Chapter 37

"En." With Lin Su's shot in the arm, Lin Xiaoman couldn't be more excited!With all his strength, he got into Lin Su's arms, acted coquettishly, and asked questions, "Dad, please tutor me every night."

"Yes." Lin Su nodded.

"I'm in a hurry. Half a month will allow me to reach at least half of your level."

"What time is it?" Lin Su scratched her nose. "It's not that I underestimate you, no matter how fast you rush, you can't dream, right?"

"I can do it! I have a goal, just like you, if I have someone I want to protect, I will be strong!" She said firmly, Lin Xiaoman never joked, let alone joked about his own life.In order not to die under Juro's hands, can she not fight? !

Mentioning her biggest goal, she unconsciously thought of Juro again.To Lin Xiaoman, Shiro is like a male god.It is said that gods and goddesses can only be watched from a distance and not played with. To Shiro, Lin Xiaoman also has this mentality.

That is to say, in times of crisis, there will be an impulse to hold down the male god and eat him hard.If she maintains her usual calm attitude, Lin Xiaoman promises that even if she knows that Juro is nearby, she will only pay attention to him from a distance, and she will never make a move or put her face down.

Why?Because, she is also a very arrogant beast.Reason controls the brain, and self-esteem comes first!This night, for her, the worst thing that happened was a random confession to Juro.Of course, she had nothing to say when she was rejected.

But male gods are male gods, even if they do worse things, they can always be forgiven. This kind of unequal balance is just like Lin Xiaoman's attitude towards Shiro. Even though Shiro keeps saying that he wants to kill her, her goal is always the same. ——Protect him, save him.Even if she was only prepared to pay attention to him from afar.

Mo Xin has never seen Yao Ting look so confident. Through the heart-to-heart communication tonight, she found that Yao Ting has changed and is no longer timid, cowardly, inferior and autistic like before.Yao Ting now looks like a mature adult, confident, has goals, and ideas. Given time, she will definitely be able to make a name for herself on her own path!

However, before that, what Mo Xin was most curious about was, "Xiao Ting, who is the person you want to protect?"

"It's not important. In fact, I'm very tired today. I really want to sleep well. Dad, Mom, why don't you go back to your room to rest? Huh?" When asked about his weakness, Lin Xiaoman's first reaction was Boom people.

"Hey, Xiaoting, you're not right, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm really tired." Without giving the two of them a chance to talk, she had already forcibly pulled them out of the room.When the door is closed, the two sides are separated. "Good night, Dad, Mom."

"This child seems to be different." Facing the closed door, Mo Xin felt suspicious in his heart for no reason.However, the suspicion only existed for half a moment, and the next moment, she suddenly burst into a flower-like smile, "This is very good, much better than before. Su, tell me, why didn't we know how to find a target to cheer her up before?" , struggle?"

"Don't talk about the past, but now, we don't know what to do with her. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. You see, we don't worry about anything. Instead, she found her goal and changed herself. This shows that everything They are all developing for the better. As elders, what we have to do is to unconditionally support her every decision behind her back. Right?" Compared to Mo Xin's annoyance, Lin Su seemed much more natural.

The daughter accepted their story, entered her own state, and even had her own goals. As an adult, Lin Su thought, he should do everything he can for his daughter.First of all, the first thing is to recognize the ancestors and return the surname to the Lin family. The second thing is to deal with the people who should be dealt with to avoid causing trouble again.

Spirit world.

The spirit world, sacred and solemn, the supreme place of the spirit realm.In fairy tales, it is like a fairyland.

The earth is round, and by contrast, the overall structure of the spiritual world is also neatly rectangular.The spirit world is roughly divided into four levels from top to bottom. The bottom layer - Evil Soul Valley, occupies the largest area, is the lowest level, and is also the cruelest. It is used to punish those who did evil in life. , working hard every day, tortured, and subjected to unusually cruel prison sentences, and without a person who has lived for more than ten thousand years, there is no chance of getting ahead.

The upper level of Evil Soul Valley - Liuhun Street, belongs to the level of the handover between good and evil.The evil souls in the Evil Soul Valley have passed ten thousand years of torture and various selections, and only those who pass can enter Liuhun Street to sharpen their minds.Further, purify the spirit.

Above Rukongai is the residence of pure and kind souls - Baihun Town. The existence of Baihun Town corresponds to the first two sentences of the Three Character Sutra - in the beginning, human beings are inherently good.Because those who stay in Baihun Town have been tempered physically and mentally until their souls truly become pure and kind souls.

The people in Baihun Town live a simple, happy, and not hard-working life. Some residents are even extremely resistant to reincarnation into the human world. They are used to kindness. After entering the human world, who can guarantee that they will always be kind?
The upper echelon of the spirit world is also the head and core of the spirit world—Ling Ting, the place where the upper echelon of the spirit world is located!
In the spirit world, the spirit court is a very sacred existence. If a soul can cultivate into a spiritual warlock and enter the spirit court, even a tail soldier who sweeps the floor and does miscellaneous work, will be the best in the three planes below the spirit court. The object of worship of all souls!

Shan Shilang is a well-known general-level spirit warlock in the spirit world, and also a widely rumored figure in the spirit world. He was a lonely soul who rose from the lowest level of the Evil Soul Valley. In two years, only two years, he passed the evil spirit. The various selections in Soul Valley crossed Liuhun Street and entered Baihun Town in one fell swoop.When all the souls were chatting about whether there was someone behind him after dinner, he once again used his ability to win the admiration of all the souls, entered the spirit world and became a general-level spirit warlock in one fell swoop!

From then on, no soul in the entire spiritual world looked down on him, and even the higher-ups were afraid of him!

However, all these successes are not important to Juro. In his life, there are only two most important people, one is his grandma who carefully hides in Baihun Town, and the other is his target , Work hard to strengthen the remote spirit who wants to protect.

As a general-level spirit warlock, Juro's visits to the present world are relatively infrequent. This time he went to the present world for a few days, nothing more than setting up a school for Yao Ling and checking the post by the way.Who knew that he had unexpectedly obtained the latest news from the underworld.So, he came back early to report the news.

Going back to the beginning, the spirit world is a rectangular world. There are four gates leading to the spirit world. Without exception, they are all located at the junction of Liuhun Street and Baihun Town. The dividing line in the center of the rectangle is commonly known as the center road.

Every time he returns to the spirit world, the central road is always the place Juro hates the most.Because, he can always see all kinds of wandering spirits staring at him like orangutans in a zoo, drooling, staring at him, or even worse.

(End of this chapter)

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