The random system to save the male supporting role

Chapter 242 A Surprise Wedding (16)

Chapter 242 A Surprise Wedding (16)
One sentence made everyone at the scene laugh bitterly, Shi Lang Lin Xiaoman both blushed with embarrassment.

The two turned around, Lin Xiaoman hooked Shiro's arm, Yan Juegao stood on the stage, dressed in a priest's attire, looking at this pair of talented men and women, with admiration on his face.

The moment that followed was much easier.

With Juro by her side, she didn't feel nervous anymore.Furthermore, she also figured it out, this is her wedding, why should she be nervous, she should complete every step of her wedding beautifully.

Standing tall on the stage, Yan Jue recited the wedding speech that has remained unchanged for a hundred years. Of course, both of them answered without hesitation.

Shilang Lin Xiaoman looked at each other deeply.

She could see that his green eyes were full of tenderness.

"Okay, then invite the bride and groom to exchange rings." Yan Jue flipped the cover of the priest's dictionary and gestured with both hands.

Hua Nu and Xiao Zhen handed over the ring together.

Lin Xiaoman took the ring from the red tray and put it on for him, and when he took the ring and put it on for her, she couldn't help but smile, feeling deeply moved in her heart.

"What's wrong?" Juro looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Lin Xiaoman smiled awkwardly, "This time, it's finally mine."

As soon as he said this, Juro couldn't help but laugh out loud. It turned out that she was still minding the misunderstanding last time.

"Now, the groom can kiss the bride!" Yan Jue shouted loudly, and the atmosphere on the scene was greatly raised!

Lin Xiaoman and Juro looked at each other, and both of them had the same thought in their hearts, that is - whoever takes the initiative first will gain the upper hand!

However, the result of having such an idea can only be that the two parties rush forward and kiss passionately in public!
"Woo!" The audience applauded warmly, shouted loudly, and the atmosphere of the scene was unusually lively!As night falls, the city gradually calms down.

A wedding that had been planned for a long time also ended in this hasty day.

Shi Lang's wedding room is in the plane designed by Yan Jue, and this plane is far more than just the grassland.

After seeing off the guests and family members, Shiro and Lin Xiaoman's honeymoon is set in it.

Happiness came so suddenly, Lin Xiaoman felt a little dizzy when he walked.

I never imagined that after half a month of peace, even early in the morning when they were still arguing, the two of them have already completed their wedding, finished their wedding banquet, and become a real couple.


What a strange yet familiar word.

Lin Xiaoman opened his arms wide, looked up at the artificial starry sky above his head, even though it was artificial, he thought it was so beautiful.

Juro closed the small door, and a button was placed next to the door. With a light push, the hut disappeared from the outside.

He turned around and looked deeply at her comfortable and comfortable figure, his brows and eyes arched in happiness, and a strong impulse surged in his chest.

"Xiao Man." He called her briskly, and his figure quickly moved to her side, hugging her and hugging her in his arms.

He moved so fast that she screamed in surprise, but after falling into his arms, she obediently leaned against his neck, chuckled lightly, and murmured foolishly, "We, today—we are getting married! "

Juro chuckled, lowered his head and nuzzled her forehead, "How is it? Are you still angry with me?"

"Hey——" Lin Xiaoman smacked his chest coquettishly, with deep satisfaction written on his small face, "You still say, you are such a fool! You deliberately want to see me like a jealous woman Eat flying vinegar!"

Shiro laughed loudly, and when she heard her jealousy, he felt satisfied, "I'm not angry with you, I like it when you're jealous."

Lin Xiaoman chuckled, put his arms around his neck, his spiritual eyes locked his side face deeply, "It's been a while today, haven't you made arrangements for a long time?"

Juro snorted and smiled, "It's been a long time, but it's worth the money."

"Ah!" With this answer, Lin Xiaoman was really satisfied!She slapped the side of his face fiercely for a few times before she paused, "Xiao Shi, why are you so nice. You are too kind!"

"Really?" Shiro squinted at her with great satisfaction in his eyes.

Looking at her appearance, he really felt that this time, it was really worth the money!
"Then, is there a reward?" Juro asked with raised eyebrows.

Lin Xiaoman thought for a while, and his small eyes twirled in a circle, "Reward, reward you for an unforgettable night, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, Juro took a breath and felt his whole body feel hot.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at her evil little face, and his cheeks were instantly flushed to the base of his ears.

No, he couldn't help it!

As soon as the thought passed through the brain, the body accelerated involuntarily, and returned to the new room in a flash.

Everything in the new house was also arranged by him.

Lin Xiaoman went deep into it, and lingered in it with great interest. From the first floor to the open-air balcony on the second floor, small framed tables, writing boards, photo walls, and small dolls were placed on the lockers. It is also carefully made to order.

She walked in slowly, looking at the delicate little things one by one.

"Hey, this is a flower girl." She saw the little doll on the shelf, and played with it in her hand, "Look at this expression, it really looks like her."

Juro nodded and followed her slowly. In fact, his heart was still throbbing because of what she said just now, and his body was still hot, from his toes to his cheeks.

"Wow, this is the Korean-style dress you wore that day. You made it." Lin Xiaoman picked up another doll, his eyes fixed on these little toys, and he couldn't stop for a moment. , "Isn't this me? Why do I look so boyish in my school uniform? In fact, I have quite a big bust."

"Yeah." Shi Lang replied with a snort, and put his arms around her waist from behind in an obedient way, "Xiao Man, are you tired?"

"Yeah. Not tired." Lin Xiaoman relaxed his waist, and his spirits were lifted, "I want to take a good look at what you have prepared."

"Xiaoman." Shiro rubbed her temples lightly, "I'm tired, so it's not as good as us."

Lin Xiaoman turned to look at him, saw that his face was blushing, and thought a little bit, "But, don't you take a bath? You're so tired today."

Yes, there is the step of taking a bath!
Juro smiled happily, and quickly let go, "Then I'll go first, by the way, there is a bathroom over the new house, you can too."

In the middle of the conversation, Juro immediately thought that when designing the bathtub in the new house, he deliberately widened and lengthened the size.

That's not what he thought at the time.

"Xiaoman." Juro licked his lips, turned around and continued to hug her waist, "Xiaoman, actually, the bathroom in the living room hasn't been finished yet, we have to use the built-in bathroom in the wedding room."

Lin Xiaoman blinked his eyes and understood the meaning of his words again.

(End of this chapter)

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