The villain apprentice is very arrogant

Chapter 78, Chapter to Qiancheng again

Chapter 78, Returning to Qiancheng Again

Time flies, time flies.In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

In the past five years, except for the time when Wen Yun and the man in black were faintly seen when he went to Jincheng, there was no news of the two of them.

It's as if they just disappeared out of thin air.

Lan Qing stayed at Han Gong Peak, occasionally giving advice to his disciples.With her help, Sheng Yang quickly reached the Dzogchen realm in just one year.

This made the little old man both happy and worried. The happy thing is that at this speed, Sheng Yang will be able to return to the fairyland soon, and at that time, his mission will be completed.

What's worrying is that, originally, as long as Sheng Yang can experience all kinds of things in the world before he becomes an adult, he can return to the immortal position in one step.Now... two years have passed, and there is still no movement in the fairy world.

He went to ask the Department of Calculations, and said that His Royal Highness lacked a love calamity, and experienced calamities, and even one less calamity would not be considered complete.

But Sheng Yang stayed at Hangong Peak all day, with a pure heart and ascetic appearance, how could he summon love disaster?
So after discussing with Lanqing Bailang, they decided to persuade Shengyang to leave the mountain.

To put it bluntly, it's called experience, but in fact the real purpose is to let him go out and get in touch with more people, maybe one day he will bring back a girl.

Sheng Yang didn't refuse, but Rong Zhen persuaded Yue Qi to go with him just in case.

Regardless of whether or not Shengyang's dull temperament can catch up with a girl, let's say that for so many years, Shengyang was also brought up by Yue Qi. If anyone knows him best, it must be Yue Qi.

With this level of protection, are you afraid that Shengyang won't be able to set a red line?
After Sheng Yang and Yue Qi left, many disciples came one after another to ask Lan Qing to leave the mountain.It's normal to think about it. After all, the growth gained from training outside is much more than staying in the peak.

Lan Qing agreed to everything.

In this way, Han Gongfeng, which has few people, has become even more pure in the past two years.

In order to relieve Lan Qing's boredom, Yan Jianhuai and the four elders came here from time to time to play a game of chess with him, or to chat about what happened outside, which was not too boring.

In fact, Lan Qing didn't feel bored at all. She was used to being quiet, so she didn't feel anything.

But Rongzhen and Bailang don't think so.

He stopped going to Liangjie Mountain, didn't eat wild fruits, and didn't even drink apricot blossom wine.As soon as they opened their eyes every day, the two of them ran to the top of the peak, nothing else but sitting idle with Lan Qing.

Like... now.

Lan Qing glanced at Bailang, who couldn't hold back and fell asleep on the table, then glanced again with half-closed eyes, nodding her head, and said softly, "You guys go back to sleep."

She really didn't know what happened to the two of them, so she came over early in the morning and sat quietly with her without saying a word.

When Rong Zhen heard this, he woke up instantly, slapped Bailang on the head, and said with a smile: "No need! We are not sleepy, right Langlang?"

Bai Lang's eyes were foggy, he rubbed his painful head, and said with a smirk, "Yes, yes, I'm not sleepy." After speaking, Xiang Rongzhen flew over with a sharp eye!

It's too hard to start!

Lan Qing poured two cups of tea expressionlessly and pushed them in front of them.Rong Zhen and Bai Lang originally planned to refuse, but the words came to their lips, but they found that the cup was steaming?

Not iced tea?

The two looked at each other and tentatively took a sip.Mmm, it's hot!
Lan Qing: "You come to my place every day, what's the matter?"

Bailang laughed: "What can we do, we are just bored and looking for you to relieve our boredom."

Lan Qing obviously didn't buy it: "Why don't you go hunting in Liangjie Mountain?"

"Well... the spirit beasts of Liangjie Mountain run away when they see me and Rong Tuantuan, how can they hunt them?"

Lan Qing's eyes shifted to Rong Zhen: "Aren't you going to pick wild fruits?"

