beauty bible

Chapter 198 Fairy Li

Chapter 198 Fairy Li

After the light faded, the two and a cat appeared in a gorgeous wooden building.

Li Ling, Shen Lang, and the kitten standing on Shen Lang's shoulders were standing outside the room on the second floor of the wooden building.

The wooden building is divided into two floors.There are rooms on the upper and lower floors.

The wooden stairs, the windows and doors outside the house, and the eaves are all painted gold.Colorful patterns are painted between the eaves.Under the eaves, strings of red lanterns hang.

Between the first and second floors of the wooden building, there are two spiraling wooden stairs.Between the two stairs, there is a large wooden platform.There is a red carpet on the wooden platform.

It seemed to be early morning at this time, and no one had woken up from a deep sleep.Outside the room in Mulou, there was no one except Li Ling and Shen Lang.

Seeing the decoration here, the corners of Shen Lang's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Li Ling's expression. Seeing that she was still looking at the surrounding scenery, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Hmm... Grandpa... Take it easy, take it easy..."

A sweet moan came from the door behind the two of them.

Li Ling slightly widened his eyes: "This is..."

Shen Lang looked hard to explain. He hurriedly pulled Li Ling's sleeve and walked towards the stairs of the wooden building: "Brothet."

When Li Ling saw Shen Lang pulling her downstairs in a serious manner, he couldn't help but smile and joked: "It seems...Brother Shen is very familiar with this kind of scene! You can tell at a glance that this is a brothel."

Shen Lang's face darkened: "How is it possible?! At most, I just couldn't push it, and was dragged here."

"Oh..." Li Ling said "oh" in a gentle tone, full of ridicule: "I've just been here..."

A trace of anger flashed across Shen Lang's face, he let go of Li Ling's hand, stood there, turned to look at her, and said loudly: "I said I just came here! I have never slept in a place like this again!"

Li Ling was a little surprised, and didn't understand why Shen Lang suddenly became angry, so he couldn't help but said: "Okay, I see."

With a "squeak", a door on the second floor was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in about forty's clothes walked slowly towards the stairs.

The middle-aged man looked fat and fair. As he walked, he said towards the stairs: "Which brother is so angry? Could it be that he was caught by his own tigress? Haha... This is because the husband is weak. Tsuna doesn’t—”

When the middle-aged man saw Shen Lang and Li Ling standing on the stairs, he was stunned: "Beautiful...beauties?! Beauty? When did this Xichunlou get such a beautiful woman?! Why didn't anyone listen? explain……"

The middle-aged man looked obsessed, and walked quickly to the two of them. He couldn't see Shen Lang at all, but just looked at Li Ling infatuatedly: "Beauty, what's your name?"

As he spoke, the middle-aged man stretched out both hands to grab Li Ling's little hand.

The kitten on Shen Lang's shoulder gave a sharp cry: "Meow——"

Shen Lang, who was originally angry, was stunned when he heard the meowing, and he quickly stepped forward, hitting the middle-aged man on the shoulder with one hand.

"Ah, pain, pain, pain!" The middle-aged man exhaled in pain.

Shen Lang didn't stop, kicked the middle-aged man directly down the stairs.

With a loud "bang--", the middle-aged man fell heavily on the ground on the first floor, spit out a mouthful of water, and passed out.

Li Ling looked down at the man who fell on the first floor, then turned to ask Shen Lang: "Brother he not dead?"

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed in Shen Lang's eyes, his expression changed slightly, and he whispered: "...I don't know."

When encountering such a thing, you can hit it, but killing someone is too much.

Li Ling glanced at Shen Lang. The incident happened suddenly. Shen Lang didn't control his strength well!

"Go, go and see how he is doing." Li Ling said to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang responded sullenly: "Okay."

The two were walking down the stairs when they heard a scream from the second floor.


The screams sounded, and countless people on the first and second floors woke up.

In just a moment, countless men and women came out in disheveled clothes, wanting to see the "murder case" here.

All of a sudden, the quiet two-story wooden building became lively. Countless people first saw the fat white man who fell downstairs. Some were shocked, some laughed secretly, and some whispered to the woman beside them.

Li Ling and Shen Lang went downstairs.

Shen Lang lowered his head and sniffed the middle-aged man who fell to the ground, then got up with a look of disgust: "He's not dead!"

Following Shen Lang's words, the people in the two-story wooden building secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, their eyes were completely attracted by Li Ling who was standing beside Shen Lang.

Li Ling's face, which was enough to make Liugong Fendai colorless, directly shocked everyone in this small brothel.

Almost at the same moment, the building was instantly silent, and everyone looked at the beauty standing on the first floor with bated breath.

Some men stood there dumbfounded, and some men let go of the women in their arms, with expressions of not knowing what happened.

Shen Lang glanced at the expression of the man in the building, frowning, he grabbed Li Ling's sleeve with one hand: "He's not dead, leave him alone, let's go!"

