beauty bible

Chapter 17

Chapter 17
"Second Miss—Second Miss—"

In the distance, a shout came.

It was Xiaochao's voice.It was Xiao Chao who was looking for her.

Hearing Xiao Chao's voice, Li Ling panicked. She quickly said to the bracelet emitting a translucent light screen, "Close! Close! Close the bracelet? Close the beauty bible?"

The bracelet that originally shone with a translucent light screen suddenly shrunk and turned into an ordinary red bracelet again.

Li Ling smiled.

"Second Miss! Second Miss! Second Miss, where are you?" Xiao Chao's call came closer and closer.

Li Ling swallowed: "Open the Beauty Bible."

With a slight "click", the translucent light screen was released from the bracelet again.

"Close the beauty bible."

The light screen disappears.

Seeing that the red bracelet turned into an ordinary look again, Li Ling was a little excited.

She has been able to open and close this Beauty Bible smoothly!

Unexpectedly, this bracelet is actually voice-operated.Moreover, it is so simple to operate.

At this time, Li Ling forgot that the heavy red rain was still falling in the sky.She thought excitedly in her mind: from now on, she can learn martial arts!

Since time travelling, I have always wanted to learn martial arts, and finally achieved it!

In the days to come, she will definitely seize this opportunity to study the martial arts in the "Beauty Bible" in the red bracelet.When she learns martial arts well, she will be able to live a good life in this world, and she will also let Auntie and Xiaochao live a good life.

This bracelet is indeed the golden finger she passed through!

Because of this bracelet, she traveled to this world.Because of this bracelet, she also got a chance to change her destiny!

"Second Miss—" Xiao Chao's shout was full of anxiety.

Li Ling came back to his senses, turned around quickly, and shouted towards the gate of the small courtyard: "Xiao Chao, I'm here!"

After a while, Li Ling saw Xiao Chao rushing into the small courtyard, and ran towards her at high speed regardless of the heavy red rain falling from the sky.

That rushing speed is like a super athlete doing a [-]-meter sprint.Xiao Chao is usually quiet, but he runs so fast!This speed really startled Li Ling.

Xiao Chao rushed to Li Ling, her clothes were completely soaked, and her long black hair stuck to her forehead and neck, making her look extraordinarily embarrassed.

At this time, Xiao Chao looked flustered and anxious, and her usual calm and courteous appearance was long gone.When Xiaochao saw Li Ling, he immediately patted Li Ling with both hands indiscriminately: "Second Miss, you are all right! Second Miss, you are all right! Great! Second Miss, you are all right!"

Li Ling couldn't figure it out, looking at Xiao Chao's appearance, he seemed to have encountered some life-and-death event.Li Ling said: "What's the matter? Xiaochao? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with Auntie?"

Xiao Chao shook his head, his eyes were slightly red: "Second Miss..." Seeing Li Ling looking at her worriedly, Xiao Chao choked up: "Second Miss! The sky has changed!"

Li Lingxin sank suddenly, and she turned her head to look at the heavy red rain outside the eaves: "Xiao Chao, are you talking about this red heavy rain? Xiao Chao, what is going on? What happened? It's raining like this?"

Xiao Chao shook his head: "Xiao Chao doesn't know how it can rain like this." Xiao Chao took a deep breath and tried his best to look calm on his face, but he held Li Ling's sleeves with both hands. , the whole person kept trembling: "Second, second girl, you know. Today, my aunt and I went out just to see if there was any progress in that matter."

Li Ling nodded repeatedly.She knew that what Xiaochao was referring to was that Aunt Qian wanted to summon warriors to escort all three of them out of the Li residence.

"When my aunt and I were on the street today, the weather was fine. But who knew! Suddenly! The world was completely dark!" Xiao Chao shuddered, with a look of fear in his eyes: "Later, It's dawn! But, it's raining red in the sky!"

Xiaochao held Li Ling with one hand, pointed at the heavy red rain that was still falling outside the eaves, and said in panic: "It's been raining like this in the sky, my aunt and I are so scared, we all want to go back home sooner. But! On the way to the mansion! We saw many, many, many people, and suddenly fell to the ground inexplicably!"

Xiaochao grabbed Li Ling's shoulders with both hands: "Second Miss! There are so many people, so many people! Some of them are hiding from the rain, and some of them are like us. They were so startled by the red rain that they wanted to run back. But they are on the road, right there On the street, countless people suddenly fell to the ground silently and silently! It was as if they were dead! The second girl, countless people, just lay on the road without knowing whether they were alive or dead! This was terrible Yes! This is terrible..."

Xiao Chao's speech was incoherent and his mind was in a state of confusion, which also disturbed Li Ling's mind.

It turns out that what Li Ling thought was just a dazed feeling turned out to be true. The whole world really turned dark!

Heavy red rain... Countless people lay silently on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead...

Li Ling gasped, what, what is going on?
Even if it is a plague, even the most serious virus infection, such a terrible situation will not appear...

Li Ling looked at the heavy red rain outside the eaves and shuddered. What on earth is going on?

Thinking of something, Li Ling hurriedly asked: "Xiao Chao, where is Auntie?! Then, where is Auntie? How is Auntie? Where is Auntie now?"

Xiao Chao said: "Auntie, Auntie is fine! Second Miss, don't worry, Auntie is fine! My Auntie and I saw countless people lying on the ground on the way back home. My Auntie and I were afraid, and worried about Second Miss! Auntie was too worried about Er Miss you! She is afraid that you are weak, Second Miss, and you are, my aunt asked me to come back to you first, and she will be back soon."

Li Ling breathed a sigh of relief: "Auntie is fine! Auntie is fine, right?!"

Xiao Chao looked at Li Ling, and kept nodding.

Li Ling took Xiao Chao's hand and walked quickly towards the door of the courtyard: "Let's go! Let's go! Xiao Chao, let's pick up my aunt first!"

"Yes! Let's go pick up my aunt first!" Xiao Chao was uneasy. After listening to Li Ling's words, he remembered what to do.Xiao Chao followed Li Ling and said blankly: "Second girl, you don't know how chaotic it is outside! Countless people are lying on the ground, and countless people are running away screaming! Second girl, do you think this is the end of the world? "

Li Ling held Xiao Chao's hand tightly, and she shook her head: "I don't know either." Recalling Xiao Chao's appearance just now, Li Ling asked, "Xiao Chao, do you know martial arts?"

Xiao Chao nodded and said: "I once read a martial arts secret book, no one taught me, and I don't have time to practice martial arts. I only know a little bit, and I'm not good enough, far inferior to the big girl."

Li Ling and Xiao Chao hurried to the gate of Li's residence, and happened to meet Aunt Qian, whose clothes were wet and pale, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw each other.

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(End of this chapter)

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