beauty bible

Chapter 188: One Line of Vitality

Chapter 188

Li Ling, Fang Ran, and Han Ke stood stiffly in place, watching the hot magma flow down rapidly.

Along the way, the crimson magma devoured countless beasts.

Han Ke shuddered and turned his head to look at Shengu.

Fangjiacun, there is no escape!

There is lava in the front, a deep valley in the back, and cliffs on both sides.

If it is not a strong man of the heaven rank, and does not pretend to be foreign, how can he hide!

And in this Fangjia Village, no one is a heavenly powerhouse!
In the blink of an eye, Han Ke was in tears, and she looked at Li Ling and Fang Ran beside her with tears in her eyes.

Li Ling and Fang Ran also stood there with horrified faces, not knowing where to flee.

Han Ke took a deep breath and put his hand on Li Ling's shoulder!
After a while, Li Ling felt a huge force coming from her left shoulder, which was so painful that she couldn't move.Li Ling looked at Han Ke in a blink of an eye: "Senior?"

Han Ke's old eyes were cloudy: "Little girl, I thought about taking you, a genius, as an apprentice, but you don't want to."

At such a time of life and death, what does Han Ke say about these things.Li Ling was at a loss: "Senior?"

Suddenly, a strong internal force rushed from Li Ling's shoulder into Li Lin's body.

The internal force is so strong, once it enters Li Ling's body, it is like a torrential river flooding the "river" internal force in Li Ling's meridians. This "river water" carries Li Ling's internal force in Li Ling's body Rush up like crazy!
"Senior?" Li Ling felt a pain in his body, and instantly felt that his body seemed to be filled with power.

Fang Ran looked at Han Ke: "Old ancestor?"

Han Ke said to Li Ling: "Li Ling, I, Han Ke, have learned a way to operate internal energy, and I can pass on my life-long skills to you."

Li Ling was surprised, she already felt the difference in her body at this time.

Han Ke's face turned pale slightly, but his hands never stopped: "Li Ling, you and I have no chance to become a master and apprentice. Today, I will pass on my life's skills to you to help you break through the heavens today! Promise me to bring Fang Ran out Fang Family Village, let him survive! We, Fang Family Village, can't let this be the end of this!"

Fang Ran's eyes turned red, he knelt on the ground with a "bang", kowtowed to Han Ke, his voice was full of shame, gratitude, and unspeakable pain: "Old ancestor! Old ancestor!"

At this time, facing the hot magma and the inescapable death situation, if one person can survive, one more person will survive. Li Ling did not speak. She closed her eyes and began to slowly use her internal energy.

Time seemed to pass very quickly, and hot magma was rolling in.

Han Ke's face became more haggard and aging, her hair gradually turned white, and her face became dark and wrinkled.

Han Ke passed his life's inner strength to Li Ling, just like giving Li Ling her vitality!

Li Ling closed his eyes, his face turned red, and his body gradually became hot.

Fang Ran looked at the two people and then at the rolling lava. He gritted his teeth and wanted to go back to Fangjiacun, but had to hold back. His expression was extremely anxious and panicked.

Just when Fang Ran was full of anxiety, Li Ling suddenly burst into a powerful momentum.

This momentum shocked Han Ke to step back.

Han Ke fell to the ground, Fang Ran hurried over to help her up.

With a smile on the corner of Han Ke's mouth, her body trembling, she stood up with difficulty holding Fang Ran's hand, and pointed at Li Ling: "Xiaoran, Xiaoran, look, the ancestor succeeded! The ancestor's 90-year Internal strength, given to this extremely talented child, can really help her break through to the heavenly level!"

Fang Ran supported Han Ke, half-embracing the thin and aging Han Ke in his arms, his eyes were red with tears at the corners of his eyes: "Ancestor! Ancestor, why are you doing this! Xiaoran is not worth it!"

While the two were talking, Li Ling had already broken through to the heavenly level, and the breath adjustment was completed!
Li Ling opened her eyes, as if instinctively, she immediately knew how to mobilize the power of heaven and earth in her body to help them leave this place!

Li Ling stepped forward, held Fang Ran and Han Ke in his hands, lifted his feet into the air, and flew towards the sky.

After an unknown period of time, the three of them finally arrived at the top of the valley, on the edge of the cliff.

Han Ke's eyes were cloudy and he was panting. She held Li Ling's hand tightly: "You owe me! You owe me! You must let Fang Ran survive!"

Li Ling felt emotional and nodded towards Han Ke: "Senior, look, we have already left the deep valley, and the magma is heading towards the deep valley. The terrain here is high, and the magma cannot reach here. Fang Ran can survive."

Han Ke breathed a sigh of relief, his body softened, and he collapsed directly.

"Old ancestor!" Fang Ran stepped forward in horror, and when he touched Han Ke's body, he found that Han Ke was already dead.

Standing at the mouth of a high cliff, Li Ling said: "My condolences..."

Fang Ran placed Han Ke's body on the ground, stood up suddenly, made fists with his hands, and said to Li Ling: "I'm going to save them."

Li Ling was startled, but then his eyes lit up again: "That's right, I can fly down and pick them up."

Fang Ran pursed his lips and shook his head: "No! No! Even if you can fly down, you won't have time to save many people."

Li Ling: "What do you mean..."

