beauty bible

Chapter 134 Clean Up the Zombies

Chapter 134 Clean Up the Zombies
Li Ling was hiding behind the farmhouse on the right side of the road. She poked her head out and looked at the zombie standing next to the earthen wall on the right side of the farmhouse.

This is a "zombie" of a young man.It has good facial features and dignified clothes. It may have been a handsome man during his lifetime.But at this time, its hair was loose and covered with mud.Its eye sockets were deeply sunken, and the eyeballs of both eyes seemed to be squeezed and disappeared.The hand exposed from the broken clothes has distinct joints, just like a thin layer of blue-gray skin wrapping the bones of the hand.

The moment Li Ling stretched out his head, the zombie also found Li Ling.It moved its mouth crookedly, and then galloped towards Li Ling.

Li Ling poked the long, burning stick in his hand towards the zombie.

"Aww——" The flaming stick ignited the zombie's clothes, and the zombie howled in pain and rolled on the ground. While rolling, it stretched out its fiery hand and crawled towards Li Ling.

Li Ling quickly walked a few steps to the side, holding three other long, flaming wooden sticks in his hand.

The howling of this zombie quickly attracted several zombies.

Unlike the row of farm houses in this small village where Li Ling first set foot, this time the howling of zombies only attracted five zombies.

Li Ling quickly ran towards her destination while holding a wooden stick with fire.

A zombie was closest to Li Ling and rushed towards Li Ling the fastest.

Li Ling glanced back, took out two wooden sticks and threw them at the zombie at the same time.

The zombie dodged the first flaming stick instinctively, but not the second.After being hit by a flaming wooden stick, his body caught fire quickly, and he couldn't help but howled and fell to the ground and rolled.

Her right hand kept waving the burning stick to prevent the other zombies from getting close. Li Ling finally saw what she was looking for!

Li Ling's eyes lit up, she didn't care about her lack of accuracy, and let the zombie avoid the burning stick.

Li Ling quickly touched the ground with his right hand, and held the long sword lying on the ground in his hand.

With a smile on his lips, Li Ling turned around and waved the last flaming stick in his hand towards the zombie.These zombies obviously didn't dare to get close to the blazing flames. They instinctively retreated slightly, but they turned forward, unable to stop approaching Li Ling.

When the zombies retreated, Li Ling's body was like a fish, breaking away from the zombie's encirclement and galloping towards the outside of the village.

He ran to the place where the horse was tied up again, untied the rope that tied the horse, and got on the horse.

No need for Li Ling to say anything, the black horse galloped towards the deep forest skillfully.

Sitting on the horse, Li Ling turned around and threw the stick in his hand towards a zombie!

The flaming stick successfully hit a zombie, which fell to the ground and began to roll and howl.

The other three zombies ignored the same kind who were being "roasted", seeing that they could not catch up with Li Ling, they quickly gave up chasing, and scattered away in a dull and dead silence.

Riding a horse through the forest, with the mountain wind blowing, Li Ling looked at his long sword in a good mood.

Not long after, Li Ling got off his horse.

After tying up the horse, Li Ling took a few steps forward and put the dirty long sword in the blue stream to clean it little by little.

In the past few days, Li Ling has been wandering in this forest.

Every day, Li Ling would rush to the vicinity of that small village, wait for the opportunity to kill one or two zombies, and then flee on a black horse.

After many times, the dark horse became familiar with Li Ling's "routines", and he knew how to run without Li Ling saying much.

Of course, Li Ling still had to walk through the mountains and forests to find some food to satisfy his hunger.

After wandering around this area for a long time, Li Ling discovered a clear stream.

The blue stream is extremely clean, the water surface is only the width of a person's body, but it doesn't know which direction it flows.

Li Ling liked the tinkling of the water very much.Except for killing zombies and looking for food, Li Ling stayed by the stream.

Because the last chat with Xia Qi made Li Ling feel a little unhappy, Li Ling didn't take the initiative to chat with Xia Qi for two or three days.

Killing zombies, looking for food, and practicing internal skills, Li Ling had a fulfilling life these days.

Going to that small village again and again, Li Ling also encountered dangerous situations.

Originally, the dozen or so zombies in the small village were all near the row of farm houses, but because Li Ling appeared again and again, those zombies changed their "standing" and "patrolling" positions .

Just like last time, Li Ling didn't find a "silent" zombie, which made her "surrounded" by several zombies. She had to use her long sword to pick out a gap, and then escaped.At that time, Li Ling's long sword was tightly grasped by a zombie, and several other zombies surrounded him. Li Ling had no choice but to give up his long sword, turned around and fled.

Today, Li Ling used flint and steel and prepared a few wooden sticks with fire to retrieve his long sword.

After cleaning the long sword, Li Ling put the long sword back into the scabbard. Looking at the clear stream, Li Ling's heart brightened: "There are three more..."

Every time Li Ling went to a small village, he would kill one or two zombies.Including the three zombies killed today, there are only three zombies left!

After she cleaned up the three zombies, she could go to the eight farm houses to collect food.

When the zombies broke out suddenly, many people were accidentally bitten.Therefore, there must be more or less rice in the eight farm houses where people lived.

When she gets the rice grains, she can have a full meal, and then rest in the farmhouse for a day or two, waiting for the next crossing!
Li Ling took out a few wild fruits in the package. The wild fruits were not ripe enough, and the green fruits were a little sour and astringent, but fortunately they were fresh and clean. After eating a few of them, Li Ling stood up.

Since there are only three zombies left, don't wait any longer!

Simply, the three zombies were eliminated today.Tonight, she can live in the farmhouse and enjoy rice!
Li Ling held the sword and got on his horse.

Back in the small village again, Li Ling found that the distance between the three zombies was quite far.

It seems that she is lucky today!

It is much easier to kill zombies one by one than to pounce on three at the same time.

Holding the sword, Li Ling took a deep breath and rushed over!
In the past few days, she had repeatedly killed zombies. At this time, when Li Ling faced these three zombies again, she no longer had any fear in her heart, and only had confidence in her chest!

A quarter of an hour later, three zombies fell to the ground.

Looking at the many "corpses" lying on the ground, most of these "corpses" were pierced into the skulls by long swords, and some of the heads were stabbed in half, and the other three were burnt "corpses" .

The picture in front of him was terrible, but Li Ling didn't bother to pay attention to it, nor did he bother to sort it out.

She strode into a farmhouse and began rummaging through her loot.

(End of this chapter)

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