The random system to save the male supporting role

Chapter 87 Restoration of cultivation (2)

Chapter 87 Restoration of cultivation (2)
But his situation was not as expected by Lin Xiaoman. She carefully looked at the space image, and saw that once he entered it, he walked with ease, without changing his expression, and moved freely as if he was living in this world.

This made Lin Xiaoman a little confused, so she originally planned to let him stay in the space of evil energy, endure the erosion of evil energy, and finally let the evil energy enter from the outside.Afterwards, she proceeded step by step, slowly injecting demonic energy, slowly devouring his heart energy, letting him push the upper limit of his cultivation under the will of survival, absorbing as much demonic energy as possible until he couldn't bear it anymore. When he was staying, she led him out of the space again.

Afterwards, she will start the most important step, which is to draw away the demonic energy and transfer the spiritual energy to his body. As long as the spiritual energy is replenished in time and the cultivation level reaches the upper limit, it means that the entire process of restoring the cultivation base has been successfully completed.

The bad thing is that her spiritual cultivation is not high. If her cultivation is as high as Juro's, the successful extradition will definitely double his cultivation and become the leader in the spiritual court. Can rival!Too bad she's not that good.

The plan was so perfect, but unexpectedly, the situation was out of control.It is not easy for him just to let the evil qi corrode his body a little.

Lin Xiaoman was restlessly sitting on the soft couch, his hands had already begun to slowly build momentum, ready to move on to the next step.

She carefully looked at his situation in the space image, and inside it, he also sat on the floor meditating, calmly, with his eyes closed, let go of his body and mind, and began to absorb the evil energy in the space little by little.

I'm afraid that his cultivation base is too high, and his body will instinctively resist the infiltration of evil spirits.

After a while, seeing layers of fine sweat start to break out from his forehead, and layers of black energy around him, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that it was time to release the devilish energy.

So, she made up her mind, raised her right arm with all her strength and shot straight into the space, and then, traces of devilish energy came out from it, shooting directly at him in the space.

Lin Xiaoman's demonic poison is not weaker than that of the demon soldiers. She has intermediate demon soldiers at her own level, and after returning from Nanjiao Guilou, she has absorbed all the demonic energy from the dog legs and Juro, so her demonic energy The poison is comparable to a high-level magic soldier.

When he was absorbing the demonic energy from Weihan that day, Yaoling was urging him to cry, which made him flustered and he quickly absorbed it.Although he had absorbed all the demonic energy from Weihan's body in just half an hour, he himself was exhausted, in uncontrollable pain, his body could not bear it, and his serious injuries were difficult to treat.

But today, he slowly absorbed the devilish energy released by Lin Xiaoman, digesting it bit by bit. He also slowly absorbed the heart-pounding pain that day, and his whole body didn't feel so painful.

It took a full hour and a half to absorb the magic energy, until Lin Xiaoman felt that his magic energy was about to be exhausted, so he put away his hands and let him out of the space.

At this time, although he didn't suffer too much pain, his condition was not good.

As soon as he came out of the space, his legs became weak, and he was about to collapse immediately. Fortunately, she was waiting in front of him.It also happened to hold him when he was weak and weak, and became his most important support.

She helped him, moved a few steps to the soft couch and sat down, looking at his weak pale face, she felt very distressed.Quickly cupping his face with his hands, wiping the sweat off his forehead with one hand, he asked tremblingly, "You, what do you think?"

Seeing his weak appearance, she couldn't stop her eyes from turning red.

Although it was her idea, even though it was up to her to do it, she was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to control the speed, which would cause him more pain.

And he also noticed her tiny thoughts, and raised his eyes to meet her anxious little face, he faintly evoked a warm smile, panted lightly, and comforted, "Xiaoman, it's okay. Continue Bar."

Hearing this, she nodded with tears in her eyes.Once again, he used his hands to create momentum, and entered the last stage, which is also the most important stage-introducing the spirit into the body.

He is very strong, persistent, and persevering, and it may also be because of her confidence, encouragement, and company.So during the difficult and painful process of absorbing the devilish energy, he didn't say a word, didn't move, gritted his teeth and endured it, so he absorbed the devilish energy she had cultivated in one breath, and the capacity in his body was already long Exceeding half of his original cultivation base, which also means that if he successfully completes this process, his cultivation base will far exceed his original cultivation base, and will be close to king-level spiritual cultivation.

But if the step of absorbing magic energy is too much, it will be even more difficult to lead the spirit into the body.

Lin Xiaoman did not tell him that the success or failure of this final stage depends entirely on her.She wanted to take back the demonic energy, and then extradite her spiritual energy to him, which was also a huge consumption of spiritual energy for her.

Before that, he still retained [-]% of his aura, so Lin Xiaoman's task was to replenish the [-]% of his aura.However, his cultivation base has exceeded half of his original upper limit, so in other words, Lin Xiaoman's goal at this time is to make up [-]% of his aura!
Ten percent!

Lin Xiaoman herself is at most an intermediate spiritual practitioner, and he is already an advanced spiritual practitioner. With her ability, she can only restore the [-]% to [-]% at most.And the remaining [-]% can only be temporarily filled with magic energy, or let it be scrapped.

Her raised right hand has already begun to slowly absorb the devilish energy in his body, but with her left hand, she has been unable to make a decision. If she cultivates and restores the spiritual energy, and at the same time transmits the spiritual energy to him at a normal speed, it will take about four hours. , barely estimated to make up to [-]%.

But if she compensated him to [-]% like this, she wouldn't be able to get out of bed for the next week. She would stretch her energy to the limit.

But it would be a pity if he made up [-]% of it. He managed to break through his ego, and now he has a great opportunity to reach the king-level spiritual cultivation.

Lin Xiaoman was thinking about this in his heart, unable to make a decision, who knows, with his eyes closed, he made up his mind neatly, "Xiaoman, do what you can. I don't want you to do more."

As soon as these words came out, she stopped thinking and guessing in her heart, closed her eyes together, raised her left arm, and began to instill spiritual energy into him.

An hour passed, and his cultivation had recovered to [-]% of its original level without incident. His complexion gradually turned rosy, his breathing was stable, and the aura lingered throughout his body and spread to his eight extraordinary meridians.

Her wear and tear had reached half, she quietly raised her eyes, glanced at his condition, then closed her eyes with peace of mind, and continued the infusion.

Two hours passed, and his cultivation had surpassed his own by [-]%. He was in excellent condition. He could only feel that his muscles and bones were unobstructed, he was full of energy, and there were faint rings of aura around his body.

She was nearly exhausted, and there were layers of fine sweat on her forehead. She didn't sneak a peek at his condition, but kept taking deep breaths, trying her best to repair the spiritual energy, so that it would be convenient to continue infusing him.

(End of this chapter)

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