beauty bible

Chapter 230 Peerless beauties are all bastards!

Chapter 230 Peerless beauties are all bastards!

After all, it was an army of hundreds of thousands, and the army was divided into military regions, and there was a slight distance between each military region. When Li Lingfei reached the front of the army, more than an hour had passed.

This time, Li Ling did not appear in front of everyone. She flew and landed in front of a soldier who came out alone.

Suddenly coming into close contact with a peerless beauty, the young soldier was stunned.He blinked, blinked again, rubbed his eyes again, and then said stupidly: "Fairy, fairy?"

Li Ling didn't expect that her previous appearance had already convinced those hundreds of people that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.She didn't expect that the soldiers at the front of the army would have the same reaction.

Li Ling shook his head: "Hello, I would like to ask, which direction is General Wang Shen Lang now?"

The soldier didn't recover, and pointed to the right side reflexively: "Over there, over there is the big tent of the general. He didn't march today..."

"Okay, thank you." After saying that, Li Ling flew in the direction pointed by the soldier.

The soldier was stunned in place, and suddenly reacted and patted his head: "I'm so stupid! You should report it to the general first!" Then, the soldier hurriedly ran towards Li Lingfei's direction.


Not long after Li Ling flew in the direction the soldier pointed, he saw many soldiers stationed there and several large tents.

With a smile on his face, Li Ling flew towards the big tent in the center.

This was the first time she saw Shen Lang in this doomsday zombie world. Li Ling felt a little happy when she thought that she would see Shen Lang soon.

In the distance, Li Ling saw a familiar figure lift the curtain of the big tent and come out.

The soldiers standing near the tent saluted hurriedly: "I've seen the General King!"

Li Ling was overjoyed and accelerated to fly over.

At this time, Li Ling saw Shen Lang holding a large black vat in his hand and flying towards the dense forest suddenly.

Li Ling had some doubts in his heart, so he flew after him.

Soon, Shen Lang stopped in the deserted dense forest.Leaning crookedly against a big tree, he picked up a large black jar with one hand and poured it into his mouth.

Only then did Li Ling see clearly that Shen Lang's face was flushed and his eyes were full of drunkenness. The big vat he was holding in his hand was exactly a big wine vat.

Li Ling slowed down and approached Shen Lang slowly.

At this moment, Shen Lang suddenly threw away the black wine jar in his hand, with pain, anger, and disappointment in his tone, and said loudly: "Tiaotiao! Why?!"

The wine jar fell to the ground with a loud "bang" and broke into countless pieces. The transparent wine instantly spilled to the ground.

The loud sound of the wine vat breaking, accompanied by Shen Lang's angry voice, made Li Ling stop moving forward.

The joy of being able to see Shen Lang for the first time in this world dissipated in an instant. Li Ling stopped in place for a moment, then flew up to a branch without a sound, and landed on a high place of a big tree. Through the sparse branches and leaves, he silently watched Looking at Shen Lang.

Sword-browed and star-eyed, with a handsome and unrestrained face, sitting slumped against a big tree, drunk, and even more unruly in his actions, Shen Lang couldn't stop talking to himself: "Jump, why? Why don't you choose food?"

"Tiaotiao, do you know that there are nearly 70 people, and there is no food to support them to Jinlin?"

"Even if we reach Jinlin, so what? Heh... Jinlin City is not a granary. It is impossible to grow much food in a short period of time. How can it support so many people?"

"Tiao Tiao, Tiao Tiao," Shen Lang slumped, leaning against a big tree and sitting in the chaotic grass, his voice filled with pain and bewilderment: "Tiao Tiao, this is the only chance...why, you Why would you do that..."

Li Ling stood silently on a tall branch, taking a deep breath.

When she was in the data space before, Shen Lang was already very angry with her choice.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lang had been drinking heavily for several hours after returning to this world.Now drunk, he still talks about what happened in the data space before.

Seeing Shen Lang so sad, Li Ling knew that he was worried about the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.He found a solution, but his hopes were dashed because of her choice.

Li Ling didn't want to see Shen Lang so sad, but now she had a solution. Instead of comforting Shen Lang, she might as well give Shen Lang the nutrient solution as soon as possible so that he would no longer be so anxious and painful.

Li Ling lowered his head and looked at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's cheeks were red, his eyes were blurred with drunkenness, and he kept repeating a few words in his mouth.

Li Ling hesitated, is it appropriate for her to explain now?

Explaining things like "Nutritional Solution" to Shen Lang is just like explaining "Planet" to him at the beginning. It is still a waste of time, and Shen Lang needs to listen carefully. Now that he is drunk, is it really meaningful to explain?
Or, wait a little longer?Wait until he sobers up to explain the "nutrient solution" problem?

Li Ling was still hesitating when he suddenly noticed someone approaching quickly in the dense forest.

It was a young man with big eyes and a white and round baby face. He was not wearing a soldier's uniform, but an officer's uniform.

