The villain apprentice is very arrogant

Chapter 72, The Secret of the City Lord's Mansion

Chapter 72, The Secret of the City Lord's Mansion

The three of them returned to Lan Qing's side, Bai Lang raised the corner of his mouth, pointed in a certain direction confidently, and said, "I found it, it's to the west!"

But the four of them are not familiar with Jincheng. Although they have a general direction, they don't know where it is.

Lan Qing shifted her gaze to a person on the second floor who was looking this way with a face full of panic. Bai Lang instantly understood, jumped up and lifted Erji down.

"Everyone, you, what are you going to do?" Erji's whisk turned into a broom that exploded.

"It's the first time for us to come to Jincheng, and now we're going to catch people. We're not familiar with this place, so why don't you show us the way? I swear you'll get there no matter how you go, I'm sure you won't lose a single hair!"

Bailang looked like two good brothers, with his arm on Erji's shoulder, full of temptation!
Erji smiled wryly, shook his whisk, and said, "This... alright."

Without staying too long, several people took Erji and immediately raised their breath and flew to the west.

Along the way, there are only a few scattered puppets wandering around, like lonely ghosts at night.

In the end, the four of them came to a magnificent courtyard.

Erji's feet were floating, and he was still in a trance after falling to the ground.

Yue Qi asked: "Xiaodao, what is this place?"

Erji looked around and said hesitantly, "This seems to be a side courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion."

Bailang nodded thoughtfully: "The City Lord's Mansion? No wonder, it looks more exquisite than those mansions outside."

As they walked in, they looked around.Sheng Yang and Yue Qi followed closely behind Lan Qing, never leaving each other.

Bai Lang glanced at them from the corner of his eye, sneaked up to Lan Qing's side, and said with a low laugh, "Lan Qing, look at you two apprentices, with that look in your eyes, I'm afraid you will run away again in the next second."

Lan Qing glanced at him and said calmly, "What do you want to say?"

Bailang glanced at them backwards and asked, "So, after we settle the matter in front of us, we're going to the Valley of No Return?"

This question caused the two people behind them to feel anxious at the same time, and they looked at Lan Qing's back nervously.

They didn't know when Lan Qing came back, but she must have her own reasons for not returning to the valley after she came back. As disciples, they should not interfere with this.

But deep down, I still greedily want her to go back.

Lan Qing didn't know how to answer for a moment.

It was promised to take Bailang to travel around the world, but now something happened...

Sheng Yang's drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, he stepped forward to Lan Qing's side, and said softly: "Master, don't bother us, no matter where you go, we will wait for you to come back."

It is God's favor to see each other again, how could there be any other extravagant hopes.

After Sheng Yang said so many words at once, Yue Qi felt a little relieved, and there was a little more warmth in the eyes looking at him.

Perhaps Master's death was the knot in Sheng Yang's heart that couldn't be untied.Now that the master is back, he believes that Sheng Yang will gradually get better.

"Several elders, we are in the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion." Erji, who was walking in the front, suddenly spoke, interrupting Lan Qing's words that were about to come to his mouth.

The farther you go, the stronger the magic breath becomes.

As a mortal in Xiaodao, he couldn't feel the magic breath, but felt that it was getting colder and colder as he walked, so he couldn't help shivering.

Lan Qing made a formula in her hand, and a light-colored mask wrapped Erji.Erji suddenly trembled again, wondering why he wasn't cold all of a sudden?

With the moonlight, one can see that the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion is full of bright red flowers, alluring and beautiful, and it seems to have a deceptive charm.

Bai Lang stepped forward to pick one, carefully looked at its petals in the moonlight, and frowned: "This flower... looks familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Manzhu blood flower."

Lan Qing looked at the flower blankly and spoke.

Bailang's eyes gradually widened, he immediately dropped the flower in his hand, and shook his hands in disgust: "It's so disgusting."

Most of the manju blood flowers grow in the devil world, as long as there is blood and soil, they can be invincible all year round.

This flower is also very strange, if it is watered with enough painstaking efforts, it can produce a fruit that looks like a human brain on the petals.It is said that after eating this fruit, a seed will be planted in the brain to suck the essence and blood of the host.

After sucking enough, break open the skull and grow new manju blood flowers.

And the host's body became the fertilizer for the new flower.

Unexpectedly, there are so many Manzhu blood flowers in the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion!
How many people have been arrested?

Xiaodao didn't know the origin of Manzhu blood flower, but he just regarded it as a strange flower and didn't pay much attention to it.Pointing to a tree in the center of the back garden, he said, "Everyone, look at that tree."


Bailang raised his eyes and looked over, feeling goosebumps all over his body, and silently leaned against Lan Qing.

Where is this an ordinary tree?

This is clearly the Human Face Tree!

The thick trunk is covered with densely packed human faces, several of which seem to overlap.The ferocious faces make one's scalp tingle!
Yue Qi had doubts in his heart, and asked: "Is this a human face tree? It is unique to the Misty Forest, right? And the human face tree in the Misty Forest, Kazuki only has one face. How could this tree..."

"This is not a human face tree." Sheng Yang thought for a while before saying, "It's just an ordinary tree."

Lan Qing nodded and said, "Sheng Yang is right, this is indeed an ordinary tree."

"Then why..." Bailang had just opened his mouth, and a spark went through his mind, he figured it out, and dared not put it down: "This can't be the soul, right?"

After a person dies, the original soul stays away from the body, and there is no body for them to attach to. If the original soul accumulates grievances, it will become a resentful soul, entangled with others endlessly.

But if a special method is used to entrust the souls on a living object, after obtaining the host, these souls will immediately settle down.

This method is sending souls!

The biggest disadvantage of sending souls is that after these souls are fixed, unless the person who implements sending souls lifts the spell, they will not be able to escape forever.

Lan Qing hummed, staring at the strangely-grown tree, her eyes dim.

Those two people used the whole city as a killing field. The bodies of the people in the city were used as fertilizer for Manzhu blood flowers, and their souls would never rest on a tree forever.

This is such a deep hatred.

Bailang couldn't bear it, and asked: "Is there no other way to save them? These are common people who didn't do anything, just died like this, and even their souls can't be peaceful after death, it's too cruel some."

Although Erji didn't understand what they were talking about about the Human Face Tree, Misty Forest and Jihun, he still understood Bailang's words.

He didn't know anything else, but the tree in front of him was full of human souls, which made his hair stand on end.

"Xian, Xianchang, in fact, what I want to say is that there is an enchantment under that tree. When I came with Master, I saw it by accident. At that time, I thought it should be used to hide wine, so I I didn't think much about it. And I don't know how to use immortality, and I don't know what kind of enchantment it is. I... I'll take you to see it."

(End of this chapter)

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