beauty bible

Chapter 234 Recognition

Chapter 234 Recognition
Ten carriages could not hold 500 million bottles of nutrient solution, so Li Ling drove a carriage to Shen Lang's tent and directly put the nutrient solution in the carriage into Shen Lang's tent.

Seeing that Li Ling had piled up so many test tubes filled with liquids of different colors in the big tent in an instant, Shen Lang stood up suddenly. He looked at the nutrient solution in shock, pointed at the nutrient solution with one hand, and was speechless: "This -"

But Li Ling interrupted him: "Wait! Don't touch it yet, wait a minute, there are more!"

Before finishing speaking, Li Ling drove the carriage towards the place where the empty box was.

Let the little robot fill the empty carriage with nutrient solution, and Li Ling drove another carriage filled with nutrient solution to Shen Lang's big tent, and put the nutrient solution in the carriage into Shen Lang's big tent involuntarily. middle.

This time, Shen Lang didn't speak. He put his hands behind his back and frowned tightly. He looked solemnly at the increasing amount of nutrient solution in the tent, and then turned to watch Li Ling come and go.

After repeating it several times, all the nutrient solution in the empty box was moved out.

Li Ling put the three small robots back into the empty box, followed the instructions on the screen on the empty box, clicked "Return", and watched the empty box disappear again.

There were only ten carriages filled with nutrient solution left in front of him.

Li Ling patiently drove the ten carriages one by one to Shen Lang's tent.

Shen Lang was also very patient. He frowned and waited at the big tent for Li Ling to come and go without saying a word.

After all ten carriages stopped in front of Shen Lang's big tent, Li Ling walked into Shen Lang's big tent again.

The big tent is almost full of nutrient solutions of different colors.

Shen Lang's face was extremely serious, and there was a hint of restless ecstasy in his eyes. He followed Li Ling into the big tent.

As soon as he entered the big tent, Shen Lang couldn't wait to say: "No more?"

Li Ling was slightly surprised.

With Shen Lang's expression, does he know nutrient solution?
Li Ling pointed to the outside of the big tent, and said: "Ten carriages are full, and there are others in your big tent. There are no more."

Shen Lang clenched his fists tightly, then quickly released them. He strode up to Li Ling, with burning eyes and an almost uncontrollable smile on his face: "This is the gift Tiaotiao asked you to send - nutrient solution." ?”

Li Ling was stunned. Shen Lang was tall. Even if Li Ling transformed into a man's body, he would still be half a head shorter than Shen Lang.Li Ling raised her eyes and saw Shen Lang's handsome face beaming with joy. She was surprised and said, "Do you recognize him?"

"Hahahaha..." Shen Lang laughed happily: "Why don't I recognize it! Nutrient solution!"

Li Ling was stunned, lowering his head slightly and thinking for a moment.

Soon, Li Ling came to his senses.

Earlier, Li Ling was still thinking about how to explain the "nutrient solution" to Shen Lang, and how to convince Shen Lang of the role of the "nutrient solution".

But now, none of this is necessary!

How could she have forgotten!

When she traveled to that high-tech world, Shen Lang also traveled to that world with her, but... they were working on separate tasks at that time, so Li Ling forgot about it.

He recognized Shen Lang, which saved Li Ling's explanation!

Shen Lang was overjoyed and immersed in ecstasy. He laughed and said, "Did Tiaotiao ask you to send these nutrient solutions?"

Li Ling nodded, seeing Shen Lang's ecstatic appearance, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Shen Lang stepped forward quickly, opened his arms, and hugged Li Ling.

Li Ling was stunned for a moment.

Shen Lang hugged Li Ling, laughed and patted Li Ling's back: "You are indeed a good brother of Tiao Tiao! Tiao Tiao is indeed the most kind-hearted girl in the world!"

Li Ling black line.

Just in the morning, she heard Shen Lang scolding "jumping bastard"!

Li Ling smiled and withdrew from Shen Lang's arms: "Since you know the purpose of this nutrient solution, you don't have to explain it to me."

Shen Lang patted Li Ling's shoulder heavily again, and laughed loudly: "Good brother! You just saved countless lives!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Lang's expression suddenly turned serious, and he actually got down on one knee and bowed to Li Ling: "Brother, Shen Lang will never forget this kindness!"

Li Ling took a few steps to the side and blurted out: "Brother Shen, don't do this!"

Shen Lang was slightly taken aback, then stood up with a smile: "Brother Shen? That's fine! Tiaotiao calls me Brother Shen, you are her brother, so you can call me Brother Shen from now on!"

Li Ling was silent, Shen Lang's sudden thank you almost made Li Ling forget that he is a man now.

Shen Lang smiled and exhaled: "Since you call me Brother Shen, we will be brothers from now on. Li Ling, how did Tiao Tiao get these nutrient solutions?"

Li Ling smiled slightly: "Tiaotiao said that she got the cosmic coordinates of this planet, and then relied on the cosmic coordinates to buy these nutrient solutions. Because these things are related to gods, she asked me to transport them here secretly."

Li Ling took the opportunity to explain himself, but Shen Lang was still angry with "Li Tiaotiao".

Shen Lang was startled, and the joy on his face faded slightly: "Cosmic coordinates? Buy?"