Rong Zhen chuckled: "I've been eating this for so many years, I'm already tired of it. I still think it's interesting to sit and enjoy the snow with Zhaohua, right Langlang?"

"Haha, ha, yes."

After the two finished speaking, they began to laugh dryly under Lan Qing's cool eyes.In the end, he silently closed his voice.

Lan Qing looked away, looked at the Frost Snow Tree in the yard that had been replanted by Rong Zhen, and did not speak for a long time.Tapping the table with fingertips made the two of them flustered.

Bailang coughed twice, and said: "Oh, we are afraid that you will be bored by yourself. The disciples are not around, so we and Yan Guzhu can accompany you when they have time."

Lan Qing said lightly: "You are afraid that I will leave without saying goodbye."

A year ago, Lian Yu came back from Qiancheng and specially brought Lian Ningxu to visit Lan Qing.After some chatting, I learned about the extermination of the grandfather's family five years ago.

It is said that everyone's corpses were hung upside down in the Jing Mansion, but when they were in the Qing Dynasty, they found that only the infant Jing Ci, who was picked up by Mr. Jing, was missing.

Outsiders began to spread the rumor that this child was a loser, that whoever suffers would be unlucky, and that after harming one family, he would harm another family. Jingfu is a living example.This incident led to an increase in the number of beggars in Qiancheng.

Rong Zhen and Bai Lang were worried that Lan Qing would leave them on Han Gong Peak and go to Qiancheng alone, so they guarded her all day long.

In fact, they don't care much about whether they go or not. It's better to go, not to pull down.

However, once she left again, this Han Gongfeng would truly become their "world", wouldn't it be more boring at that time!

However, they were still a little embarrassed when Lan Qing exposed Xiao Jiujiu in person.

Bailang patted his chest, and said seriously: "Lan Qing, I believe in you! Even if I really want to leave, I will take Rong Tuantu and me with me"... probably.

Rong Zhen also echoed: "That's right, how could we worry about this. I really just came here to accompany you to relieve boredom, what are you thinking about so much?"...and say it in person!
Lan Qing turned her gaze back, her eyes seemed to see the two of them clearly.After a long time, he sighed softly.

"Get ready, let's go tomorrow."

Rong Zhen and Bai Lang were taken aback for a moment, and they hid their joy in their hearts: "Where are you going?"

"Qiancheng." After speaking, Lan Qing shook her head slightly, got up and walked into the house.

In the courtyard, the two looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths all raised in triumphant smiles.


On the second day, after Lan Qing left a letter to Yan Tianhuai, she left with Rong Zhen and Bai Lang.

Forming a magic circle, they have traveled thousands of miles in just three breaths.In order not to cause a commotion, Lan Qing specially set the location of her appearance in a remote grove outside Qiancheng.

Sure enough, no one noticed the three people who suddenly appeared.

But maybe it was because Lan Qing's magic circle was too powerful, when the teleportation arrived, Bai Lang and Rong Zhen both fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

Rong Zhen frowned, rubbed his buttocks and got up: "The old man's bones almost fell apart."

"Hey, okay, just go with Renren?" Bai Lang half-greeded him, and then urged: "Lan Qing, let's go quickly! I haven't been to Qiancheng for many years, and I don't know if there are big changes."

Lan Qing hummed lightly, and walked towards the city with her hands behind her back, the two of them followed closely behind.

It is still the same small town, and the shouts of the hawkers are still the same.

But the difference is that the inn they had been to had been converted into a brothel.

It was under Mr. Jing's name at the beginning, so it should be bought by someone now.

The three of them were walking on the street, and Lan Qing alone attracted many envious looks.

Since when did such a beautiful woman appear in the small town?
And at a dark street corner, squatting a dirty child.He raised his head slightly, only to see that there were scars all over his face half covered by his long hair, but his black eyes seemed to contain thousands of stars.

Just looking at Lan Qing, from appearance to disappearance.

 ( ̄▽ ̄)~* I dare not tell you how long I rummaged through the trash can before I found my son

(End of this chapter)

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