear.

Hearing Su Ren's whisper, Shen Youyou's expression changed quickly, from impatience to disbelief, and finally to shock and surprise.

Shen Youyou: "Are you telling the truth? Not only do they have the same name, but they also have five points of similarity in appearance? Is there such a martial art that changes appearance in this world?"

Su Renzheng nodded emphatically: "I feel ashamed of her in my heart, and I hope she lives well. Master Shen, you are in her military tent, can find out if you have the opportunity. The strong Li Ling is the young master Li Ling I met back then, and she must still be carrying a token."

Shen Youyou's complexion changed back and forth, and she snorted: "You're right, I'll give it a try. You're thinking about it yourself, don't reveal the master's affairs to Zhou Yichi, the new master!"

Su Ren smiled bitterly: "How can I do such a thing."

Shen Youyou sneered: "You better do what you say!"

After speaking, Shen Youyou left quickly, with a bit of joy and excitement in her back.

Su Ren sighed heavily and walked away slowly.

After a long time, Zhou Yichi walked slowly to the ground where the two met, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Yichi looked at the direction of Shen Youyou's departure, then at the direction of Su Ren's departure, lowered his head and frowned, and his voice was extremely low, as if nothing: "Young master... Su Ren's former master, Yu Xiao Sect The leader's master... Li Ling, the most powerful person in the sky... Li Ling, a young girl... the rivers and lakes are deep, but it shouldn't be this deep..."

After a long time, Zhou Yichi turned his head and looked at Li Ling's military tent from a distance: "This kind of deep organization only plans to plot the world."

The night breeze was cool, Zhou Yichi raised his head with his hands behind his back, and looked at the black sky: "Zhou Yichi, the sky ladder, can contaminate the world, roam around the world, and do whatever he wants... Rivers and lakes, courts, but he can do nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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