beauty bible

Chapter 243

Chapter 243

This time as the captain of the vanguard team, with the advice of Zhen Shiming and Gu Qi, Li Ling had a general understanding of the lifestyle of the officers in Shen Lang's army.

Although it didn't take a lot of time to explore the road in that small town, Li Ling never rested during the day and night, especially when killing zombies in the small town, Li Ling showed great energy and strength .

She seemed to have lived in this doomsday for a long time, but it was the first time that she killed zombies so heartily.

Back in the army at this time, alone, Li Ling seemed to still be able to see those zombies with black faces and mouths that were smeared with blood.

The dense and seemingly endless zombies in the town did not move Li Ling in the slightest.Looking back at this moment, Li Ling only felt that it "hurt his eyes".

Blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters, handsome men and beautiful women, anything is better than black and rotting zombies stained with black blood.

Shen Lang's army was in a hurry to rush to Jinlin City, so when the vanguard team was carrying out their mission, the army was marching at the same time.

When Li Ling returned to the army this morning, the military tents of Shen Lang and others were no longer in their original places, but had already moved.Shen Lang's military tent at this time is already separated by a day's march from Li Lingjin's military tent before.

In the early morning when Li Ling just returned to the army, the army started a new day of marching. Except for a few military tents that remained in place, there were soldiers and civilians walking slowly everywhere.

Generally, when you come back from a mission, you should report the results to the superior first.But Li Ling, as a strong man in the sky, has no one to be her immediate superior, and no one to direct her to do things. She only needs to listen to Shen Lang's delegation.

Things like investigating a small town are really insignificant, and there is no need to report it to the general king Shen Lang.Therefore, as soon as he returned to the army, Gu Qi reported the matter.

Li Ling stood silently in the army, watching the soldiers walking on both sides of the people in full armor and holding weapons, or pushing all kinds of luggage forward.And the common people, either carry luggage, or a few people support each other to move forward.

After stopping in place for a while, Li Ling decided to rest for a while before going to Shen Lang to continue killing zombies.

After asking a soldier, Li Ling went to another army tent to get a nutrient solution.

Listening to other soldiers laughing and discussing the various fresh fruit flavors of the nutrient solution, Li Ling felt particularly strange.

In this world without even electric lights, countless people have tasted the nutrient solution of the high-tech world.

After drinking the nutrient solution, there was still a sweet smell in her mouth. Li Ling couldn't help thinking about the peaceful and comfortable days when there would be no zombies on this planet one day, and she could buy whatever she wanted online.

Feeling full, Li Ling flew to one side, and in the blink of an eye, she landed on a big tree.

Choosing a thicker tree, Li Ling sat cross-legged on a thick branch at the top of the tree, closed his eyes, activated his internal energy, and began to practice the internal energy in the "Beauty Bible."

Cultivating internal strength and comprehending the sword skills of "Luoyue 29 Swords", one day and one night passed quickly.

In the early morning of the second day, Li Ling opened his eyes, full of energy.

After a day and a night of practice, the progress of internal strength was slow, but there was a little progress in "29 Swords of Falling Moon".

At this time, Li Ling was already two days away from Shen Lang.Li Ling got up, took a nutrient solution, and after drinking the nutrient solution, flew up to catch up with Shen Lang's leading army.

When Li Ling found Shen Lang, Shen Lang was riding a horse with a calm expression, walking slowly forward.

Seeing Li Ling flying over, Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and smiled, saying: "Bring a horse to Mr. Li."


Soon, a strong horse was brought to Li Ling.

Li Ling had learned how to ride a horse in Zhiyuan Villa, when he saw the horse, he got on the horse smoothly.

Seeing Li Ling's vigorous movements, Shen Lang raised his eyebrows: "How does it feel to be the captain of the vanguard team?"

Li Ling rode slowly, walking side by side with Shen Lang, and looked sideways at Shen Lang: "I don't feel anything special, I just feel that it is a little different from the life in the army that I imagined before."

Shen Lang laughed loudly: "Then what do you think life in the army is like?"

Li Ling: "The zombies are in the front, and the people are in the back, and then keep killing the zombies."

"Hahahaha..." Shen Lang rode on the horse, raised his head and smiled, and turned to look at Li Ling: "Don't worry, there are days like this, you will meet them."

Li Ling: "Brother Shen, I thought you would arrange a new job for me as soon as I came."

Seeing this face say "Brother Shen", Shen Lang frowned slightly: "Li Ling, has anyone ever said that you and Tiaotiao are so similar."

Li Ling turned his head and looked at the wide but uneven road ahead: "Five points alike?"

"No!" Shen Lang also turned his head: "I think it's too similar! Your words and deeds are too similar! If your bones are not different from hers, I would take off my clothes to confirm..."

Li Ling black line.

Shen Lang shook his head and laughed: "That's all, a man is a man and a woman is a woman. People are similar, not to mention that you are brothers and sisters, and the similarities become even more similar when you get along with each other all the time."

Shen Lang raised his head, with a relaxed expression on his face, but his eyes were not relaxed. He turned his head to look at Li Ling, and said seriously: "By the way, you are in a different situation from Zhou Yichi. When Zhou Yichi came to join the army, there were people around him. You You entered the army, but you are alone, do you want me to send someone to serve you?"

Li Ling thought for a while: "It's not necessary to serve. I need someone who is familiar with the army to tell me something."

Li Ling has neither a superior nor a soldier who takes orders from her, so she needs to ask for directions to receive nutrient solution, and she still doesn't know who to turn to to make her a military tent to sleep in.She is said to be an officer, but she is dawdling alone. Li Ling needs someone who understands military affairs to accompany her.If she doesn't know anything, feel free to ask.Li Ling can't just grab a soldier for everything, and it's impossible to bother Shen Lang, the general king, for these trivial matters.

Shen Lang nodded: "That's right, I'll ask Shiming to arrange someone for you later."

Li Lingdao: "Gucci, who was doing missions with me before, is very good."

Shen Lang hooked his lips, showing an ambiguous smile, and blinked at Li Ling: "Listen to the name, is this a woman?"

Li Ling nodded and said solemnly: "Female."

"Okay! Since you want her by name, let her follow you. I'll arrange another soldier to take care of you." Shen Lang said straightforwardly.

Li Ling smiled: "Thank you, Big Brother Shen."

Shen Lang looked at Li Ling's handsome and extraordinary face, touched the back of his head, and turned his eyes away: "Yesterday, I heard Shi Ming talk about a piece of news in the army."

Li Ling: "What?"

Shen Lang had a bit of embarrassment on his face, but also a little curiosity: "I heard... how are you Nanfeng?"

"..." Li Ling was speechless.

She just blurted out the phrase "I like men" yesterday, and it actually became a gossip in the military.

Shen Youyou's playful and smiling face immediately turned in Li Ling's mind, she must be the one who spread the rumor there!
Seeing that Li Ling didn't answer, Shen Lang laughed a few times: "Ha! Ha! Ha! Haha!"

Li Ling looked at Shen Lang's embarrassed expression speechlessly: "Brother Shen, don't think too much. I joined the army just to protect the people and kill more zombies."

Shen Lang nodded repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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