beauty bible

Chapter 137 She Knows Too Much!

Chapter 137 She Knows Too Much!
A small, boxy space with four mirrored walls.

On the mirror wall, there are countless "0" and "1" composed of a faint golden light. These two numbers quickly flash across the mirror wall.

It was still Li Ling who first appeared in this space.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ling came to this sci-fi space from the dilapidated farmhouse. Li Ling stood up straight.

In this small space, thousands of words came out of Li Ling's chest.

She wanted to ask, is the controller of this space, the controller who travels through time and space, the original owner of the blood-red bracelet?
She wanted to ask, what is the purpose of him taking her and Shen Lang across time like this?
She also wanted to ask, since he wanted the world to improve, why did he block the signal of this planet and prevent people from the high-tech planet from finding this planet?

Too many things to say came to his lips, Li Ling opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

After a while, Li Ling closed his eyes.Then she raised her head, facing the empty head, and said loudly: "God? Didn't you say you are a god? Didn't you say you want this apocalyptic world to get better? Now that the zombies have evolved, what are you going to do? ?”

The small space didn't respond at all.

On the four mirror walls, there are still countless "0"s and "1"s rolling, and there is no response from even the walls.

Li Ling fell silent.

"God" ignored her.

Then, she wants to get answers to other questions, she wants to know the "cosmic coordinates", but it is impossible to get a response.

Li Ling lowered his head, his mind was heavy, but no one could tell.

After a while, Shen Lang, covered in dirt and black and red blood, appeared in the small space holding a sword. Appearing at the same time as him was the palm-sized snow-white kitten.

Shen Lang's expression was solemn, he pulled the corner of his mouth, but couldn't show a smile, he waved at Li Ling: "Li Tiaotiao."

Li Ling glanced at Shen Lang and saw the blood on his body. She must have been brought here while fighting with zombies. She had too many thoughts in her mind, and she couldn't care about Shen Lang's embarrassment and murderous aura at this time , she responded softly: "Brother Shen."

Both of them were heavy-hearted and had no time to talk.

The palm-sized kitten glanced at Li Ling, turned around, and called to Shen Lang, "Meow."

Shen Lang was startled, bent down, and wiped his hands on his clothes.Then he picked up the kitten with both hands and sent it to his shoulders.He looked at Li Ling, then turned his head to look at the little cat, hesitant to speak.

For a moment, there was silence in the small space, and no one spoke.

The palm-sized kitten jumped lightly and landed in Shen Lang's big palm, looking at Shen Lang quietly with its round blue eyes.

Four eyes facing each other.

One dignified, one calm.

After a while, Shen Lang chuckled, and he sent the kitten back to his shoulder with one hand, his face gradually calmed down, and the murderous aura that had just gathered in the crowd of zombies also gradually receded.


The clear and indifferent male voice sounded again in the air.

Shen Lang squinted his eyes, and said loudly and quickly: "Now that the zombies have evolved and become faster, as a god, what can you do?"

To Li Ling's surprise, this indifferent male voice actually answered Shen Lang's question.

The indifferent male voice showed no emotion: "When you complete the next task, I will immediately distribute the task rewards. When you see the task rewards clearly, you will naturally know God's way."

There was a trace of surprise and light in the eyes of Shen Lang and the little cat.

Li Ling was slightly taken aback.

Why didn't this "god" answer her when she asked just now?

Is it because "God" waits for Shen Lang to arrive, and then both of them arrive before answering?Or is this God's discrimination?
However, these trivial matters are not as good as the answers given by "God".

"God" has just made a promise: when she and Shen Lang complete the mission, "God" will immediately distribute mission rewards to solve the problem of zombie evolution!
Li Ling had some doubts in his heart: Really, is it so powerful?

Suddenly, Li Ling began to doubt again, can an alien's ability really be so strong?If he really has such ability, and he wants to call himself a god, Li Ling will recognize it.

At this time, Shen Lang no longer cared about whether the other party was really a god, nor did he care about the other party bringing them into this small space a few days earlier.

Shen Lang no longer objected to the task assigned to him by "God", but actively asked quickly: "What is the task?"

A male voice sounded in midair: "This time, I will send you to another world. From this mission onwards, you must complete the mission together."

Shen Lang and Li Ling looked at each other.

Shen Lang smiled at Li Ling: "It's okay. Li Tiaotiao, Brother Shen will complete the task later."

Li Ling didn't refute, and didn't say much, just smiled slightly.

The little cat opened its eyes and glanced at the two of them with an unpredictable expression.

The indifferent male voice continued: "In the world of missions, life and death are at your own risk. Your mission is on the wall."

The "0"s and "1"s on the four mirrored walls quickly disappeared.

On one of the mirror walls, a line of writing composed of a faint golden light appeared.

"Task [-]: Fulfill Your Majesty's wish - His Majesty's girlish heart."

Seeing such a line of words, Shen Lang was slightly taken aback. He couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the kitten on his shoulder. There was a hint of ridicule in the depths of his eyes: "Your Majesty, Your actually have a girlish heart?"

The little cat looked back at Shen Lang coldly.

Just like last time, the male voice in midair said: "The world has been selected and is ready to travel through."

Li Ling has been preoccupied.

Compared to Shen Lang in this world, she really knows too much!But the information she knew just made her more confused, but it didn't improve the situation at all, so Li Ling didn't want to tell Shen Lang about it.

Li Ling was immersed in his own thoughts.

On this doomsday planet, the only information channel she can access is Xia Qi, a netizen.

In addition, she wants to know more truths, which seem to be only in this small space.

But now, the "god" of the small space ignored her—she couldn't get any helpful information here.

So, where did she go to find the truth?Is it Jinlin City?
Li Ling's heart was oppressed by the secret, and she didn't have the time to pay attention to the interaction between Shen Lang and the kitten. She didn't recover until she heard "God" said that she was going to cross.

The last time she traveled to that high-tech world, she traveled in a coma.

According to the technological level of that high-tech world, it can only allow objects to travel through the universe, but it cannot allow people to travel through the universe.

How did "God" do it?
The next moment, Li Ling saw a glaring white light emitting from this small space.

The white light was so dazzling that it illuminated the entire small space into a vast expanse of whiteness, making Li Ling almost unable to see anything.

But Li Ling was persistent in wanting to know how she passed through. She blocked the light with her hands and opened her eyes to see through the gaps in her palms.

Then, she saw it!
In a few seconds, the bodies of her, Shen Lang, and the little cat turned into fine dust or smaller particles from bottom to top...

A moment of darkness.

When Li Ling opened his eyes again, he found that the bodies of himself and Shen Lang seemed to have been reorganized, and the two of them and the cat appeared in an empty alley.

(End of this chapter)

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