beauty bible

Chapter 224 Purpose

Chapter 224 Purpose
A ray of light flashed, and Li Ling appeared in the green sea of ​​trees.

In the misty morning, Li Ling stood alone under a tall green tree in the deep mountains and dense forests.

Li Ling was able to deal with the sudden change of time and space with equanimity.She raised her left hand and looked at the blood-red bracelet on her left wrist.

God's experimental materials, bracelets, martial arts cheats, aliens, the strange ability to absorb blue smoke...

The blood-red bracelet on her hand is much more complicated than that of a modern person whose soul has penetrated into Li Jingjing's body.

Even though he knew that the blood-red bracelet was a bracelet, Li Ling didn't know how to open it like a normal bracelet.Li Ling opened his mouth: "Open the Beauty Bible."

Soon, the translucent light screen unfolded and appeared in front of you.

This time, the first thing to jump out was a blinking square message box.

Li Ling clicked on the information box with her hand.

The square message box unfolded, revealing two lines of clear writing.

"Li Tiaotiao: What you need, the cosmic coordinates of your planet: +1651201, +1005028, +4073553."

Li Ling was a little surprised when he saw the signature of this message.

Below this message, the signature is not "God", but "Golden Forest Heroes".

"Golden Forest Heroes?" Li Ling couldn't help muttering: "Golden Forest Heroes...Golden Forest Heroes...Heroes are two people, a man and a woman."

Li Ling leaned against the big tree and watched the golden sun gradually appear in the sky.

Yuan Jun said that the gods in ancient times were two gods, one male and one female.

The god who took him across time claimed to be the Heroes of the Golden Forest.It turns out that in addition to calling himself a god, God also calls himself "Golden Forest Heroes".

So, when Jinlin City was first built, it was named after the four words "Jinlin Heroes" of the gods?

"But... the four characters of Jinlin Heroes sound like a self-proclaimed name given by humans... Will the two gods also call themselves heroes?"

Li Ling didn't dare to jump to conclusions, she could only be sure of one thing.This information comes from the god who took her through the journey, so the two gods who took her through the journey claimed to be "Golden Forest Heroes".And the name of Jinlin City tens of thousands of years ago must also come from this.

Li Ling didn't want to think too much. She opened the live broadcast dome attached to the blood-red bracelet and clicked on the chat screen with the "Insect Killer Prince".

Li Ling: "Xia Qi, I got the cosmic coordinates of my planet."

Li Ling: "Xia Qi, are you there?"

Li Ling: "Xia Qi, can I apply now to make my planet a citizen planet of the Great Star Kingdom?"

In the past, when Li Ling chatted with Xia Qi, apart from personal chats, she just wanted to get some information. She chatted leisurely.But this time is different, this time the chat really involved important matters, Li Ling was naturally a little anxious, she sent three messages in a row!
And in the distant universe, Xia Qi is fighting against the Zerg army!

Xia Qi's attention was not distracted by the beeps of the live broadcast hemisphere.

Xia Qi had a cold face and sped up the battle rhythm, shooting one shot after another until a "vacuum" area appeared among the densely packed Zerg army nearby.

Weird stumps float in a dark universe.

Xia Qi started the front-line communication during the battle, and said: "Team 47, locate the area where I am, and come to the main battle!"

A sharp male voice sounded in the earphones: "Yes!"

After 120 fighters in spacesuits flew to the gap of the Zerg where Xia Qi was, Xia Qi ordered: "Continue to break through!"


With a cold face, Xia Qi's body flickered slightly, and disappeared into the crowd.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared on the command ship surrounded by spaceships ten thousand meters away!

The uniformed soldiers holding weapons raised their hands in uniform and saluted: "I have seen the marshal."

Xia Qi strode towards his lounge, the corners of the black windbreaker rolled gently between his steps, which was the same color as the pitch-black universe.

After closing the silver door of the lounge, Xia Qi opened the chat screen of the live broadcast hemisphere.

Li Ling: "Xia Qi, I got the cosmic coordinates of my planet."

Li Ling: "Xia Qi, are you there?"

Li Ling: "Xia Qi, can I apply now to make my planet a citizen planet of the Great Star Kingdom?"

Seeing the continuous messages, Xia Qi's eyes flashed with surprise.

He really didn't expect that after such a short time, Li Ling actually got the cosmic coordinates of her planet.

This... Could it be that the scientist hiding behind that planet finally made a decision, so he easily revealed the cosmic coordinates to Li Ling?
This kind of information is related to the life and death of the pure race of the entire planet, but it is not in vain for him to withdraw from the frontline battlefield.

This news is worth it!

Xia Qi immediately replied: "Okay. Li Ling, tell me the cosmic coordinates of your planet, and I will transfer you to the administrative department."

Li Ling: "+1651201, +1005028, +4073553."

Xia Qi: "Wait a minute."

Xia Qi immediately contacted the Planetary Administration and told them the cosmic coordinates of this "unknown planet" and the news that the purebred humans on this planet are suffering from the zombie virus.

The Planetary Administration Bureau received the direct communication from Prince Xia Qi, and naturally attached great importance to it. Soon, a professional reply came from there.

"The unknown area where the planet is located is far away from any known planet in the Great Star Country, and the road conditions are extremely complicated. According to the fastest speed of the spaceship, it will take at least half a year for the administrators to reach the planet. Then, the administrators and The natives of the local planet will register and transfer, and determine the political and economic attributes of the local planet.”

"After all this is handed over, the planet will officially become a citizen planet of the Great Star Kingdom, and then the military department will send a robot army to the planet to exterminate zombies and protect the citizens' legal right to live."

Xia Qi forwarded this information to Li Ling.

Li Ling: "So, it will take at least a year before the zombies in this world can be cleaned up?"

"Prince of Killing Insects": "The Great Star Country has a fixed process for this kind of registration, and it doesn't waste too much time. To complete this matter, the most time wasted is the time spent by the spaceship on the road. Second, the Great Star Country transition time between executives and local leaders."

"Insect-killing Prince": "Most planetary leaders who don't know what the Great Star Country is will not easily accept the Great Star Country, especially the change of political system. Even if the Big Star Country has a policy of governing in different places and different laws, let the local The emperor retains the right to govern, but this matter still takes a long time. Li Ling, think about it, how difficult it is for an emperor to accept that he is not the emperor, but just a local administrator?"

Seeing this message, Li Ling felt that getting the cosmic coordinates was far from saving the planet.

Yes, it is no longer easy for ordinary people to accept the civilization of the high-tech world.What's more, asking an emperor to give up his imperial power?
Even if this planet still maintains the supreme power of the emperor in the future, let everyone on the planet know that there is another world outside this world, and the power of the imperial power is bound to be greatly weakened. How can the emperor easily approve it?

What's more, there is more than one country and one emperor on this planet!
Li Ling couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart.

She decided on her own to register this planet as a citizen planet of the Great Star Kingdom, is that true?

Where did she get the right to decide the direction of the world?

Not everyone wants to get out of the civilized environment they depend on for survival, even if it is to move towards a more civilized environment.

Do not!
Li Ling took a deep breath.

Her choice may not be right, but her purpose is nothing else.

It’s not about changing the direction of this planet, it’s not about disrupting the civilization of this planet, and it’s not about leading the world to a better social constitution.

She just wants to save people!

She just wants there to be no zombies on this planet, and more people can survive.

She was not wrong about this!

Then, she should keep going!Stick to the choice at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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