beauty bible

Chapter 236 It's just a mental illness!

Chapter 236 It's just a mental illness!

When walking out of Shen Lang's big tent holding a blank sheet of paper, Li Ling looked up at the night sky.

The night sky is like a black curtain, with a vast expanse of whiteness, a half-curved moon, and dots of stars appearing and disappearing.

Li Ling walked slowly in one direction.

The night breeze was cool, and Li Ling's heart felt relaxed and empty.

She was wrong.

When she was Li Tiaotiao, Shen Lang was the gentle and smiling elder brother Shen.

And when she was Li Ling, Shen Lang was the general king in charge of the army.

A completely different attitude.

Li Ling didn't think there was anything wrong with Shen Lang.I just feel that there is a little less joy and a little more distance.

What she knew, after all, was that elder brother Shen who traveled through time and space, not that great general who was sitting in the big tent behind the table and planning strategies.

Li Ling suddenly thought of Xia Qi.

That good friend she chatted with online was always a little different in reality?
After all, he is also a towering figure.

If they meet each other one day, will there be countless distances between her and Xia Qi?

Li Ling smiled and shook his head, feeling that he was disturbing others.

This was the first time Li Ling met Shen Lang. Shen Lang's attitude was normal.

Walking to the place indicated by Shen Lang, Li Ling opened a medium-sized military tent.

There are countless officers' uniforms, weapons, and other supplies piled up in the military tent. A young man is sitting in front of the table and falling asleep.

This young man was dressed in an official uniform, with two beards on his mouth, lying on the desk and sleeping soundly.

Li Ling smiled slightly, feeling that he was a bit late.However, it's all here, and things can still be done.

After walking a few steps to the desk, Li Ling knocked on the desk.

"Who is it!" The young official shouted impatiently, opened his eyes, rubbed his eyes, looked at Li Ling, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Oh... what a handsome young man!"

The young official thought to himself: "Okay! You can get an official position at a young age like you. You must be a Jianghu man! Tell me, what kind of official will the superior promote you to be? Hey... These days, people with martial arts are promoted quickly. !"

Li Ling smiled and placed the white paper in his hand in front of the young official.

The young official casually glanced at the white paper, and suddenly said loudly: "What? Join the fifth-rank guard army?"

The young official looked up at Li Ling in disbelief: "You are not a fake, are you? Even the most powerful man with the second best martial arts in the world, he was only directly promoted to a sixth-rank deputy lieutenant! You are so young! , It is a death penalty for privately creating military orders!"

Li Ling said: "Isn't this a seal?"

The young official looked down at the bright red seal on the white paper, and stared wide-eyed: "It's really the seal of the great general! You, you, who are you?"

Li Ling said: "Isn't it written on it, I am Li Ling."

"Li Ling, Li Ling..." The young official muttered twice, looked at Li Ling and said, "I'll go! The most powerful man in the world, is he so young?"

Li Ling looked at him lightly.

The young official touched the mustache on his lips in embarrassment: "'s the fault of the lower official. Please wait, the lower official will register it for you."

As he spoke, the young official flipped through several booklets on the table, took one of them, and recorded Li Ling's name and official position on the record.

Immediately, the young official took out a square piece of white jade and a dark blue official uniform, and held them in front of Li Ling: "Master, here is your seal and official uniform."

Li Ling took the square white jade and saw that the square jade pendant was as thick as a palm, and there was a bear carved on the jade.The dark blue official uniform looks like it has a bit of official authority, but it looks... pretty ugly, and wearing this official uniform to use force may be a bit delayed.

Li Ling looked at the dark blue official uniform and frowned: "Can I not wear the official uniform?"

"Okay!" The young official said as a matter of course: "Master Zhou Yichi and many warriors from the rivers and lakes did not wear official uniforms. There have been precedents."

Li Ling looked at the khaki "beggar's suit" on his body: "Then can you give me a suit that fits me?"

The young official smiled and said: "Of course. Starting from the fifth-grade official, you are provided with three meals a day and the official uniform is provided by yourself. But if you want to change into two pairs of clean and fitting clothes... then you will have received your salary for this year. La!"

"..." Li Ling: "From a fifth-rank official, one year's salary is only enough to change two clothes?"

The young official shrugged and spread his hands: "Anyway, this is the way it is now. Your lord, you are a strong man in the sky. Kill a few more zombies and make meritorious deeds. Do you want to exchange for anything?"

"Oh." Li Ling responded.

In Shen Lang's army, it is estimated that only the military officer who kills zombies is better.If it's a civil servant, that's true—only three meals are left to eat.

"By the way," the young official said: "It's already very late now. You should have asked the soldiers directly under you to make a military account for you, but the general has not officially given you a real job. Take the seal and find a nearby soldier to give it to you. You pull out a military tent. When the general gives you a position and you have soldiers under your command, you will have your soldiers build a military tent for you from now on."

Li Ling nodded and didn't say much.

The young official called a soldier, pointed to Li Ling and said a few words.

Not long after, the soldier brought two light blue men's clothes from another large tent.

These two clothes, both in material and production, are extremely sophisticated, not ordinary coarse clothes, and they are worthy of the status of "official".

Li Ling took the seal and two sets of clothes, nodded to the young official, and left.

After putting on light blue men's clothes, Li Ling did not go to the soldiers to set up an army tent. It was getting late anyway, so Li Ling simply flew to the deserted tree and meditated all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Ling entered Shen Lang's big tent.

Shen Lang had already got up, and was sitting in front of the table, frowning to check some maps.

Li Ling cupped his fists: "I have seen the general."

Shen Lang raised his eyes and saw that it was Li Ling who was wearing a light blue shirt. He only felt that the young man was handsome, like a good son in a troubled world, a noble son like a jade man: "It's Li Canling!"

"Yes!" Li Ling said: "Li Ling came here to ask the general, what should Li Ling do next?"

It would be a bit rude for an ordinary official to ask this.However, there are so many Jianghu people joining the army this year, and Shen Lang has long been accustomed to such direct questions.

Shen Lang said: "Come forward."

Li Ling walked to Shen Lang's case in a few steps.

"Look here," Shen Lang pointed to a small town on the map, and said, "Li Ling, as a leader of the fifth rank, you have never killed zombies in the army and made real achievements. You lead a vanguard team to explore this small town. Would you like to?"

Li Ling nodded and said, "Okay!"

Thinking of his attitude last night, a trace of unnaturalness flashed in Shen Lang's eyes.He stood up and patted Li Ling on the shoulder: "In any case, no matter how high the martial arts are, martial arts masters must really make contributions in order to gain a firm foothold in the army. The vanguard squad is one of the most dangerous military positions in the army." [-]. As a strong man of the heaven rank, you are not afraid of any danger. The first thing you need to lead this time is to familiarize yourself with the army, and the second is to let you try to bring back as many people as possible in the vanguard team alive. Gong, Brother Shen will make other arrangements for you, it will be appropriate."

Li Ling understood that Shen Lang was making arrangements for her, so she couldn't help smiling and said, "Thank you, Big Brother Shen."

A familiar face, a familiar smile, and this strange feeling... Shen Lang's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and he felt that when he faced this Li Ling, his emotions were very strange.

Shen Lang put a hand on his head, turned around and said, "Go! Find Zhen Shiming, I'll ask him to accompany you."

"Okay!" Li Ling nodded, turned around and walked out of the big tent.

When Li Ling got out of the big tent, Shen Lang turned around and looked at the exit of the big tent, wrinkling his face bitterly.

what's the situation?
Why is there something wrong with Li Ling's emotions when facing this person?
It's just a mental illness!

(End of this chapter)

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