beauty bible

Chapter 147

Chapter 147
There was no need for Li Ling and Shen Lang to find a way to get close to each other. Mr. Zhan Tingzhan was very active and enthusiastic in inviting them to dinner and tea.

Then, at the dining table, although Zhan Ting was talking to Li Ling, his eyes were fixed on Shen Lang from time to time.

Shen Lang frowned at first when he was glanced at, but then gradually he kept a straight face and stopped talking.

Zhan Ting inquired about the news of the two of them again.

Li Ling revealed very frankly that the two of them were ordinary people who wandered the rivers and lakes. They happened to meet Fang Bai who was in distress and rescued him. Only then did they arrive in the capital.

Of course, Zhan Ting also knew that Shen Lang, a young man, was still unmarried...

When he learned that Shen Lang was still unmarried, Zhan Ting laughed dumbly for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Okay! Okay! This, this, this, this is really good..."

Zhan Ting's performance is so straightforward, even a fool can see her intentions clearly.

Then, when Zhan Ting took advantage of the fact that they didn't have any suitable residence in Beijing, it was better to go to Zhan Mansion to live temporarily, and directly invited the two of them to live in Qinghou Mansion.

Li Ling almost agreed directly, but she still turned her head and asked what Shen Lang meant.

Shen Lang looked at Zhan Ting with a straight face, then at Li Ling, and nodded unwillingly.

Zhan Ting was overjoyed.

So, Zhan Ting invited Li Ling and Shen Lang back to Qinghou Mansion with a happy face.

That night, the two of them had dinner and gathered in the guest room of Qinghou Mansion.

Since entering Qinghou Mansion this time, Shen Lang has been silent.

Li Ling glanced at Shen Lang who was silently sitting at the table.

"Brother Shen, what do you think?" Li Ling asked tentatively.

Both of them knew that now, the fastest way to complete this task was for Shen Lang to use the "beauty trick" to lure Zhan Ting into saying "the empress' girlish heart".

Shen Lang shook his head.

Zhan Ting's appearance is ordinary. In this world, Jane is in the heart of the emperor. He is a first-rank official, and he holds the troops to defend the capital. He can be called a high-ranking official in this world.But she has an ordinary face and is about forty years old. Although she has no husband, she has two daughters and a son, both of whom are adults.

It is absolutely impossible for Shen Lang to like such a person.Needless to say, if he likes it, he won't even think about it.

Now, he has to face the admiring eyes of such a woman...

Shen Lang looked at Li Ling with a bit of resentment: "Tiaotiao, you...really want Brother Shen to use beauty tricks? Don't you feel sorry for Brother Shen?"

"Ahem!" Looking at Shen Lang's eyes, Li Ling felt a little guilty: "I know this is a bit unkind. It's not kind to you, and it's not kind to Zhan Ting. So, I'm just talking, should I do this, By yourself, of course."

Li Ling tilted her head and thought for a moment. If it were herself, she wouldn't want to do this.

Shen Lang's eyes lit up, and he rushed to Li Ling: "You also think that Brother Shen shouldn't do this, right?"

Li Ling nodded slightly.

Shen Lang's eyes became brighter, and he swept away the gloomy look before: "Let me go to seduce Zhan Ting, it's better to let me beat her up so that she can speak up! Although Big Brother Shen didn't hit women before, but, But the women here, Brother Shen can only be seen as a man!"

The little cat stood on Shen Lang's shoulder, looking at the two of them with eyes open, with a satisfied face.

Li Ling scratched her head, but she couldn't think of anything to do.

The best way for them is to become friends with Zhan Ting and find out the news.But now... Zhan Ting doesn't want to be friends, she clearly wants to be Shen Lang's wife!
"Knock, click!" There was a knock on the door.

"Squeaky", Li Ling opened the door, a little surprised: "Feng Chief Steward?"

Steward Feng showed a smile on his round face, and she said to Li Ling, "Miss Li."