Li Ling nodded.

Immediately, the voices of countless men rang out in the building.

"Beauty, don't go away—beauty, who will wear such a frivolous rough coat for you, beauty, beauty, can I give you a fancy dress?"

"What's your name, beauty? Where are you going—"

"I'll give you whatever you want, beauty, don't leave, you—"


The men were shouting, and some of them got up and chased Li Ling and Shen Lang.

The kitten on Shen Lang's shoulder showed impatience in its eyes, and it let out a soft cry before jumping onto Li Ling's shoulder.

Li Ling touched the kitten's back, and the snow-white kitten narrowed its eyes in relief.

The two of them were about to walk out of the building, but they were blocked by a person who stepped out.

This is a charming woman about 27 years old.

She has a small face, light eyebrows slightly upward, charming eyes, red lips and white teeth, a little red gold decoration on her forehead, all her black hair is pulled up, covered with golden ornaments, she is wearing a green gold-painted dress, she is extremely beautiful Gorgeous.

Seeing this woman blocked the way of Shen Lang and Li Ling, voices came and went in the building immediately.

"Mother Sun, is this beauty from your building?"

"Mother Sun, you can't let this beauty go..."


Li Ling couldn't help but said, "She looks so beautiful, but she's actually the mother here..."

This Mama Sun's appearance is definitely much more beautiful than the girls in this building.

Mama Sun cast a winking glance at the man in the building: "Okay! With Mama here, how can this beauty escape so easily..."

The men in the building immediately felt relieved and slowly approached Li Ling, looking at this stunning beauty from a distance or a distance.

Mama Sun looked at Li Ling carefully, her eyes were full of astonishment, and she quickly flashed a bright light: "It's really overwhelming! I—"

Shen Lang interrupted impatiently: "Enough! Go away. We are leaving. If you want to stop us, don't blame me for being rude..."

Sun's mother glanced at Shen Lang, covered her lips with a red handkerchief and smiled lightly: "I said this place is so angry! It turns out that someone wants to monopolize the oiran..."

Shen Lang's face turned green and his eyes turned cold: "What nonsense are you talking about?! She is not from your building at all!"

Mama Sun smiled coquettishly, leaned close to the two of them, and whispered softly: "...with her appearance, she is definitely not someone in my Jinlin City. You appear so rashly, and you attack people again, don't tell want to Shall I report it to the officials and let them check the details of you two?"

Shen Lang turned his head and looked at Li Ling.

Mother Sun guessed that the two of them were people without identities!And he threatened the two of them with this!
Mother Sun smiled again and continued: "When I see your appearance, I know that you are good at martial arts..."

Shen Lang said coldly: "That's right. Even if we have no identity, can the government still catch us?"

"You're so confident!" Mother Sun smiled and said, "I guess, you guys have something to do when you come to Jinlin City! If I report to the government and sue you for hurting people, and the government can't find out where you came from, I think you will go to Jinlin City." He will become a wanted criminal in Jinlin City! At that time, what you want to do will be inconvenient!"

Before Shen Lang could speak, Mama Sun raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "Don't think about running now. Mom, I have a good memory! If you run now, you can see the wanted portraits of the two of you in the entire Jinling City in the afternoon!"

Shen Lang: "..."

Seeing that Shen Lang was silent, Mother Sun asked Li Ling, "Beauty, what's your name?"

Li Ling: "You should call me Miss Li!"

Mama Sun laughed loudly, walked to the center of the first floor, and said loudly: "Guests, this beautiful woman is a new girl in our building. This girl is a showman but not a woman." ! If you want to kiss Fangze, it depends on your own ability! Do you want to know... what is the name of this beauty? "

Shen Lang frowned, watching Mama Sun introduce Li Ling like this.

Li Ling turned his head: "Unless we don't show our body at all, otherwise...we really want to eat her threat?"

Shen Lang gritted his teeth: "This woman is so brave! There were so many people at this time, and the commotion attracted the officials and they had no choice but to run away. Wait! When there is no one at night, I will scare this woman! I don't believe it anymore, money and Can’t force this woman be silenced?!”

While the two were talking softly, the men in the building shouted one after another wanting to know Li Ling's name.

Mother Sun smiled heartily and said loudly: "Let me tell you, this is our Fairy Li from Xichun Tower!"

The men in the building booed and shouted at Li Ling: "Fairy Li—Fairy Li—Fairy Li—"

Li Ling frowned and wanted to leave immediately, but felt that leaving at this time would be even more annoying if the entire city in the afternoon was filled with wanted portraits of her and Shen Lang.

Shen Lang stood there in shock.

Shen Lang turned his head to look at Li Ling: "You—you—you are the famous prostitute in Jinlin City 5000 years ago in the unofficial history—Fairy Li?!"

The cry of the snow-white kitten on Li Ling's shoulder also contained a trace of surprise: "Meow?"

Li Ling: "Jinlin City 5000 years ago?!"

(End of this chapter)

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