The young man with a baby face trotted into the dense forest, checked the direction, and ran straight towards Shen Lang. When he saw Shen Lang, he knelt down on one knee: "See the general king!"

Shen Lang leaned against the big tree and sat slumped on the ground. Hearing the sound, he raised his face, revealing his red eyes.Seeing the young man with a baby face, he smiled and said drunkenly, "Shiming! You are here! Come, come! Bring me a jug of wine!"

Seeing that Shen Lang seemed drunk, Zhen Shiming stood up and walked to Shen Lang's side in a few steps without waiting for Shen Lang to shout.He squatted next to Shen Lang and asked, "General, have you been drinking? Are you still drunk?"

Shen Lang laughed and didn't answer.

Zhen Shiming took a deep breath, shook his head, and sighed slowly: "General, you told Shiming before that you should save alcohol. Given the situation in the last days, the food in the future can only be used for food. I guess I won't make any more wine. The current wine is considered the last wine in the world. And the wine in the army must be kept, and will be used to reward those with strong martial arts skills in the future when they perform meritorious service. And... ...Didn't you say you want to quit drinking? Haven't you refrained from drinking for the past few months?"

Shen Lang smashed his mouth, his eyes were confused, and he said with a smile: "It tastes good, the wine tastes good."

Zhen Shiming shook his head again and sighed: "Hey... General, you can't go back on your word. Drinking will cause trouble, and drinking will harm your body!"

Shen Lang frowned, and waved his hands: "Mother-in-law's, Shi Ming is always mother-in-law's, let's go, go and get me wine!"

"Oh," Zhen Shiming replied calmly, but he didn't turn around to get the wine, but said: "General, this subordinate is here to report something to you."

Shen Lang frowned, not knowing whether he was drunk or awake: "Say!"

Zhen Shiming: "A soldier came to report that he met a peerless beauty with excellent martial arts. That peerless beauty is here to find you."

Shen Lang straightened up suddenly, and yelled at Zhen Shiming: "Go away! What a peerless beauty! Which beauty has a beautiful dance? Also, peerless beauties are all bastards! I'm gone! I'm gone!"

Zhen Shiming took a few steps back: "Oh, General, then I'm going to get out, you just need to know about this. I won't bring you the wine. Also, drinking is a mistake, drinking hurts your body, um... ...spitting on my face."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shen Lang to speak, Zhen Shiming took a few steps back: "I'm leaving!"

Shen Lang stared at Zhen Shiming, shook his body, and watched him trot away again.

When Zhen Shiming's figure disappeared, Shen Lang stretched his arms wide and lay down on the grass in a "big font".He slowly closed his eyes, and murmured, "Tiaotiao... bastard."

"..." Li Ling stood on the tree with a speechless face and listened to everything.

Li Ling twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing how to describe his feelings.

A big man like Shen Lang would scold her behind her back?

Li Ling found it unbelievable, funny, and a little tangled.

Li Ling stood on the tree for a long time.

When the soldiers and common people saw her before, they all reacted like that, which was a bit troublesome.

Now, Shen Lang has this reaction to her again, which is a bit annoying.

After a long time, Li Ling's heart gradually fell on the second option before.

Be a man!
She should join the army as "male" Li Ling!
The reason why he turned into a man in the first place was to avoid trouble in Fangjia Village.This time he turned into a man to avoid trouble in the army.

The former is because of the "rules" of Fangjia Village, but now, it is because of this face that is likely to cause trouble.

As for the nutrient solution, let Shen Lang sober up and explain it bit by bit as the "male" Li Ling.

Li Ling slowly fell beside Shen Lang.

Shen Lang turned over and squinted his eyes: "Tiaotiao, why is Tiaotiao here? Tiaotiao is a bastard..."

Li Ling: "..."

Facing Shen Lang who was drunk and scolding her, Li Ling really didn't know what to say.

The previous "Shi Ming" already knew that Shen Lang was here, and it is estimated that Shen Lang would not cause any trouble.

Li Ling thought for a while, and kicked the pieces of the wine vat closest to Shen Lang away, lest he turn over and stab himself.

Looking at the drunk Shen Lang, Li Ling felt a little friendly, a little funny, and a little speechless. She turned around and left.Since he was going to appear as a man, it was better to get some "men's clothes" first and come back when Shen Lang sobered up.

Li Ling walked away slowly.

Not long after, Shen Lang who was lying on the ground blinked blankly, opened his eyes and looked at the deserted dense forest, and suddenly smiled: "Sure enough, I was dreaming, I really was dreaming. How could Tiao Tiao be here... There is still a month left , to see her..."

Shen Lang turned over, lay flat again, looked at the blue sky above the dense forest, squinted his eyes and murmured half-drunk and half-awake: "Tiao Tiao, Big Brother Shen is not angry anymore, Big Brother Shen is not angry anymore...I can't get it Food, don’t blame you, blame Brother Shen for being incompetent, blame Brother Shen for being incompetent..."

On a sunny day, the sun was warm, and in the blink of an eye, Shen Lang fell asleep again.

(End of this chapter)

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