"It's so late, what can I do for Butler Feng?"

"Excuse me, Miss Li, is Mr. Shen asleep?"

Shen Lang walked behind Li Ling in a few steps: "I haven't slept yet."

"I've met Mr. Shen." Housekeeper Feng was more respectful to Shen Lang than to Li Ling. She bowed to Shen Lang, and then said, "My lord, please tell Mr. Shen."

Li Ling looked surprised: "Isn't this bad! It's so late?"

"Miss Li, don't get me wrong, my lord just invited Mr. Shen to watch the moon in the courtyard. I wonder what Mr. Shen would like?" Housekeeper Feng looked at Shen Lang with a smile.

Li Ling thought to himself, even if Zhan Ting wanted to pursue Shen Lang, it would be too urgent!But we just met once, and we are going on a date to watch the moon...

The corner of Shen Lang's mouth twitched, he paused, and said: "Okay."

The smile on Steward Feng's face grew stronger, and his mouth parted: "Please! Then please come with me, Young Master Shen."

Shen Lang grabbed the kitten on his shoulder with one hand and handed it to Li Ling: "You take care of him first."



Shen Lang followed Steward Feng to the main courtyard of the Qinghou Mansion.

Along the way, there are rockery and flowing water, flowers and plants in the courtyard.Steward Feng sighed softly as he walked: "Hey... my lord's husband has been dead for more than ten years. My lord has a long relationship, and there is no one to accompany him. In the past, I only invited a few guests to enjoy the moon. Poetry. Now, my lord regularly looks at Mr. Shen to close his eyes, so we only met once, so I want to invite Mr. Shen to enjoy the moon."

Shen Lang heard it perfunctorily, his left ear went in and his right ear went out, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

When the two of them reached the main courtyard, Zhan Ting, wearing a long cyan dress, stood in the moonlight, waiting quietly for Shen Lang.

Steward Feng saluted Zhan Ting and was about to step back.

"Wait!" Shen Lang suddenly stopped Butler Feng.

Steward Feng stopped in his tracks and glanced at Zhan Ting.

Zhan Ting nodded to Steward Feng, then turned to look at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows at Zhan Ting and smiled: "Master Zhan, I want to drink, would you like to drink with me?"

This was the first time Zhan Ting saw a smile.

It was a simple smile, but extremely charming, Zhan Ting couldn't move his eyes, and said, "Of course!"

"Yes!" Steward Feng stepped back to get the wine.

When a lot of fine wine was brought up from the courtyard, Steward Feng smiled and walked away.Only Shen Lang and Zhan Ting were left behind.

Zhan Ting poured two glasses of wine, looked at Shen Lang and said, "Give a respect to Mr. Shen."

Shen Lang curled his lips slightly, raised his glass and clinked a glass with Shen Lang, raised his head and drank it down.

Zhan Ting smiled and took a drink.

Then, Shen Lang poured two glasses of wine: "I, Shen Lang, also respect Mr. Zhan!"

Zhan Ting finished a drink with Shen Lang with a smile.

Then, without waiting for Zhan Ting to say anything, Shen Lang poured Zhan Ting wine cup after cup.

Zhan Ting did not hesitate, his eyes were fixed on Shen Lang, Shen Lang handed him a glass, and she drank it.

The two of them didn't say a few words, but they had already finished seven bottles of wine.

Both Shen Lang and Zhan Ting's eyes were stained with drunkenness, and their bodies also wobbled.

Zhan Ting's eyes were drunk and blurred, but his eyes still refused to leave Shen Lang's handsome and unparalleled face.

Shen Lang raised his glass, clinked it with Zhan Ting, and said softly: "Master Zhan, has he checked on me and my cousin?"

Zhan Ting smiled and drank the wine glass in his hand: "Both Mr. Shen and Ms. Li suddenly appeared in 'Rencheng', without the slightest identity background. They don't know where they came from, where they went, or what their purpose is."