Now, Shen Lang finally knew why Tiao Tiao ignored his request when he made a wish like a god in the data space, and insisted on this "universe coordinate".

A look of remorse flashed in Shen Lang's eyes, he raised his hand, and slapped himself hard with a "slap": "So... so... I misunderstood Tiaotiao, I misunderstood her! I'm still being rude to her like that...I'm still calling her...Damn me!"

Said, Shen Lang raised his right hand again——

When Shen Lang slapped himself before, Li Ling had not thought that he would do such a thing. This time Shen Lang raised his hand again, and Li Ling grabbed his right hand.

Li Ling's martial arts skills were higher. She grabbed Shen Lang's hand, and Shen Lang naturally couldn't fight anymore.

Li Ling shook his head and said: "Brother Shen, Tiaotiao asked me to deliver nutrient solution, I didn't just ask you to slap yourself."

Shen Lang lowered his head slightly, and glanced at Li Ling. His face was five points similar, and his eyes were very similar, and his breathing could be heard.

Shen Lang's eyes widened slightly, and his depressed and remorseful mood suddenly disappeared. He unnaturally broke away from Li Ling's hand, stepped back, and only felt a slight heat behind his ears. He coughed, turned his head, Said: "Well, I understand. Tiaotiao is the same as me, wanting to save more lives. It's just...Tiaotiao didn't have time to explain it to me in detail, but I misunderstood her..."

Li Ling nodded: "That's it. Brother Shen, now that the nutrient solution has been shipped, what are you going to do?"

Hearing Li Ling's question, Shen Lang regained his composure, and said, "Naturally, we will find experts to protect the nutrient solution heavily. From then on, all the food will continue to be distributed to the common people. These nutrient solutions will first be used by the soldiers in the army. They will be given directly to the common people, the common people." I may be suspicious, but my soldiers have been in the army for many years, and I have fought life and death with me for several years, give them the nutrient solution, and explain a few words, and they will believe the effect of the nutrient solution."

"In the future, with these nutrient solutions, it will be enough for my army to not worry about food for half a month... In half a month, it is enough for me to divert to several towns to get food..." Speaking of this, Shen Lang took The joyful face took on a bit of heaviness.

If the nutrient solution brought by Li Ling is divided among all the people in the army, it will be consumed within seven or eight days.If it is only distributed to soldiers, it can support their itinerary for more than ten days.

The nutrient solution that Li Ling sent today was enough to relieve Shen Lang's urgent needs, but it was not enough to allow his army to reach Jinlin City.Not to mention, after entering Jinlin City, they still had to eat food, but during the autumn harvest, the grain that Jinlin City could harvest could not afford the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty.What's more, how much food can be harvested in this doomsday year!
Li Ling smiled and said: "Brother Shen, there is still more! There is still nutrient solution!"

Li Ling's words sounded like the sound of nature to Shen Lang's ears. He immediately held Li Ling's hand tightly, his eyes shining: "Are you telling the truth? Are you telling the truth?"

Li Ling smiled and nodded: "Actually, what I sent today is 500 million tubes of nutrient solution. Tiao Tiao said that she can buy this amount of nutrient solution more than ten times."

"Really? Really?" Shen Lang was shocked: "Tiaotiao really said that? Can she really get more nutrient solution?"

Li Ling nodded affirmatively: "Tiaotiao said that she was afraid that if she bought them all at once, it would be troublesome to transport, and there would be damage and waste. So this time, I asked me to send 500 million tubes of nutrient solution."

After confirming that Li Ling's expression was not false at all, Shen Lang raised his head and laughed.

With this smile, he seemed to let go of the depression, anxiety, and heaviness all over his body, and he suddenly relaxed.

Shen Lang hugged Li Ling excitedly and smiled like a child: "Hahahaha... Jump! Jump! It's so good!"

A strong masculine aura surrounded her body. At this moment, Li Ling's heart skipped a beat. She almost thought that Shen Lang recognized her.

Soon, Shen Lang let go of Li Ling, his face full of excitement: "Tiao Tiao really told you everything, you brother and sister have such a good relationship..." Suddenly, Shen Lang's expression changed slightly: "Tiao Tiao said, buy? Where did she come from? Money? Also, how did she buy it? These things, these things are obviously..."

Li Ling said calmly: "Brother Shen, Tiao Tiao said that these explanations are too complicated. She said that saving lives is more important now, and we will talk about other things later."

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows.

Shen Lang was naturally dissatisfied with such an ambiguous answer.

However, with these nutrient solutions today, Shen Lang was in a good mood. Even if Li Ling's answer was unclear, Li Ling was the one who really sent the nutrient solution to save his life.Shen Lang didn't plan to fuss too much, and besides, he was Tiao Tiao's brother, so he was naturally different from others.

Looking at this man who has a face that is [-]% similar to Tiaotiao's, and his actions are somewhat similar to Tiaotiao's, Shen Lang will think of the situation when he rudely yelled at Tiaotiao in that data space, regretting and Uncomfortable emotions floated in his heart, and facing this man named Li Ling again, Shen Lang couldn't bear the thought of questioning.

The most important thing is - the real nutrient solution is right in front of you.

This is one life after another.

(End of this chapter)

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