beauty bible

Chapter 128 This is just reality

Chapter 128 This is just reality

Insect-killing Prince: "Li Ling, my father asked me to pay attention to dining etiquette, so we won't talk anymore."

When Li Ling saw this line of text, the image that came to mind was a young man eating with his parents and brothers on a large and clear dining table.But this young man clicked on the translucent screen to chat from time to time.

Thinking of this scene, Li Ling smiled and shook his head.

so good!Xia Qi should be dining in a wealthy and peaceful environment!

Perhaps, Xia Qi's father saw Xia Qi chatting with his friends at the dining table, would knock on the table with the cutlery, and reprimanded him with a cold face, "Do you still eat?"

With a smile on his face, Li Ling typed: "Sorry to bother you, you can continue to eat. Let's talk next time."

Prince of Insecticide: “Let’s talk next time.”

The chat was over, but Li Ling didn't turn off the chat screen immediately.

Li Ling knew that as long as the chat screen of "Prince Killing Bugs" was still there, the live broadcast hemisphere would be in a black screen state.

Raising his left hand, Li Ling said to the blood-red bracelet, "Open the Beauty Bible."

The blood-red bracelet emits light, and a translucent screen appears above the chat screen.

"Name, Li Ling. Beauty value, 69 points, beautiful woman, color like jade. Current attribute, white lotus style charming beauty."

"Beauty value, 69. Force value, 5. My dear, before your force value exceeds your beauty value, I can only add attribute values ​​to you. When your force value increases, it will also increase with your beauty value. .”

Looking at the familiar words on the translucent surface, Li Ling said, "Close the Beauty Bible."

The screen of the blood-red bracelet disappears.

Li Ling also closed the chat screen.

One man and one horse alone in the forest, Li Ling's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

According to her rough estimate, it has been almost a month since her last time travel.In other words, in the next few days, she will start her next time travel!

It's a pity... It's been less than a month since she learned martial arts. Apart from internal strength to protect her body and make her physically strong, she really doesn't have any martial power that she can use.

According to her last time traveling experience, when she traveled to another world, time on this planet stood still.

In other words, she traveled to other places, and when she came back here, for others, time has not passed.

In this regard, Li Ling was glad that she didn't have to make up a lie to deceive Xia Qi, and told him why she suddenly stopped chatting with him for a month.Li Ling will feel a little uncomfortable again.

These days, she's used to chatting with Xia Qi when she's bored.If she hasn't chatted with this netizen for a long time, she still feels a little uncomfortable.

Li Ling sighed.

What about crossing another world, what about rich second-generation netizens in a distant universe, these things are not as good as the reality she wants at this time.

And her current reality is that the pancakes in her package have been eaten, and she has started to eat wild vegetables and fruits every day.

Li Ling got up and touched the long sword on his body.

This is what she brought out from Zhiyuan Villa.

She has been practicing martial arts for a month. In addition to her physical strength, her eyesight, speed, strength, and responsiveness have all grown to a certain extent.

In fact, she is already a martial arts practitioner.

She can't shrink in the uninhabited mountains and forests forever like this.

The lack of food is an opportunity.

She should really start to face the zombies alone!

Zombies are not martial arts masters like Lin Mogu, so she has no power to resist.

On the contrary, zombies are just a group of scary-looking things with only the strength of adult men.Even an adult man who has never learned any martial arts has a chance to kill a zombie.

Therefore, as long as she has a weapon, as long as she is not besieged by zombies, she should be able to defeat a zombie!
It's been so long!

It has been so long since the end of the world, and she hasn't killed a zombie with her own hands, which really shouldn't be!
Li Ling made up her mind, she wanted to find a small village, and then she had to enter the zombie village alone, beheading the zombies carefully and looking for food.

Even if she doesn't have the ability to get food in the village full of zombies at this time, she should start to muster up the courage to face and fight the zombies!

Li Ling took a deep breath and got on his horse.She turned the horse's head in one direction: "Drive!"

Li Ling rode her horse all night. She ran towards the path with traces of pedestrians. Sure enough, when the night darkened, she saw a small village.

It was a village close to a town.There is a neat road in the village, and there are still deep wheel marks on the road.

Obviously, this village is a certain distance from the nearby towns, so before the zombies appear, the people in the village will drive ox carts to the towns.

At this time, the village was dark under the night, without a trace of fire.

Riding on the horse, Li Ling looked down from the high hillside.

In the village not far from the downhill of the mountain forest, there was a dead silence under the night.From such a distance, Li Ling could still see some zombies wandering on the village road.

After living in this doomsday for a long time, Li Ling knew some habits of zombies.

Zombies have almost no sense of smell, they have a weak sense of hearing, and slightly weaker vision than ordinary people.Zombies only eat humans.If it can bite humans, the zombie's physical strength can be regarded as almost endless.But if no humans were bitten, the zombies would stop to rest every eight hours.

These zombies can't swim. If they fall into the water, they will sink to the bottom of the water, as if they are "dead".These zombies are also afraid of fire, and will be burned to death when encountering fire.

Li Ling found a big tree closest to the village, and tied the black horse to the tree.

She tied the rope in a neat knot so that the black horse couldn't break free, but she could untie the rope with a single tug.

Li Ling took out a flint and some flammable branches and leaves from the package, put them away with him, and then held the long sword tightly in his hand.

If she could sneak into the village quietly, wait for an opportunity to kill one or two zombies to practice her skills, and steal food, then her heartbeat tonight would be complete.

If she accidentally alerts all the zombies, then all she needs to do is stab the zombies to death with a long sword, throw the flaming branches and leaves to the zombies closest to her, then run to the place where the horse is tied, and then escape with the horse.

The zombies can't catch up with the horse.

If there is no accident, this time is the beginning of her formally facing the killing of zombies alone!
Li Ling sat down with a calm expression, and took out some prepared roasted vegetables from the package. Looking at the small village in the quiet night, she ate wild vegetables little by little and drank water.

She can't depend on others forever.

One day, she must face the zombies alone.

Sometimes it's not about courage, or even force and strength.

It's just reality.

There is no room for escape.

Li Ling wiped his mouth lightly, with a calm face, without hesitation, quietly, sneaked into the quiet small village in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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