Shen Lang squinted his eyes and smiled, and had another drink with Zhan Ting: "Is there any more?"

Zhan Ting poured himself a glass of wine, and sipped it with a smile: "When you sent Fang Bai to Beijing, you came to check on me. This time, seeing me welcome you into the mansion, you entered the mansion without hesitation... It can be seen that your target is me. I just don't know... Is Young Master Shen trying to kill me? Or is there some other purpose?"

"Oh?" Shen Lang looked at Zhan Ting and laughed loudly: "You woman is also interesting! Since you know everything, you specially sent it to your door. Don't you know that I am the one who can kill Dou Zhe and Dou Shi?" ?”

With a smile on the corner of Zhan Ting's mouth, he poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it with his head up: "It can make Mr. Shen a little bit interested... I, Zhan Ting, have lived these 40 years in vain."

Seeing this, Shen Lang drank a glass of wine, and looked at Zhan Ting with a faint killing intent in his eyes: "Are you looking for death? Or are you not afraid of death?"

Zhan Ting shook his head, looked at Shen Lang, his eyes seemed drunk but not drunk: "It's not that you're looking for death, and it's not that you're not afraid of death. I know you can kill Dou Shi... However, I'm not a Dou Shi, so I'm sure I can walk in your hands In the last few rounds, no matter how bad it is, this is still in my mansion, as long as I shout out, the master will come out naturally."

" that's the case." Shen Lang put away the murderous aura on his body.He was not surprised either, and clinked glasses with Zhan Ting again, and drank it all in one gulp.He looked at Zhan Ting: "Since you already know that our purpose is not pure, why put yourself in danger and invite us into the house?"

Zhan Ting seemed to be drunk, she raised her head and looked at Shen Lang obsessively: "Young Master, you are so beautiful!"

The calmness and smile on Shen Lang's face froze slightly.

Nima!Really coveted his beauty.I thought she was trying to trick or something!
Shen Lang raised his wine glass, looked at it, and said half-truthfully, "Master Zhan, do you really like me?"

"Yes!" Zhan Ting looked at Shen Lang steadily, his chin resting on the table, as if he was about to fall asleep drunk.

Shen Lang sighed, turned his head to look at Zhan Ting, and said softly to her: "Then I ask you a question, are you willing to answer me?"

Zhan Ting's drunken eyes were blurred, as if he was sleeping but not asleep: "As your minister, I tell you everything I know."

Shen Lang looked down at the stone table and said, "I want to know, what is Your Majesty's wish when she was a girl?"

Zhan Ting closed his eyes, seemed to have fallen asleep, and whispered: "Cishou Temple, Master Jiaxue."

Shen Lang frowned, looked at Zhan Ting again, and saw that he seemed to have fallen asleep.

Shen Lang stood up and said loudly: "Someone is here! Your lords are asleep!"

Steward Feng ran out from nowhere: "Mr. Shen..."

Shen Lang said: "Your lord is asleep, I'll go back first, you take good care of her."

"Good good."


Seeing Shen Lang walking away, Butler Feng hurriedly called for someone to help Zhan Ting back to his room.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she called the maid, she saw Zhan Ting standing in the courtyard with clear eyes.

"Aren't you asleep, my lord?"

Looking at the direction in which Shen Lang left, Zhan Ting sighed slightly: "Come on. Tidy it up for me, I want to go to the palace to plead guilty."

Steward Feng was shocked: "Apology? Now?"

Zhan Ting shook his head: "The most difficult thing to bear is the grace of a beauty. Today, I can't escape this meal."

"Ah? My lord, Your Majesty hasn't hit you hard for many years!"

Zhan Ting shook his head and smiled: "Send a message to Cishou Temple, saying that someone recently explored His Majesty's early thoughts, and let Master Jiaxue pay attention."


"Forget it! You don't need to go! The people on Master Jiaxue's side don't need me to remind them."


(End of this chapter)

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