Fang Ran's eyes were sad: "Let's go back! Let's go down to the valley!"

Li Ling was stunned: "Fang Ran, you're crazy! Even if I reach the heavenly level, how can I compete with this nature. I can't stop the magma. If we go down, it's still a dead word!"

Tears rolled down Fang Ran's eyes: "I know there is a way, maybe there is still a chance."

Fang Ran turned to look at Li Ling, his eyes were full of determination, as if Li Ling refused to agree to him, he wanted to go back alone: ​​"Li Ling, will you follow me?"

Li Ling took a deep breath: "Senior is right. She helped me break through to the heavens, and I owe her. Of course, I want to save your life. I will take you down, and you tell me where the way out is."

A trace of gratitude flashed in Fang Ran's eyes: "Let's go!"

Li Ling nodded, took Su Ran's arm with one hand, and flew into the valley like a roc spreading its wings.

At this time, the magma had already rushed to the mountainside of the valley, rushing towards the valley.

The Fang family members in the valley also discovered this fatal magma. They also knew that they had no way to escape, so they couldn't help standing outside their houses, kneeling on the ground and crying, or hugging their family's tears tightly. flow all over the face.

Li Ling took Fang Ran to the top of Fangjia Village.

Fang Ran shouted loudly: "Run! Everyone, run! There is a cave in our cave! There is another exit from the cave!"

The Fang family members, who were originally full of despair, were startled and stood up one after another.

Fang Ran shouted loudly: "Run! Everyone, run! There is a cave in the cave we opened, and there is another exit in the cave! When we run over there and seal the entrance, we can run away! Quick! Quick!"

This time, everyone present heard what Fang Ran said clearly.

Most of the people in Fangjia Village are martial arts practitioners.

At this time, the martial arts man desperately picked up his family members and ran towards the original cave in Fangjia Village!
Some single men who are good at martial arts will also pick up the men and women who are not good at martial arts and run towards the cave!
Fiery magma rushed in.

Time is running out!

Even if Li Ling took Fang Ran and shouted at the top of Fangjia Village, it was too late for them to notify everyone!
When the magma was not far away, Li Ling had no choice but to take Fang Ran to give up the direction of the remaining farm houses and fly towards the cave!

Hundreds of people have already run into the cave, and entering the cave does not mean safety.These people either looked panic-stricken or terrified, and ran towards the depths of the cave.

Li Ling brought Fang Ran to the entrance of the cave. She threw Fang Ran into the cave, and then summoned her inner strength to strike at the cave.

Suddenly, the ground shook and the mountain shook, and a huge hole was opened at the entrance of the cave.There are also huge falling rocks rolling down the mountain.

Li Ling stretched out his hands, shot forward, and attracted nearly a hundred people in front of him at once, and said, "Quickly enter the cave."

At this time, nearly a hundred people didn't care who Li Ling was, and rushed into the cave with their family members.

The magma rolled in, and in front of Li Ling's eyes, countless farmhouses had been submerged by the magma.Li Ling also had no way to save more people.

With a breath, she sucked all the boulders near the cave to her side like the universe moved!

Li Ling dodged toward the cave and entered the cave.

There are hundreds of people crowded in the cave.

They already felt that the hot magma was close at hand, and the astonishing heat was slowly spreading towards the cave.

The hundreds of people who were still crying in panic felt the burst of heat, no one dared to stop, they all ran towards the depths of the cave!

Li Ling took a deep breath, and all the internal force in Luck's body sucked in all the boulders at the entrance of the cave.

"Boom boom boom!"

The boulder suddenly hit the entrance of the cave!

Although the boulder filled the entrance of the cave, there are still countless gaps in the entrance of the cave.

Hot air flowed in from the gap.

A stream of crimson heat slowly seeped in from Li Ling's feet.

Li Ling's body flashed, and he flew back.

While retreating, Li Ling formed fists with both hands, and hit the sides of the closed cave!

The stones on both sides of the cave shattered, and countless large and small stones were bombarded by Li Ling and fell to the ground, blocking the flow of magma.



Li Ling flew all the way deep into the cave, shooting down the stones on both sides of the cave.

After a long while, Li Ling stopped flying, turned his hands into palms, gathered his inner strength, and pushed the falling rocks towards the entrance of the cave!

Naturally, she could not push all the falling rocks to the entrance of the cave. She only hoped that these falling rocks would solidify under her palms.

The fewer gaps there are between falling rocks, the slower the magma will come through.

The rocks she knocked down couldn't stop the magma, but it could slow them down.

Li Ling flew all the way, shooting down rocks all the way, so that the rocks blocked the road to the cave and slowed down the speed of the magma.

Not long after, behind her were hundreds of fleeing Fang family members.

Fang Ping and Fang Luo stood at the end of these people, waiting for Li Ling.

Fang Ran said: "Li Ling, let's go quickly! A little further away, there is the fork of the cave. In the direction of the cave, the terrain is higher and it is much safer!"

Li Ling nodded, and Fang Ping and Fang Ran flew in that direction.

While running, Fang Ping said with a blank expression: "Brother, there are nearly ten thousand people in Fangjia Village, and there are hundreds of people left in this cave."

Fang Ran gritted his teeth: "The ancestor has gone."

(End of this chapter)

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