The villain apprentice is very arrogant

Chapter 48, it will not be accidental

Chapter 48, it will not be accidental
After hearing this, before Wen Yun could be happy, Bailang exploded first!Struggling violently, he let out a shrill cry.

Wen Yun didn't pay attention, and was scratched by it. Unexpectedly, the whole hand turned red quickly, and swelled into a big lump at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Wen Yun screamed and her eyes widened!
Bai Lang nestled back to Lan Qing's side, his dark eyes full of caution.

Wen Yun was so anxious that she was about to cry, her hands were sore and itchy, she wished she could scrape the flesh off her hands with a knife.

Lan Qing took a sip of tea unhurriedly, glanced at Bailang with lowered eyes, and said, "It seems that he doesn't want to go with you, so I'm sorry."

Bai Lang glared at Lan Qing angrily, this man wanted to throw himself to others again!
Bailang's body is the Baiyu Tianmo Wolf, which belongs to half a monster, but it's just that after staying in Jiutianyuan for a long time, it is nourished by the immortal energy, so the magic energy is not so obvious.

Its claws and saliva are poisonous. If it is accidentally scratched or bitten by it, the wound will swell like a big drum, and it will be painful and itchy like being bitten by thousands of ants.

But it's nothing serious, and it will be cured in seven or eight days.

But obviously Wen Yun didn't know, her eyes were clouded with mist: "Xiao Zhao, you are a spirit beast whose wildness and bestiality have not been eliminated. It's okay to hurt me today, but if it hurts you someday, I won't hurt you." alright!"

"Oh? In your opinion, what should we do?"

Wen Yun held back her smile, as if for Lan Qing, and said, "My junior brother can help you train it well, why don't you leave it to my junior brother? I promise to give you back an obedient and obedient pet."

Lan Qing changed her mind, picked up Bailang, and put it in front of her, as if she was seriously considering this matter.

Bailang pricked up his little ears, looked at Lan Qing in horror, and whined: Lan Zhaohua!Don't play tricks on me!
Lan Qing's message came from the air: "Fifty sheep."


Bailang: You said so!Don't go back on your word!

Lan Qing didn't speak, and her subordinates secretly made a decision, and tapped Bailang's forehead lightly.

Then, looking at Wen Yun, he said softly, "Since Miss Wen said so, then take it with you."

The sternness in Wen Yun's eyes flashed across, but she was still a little apprehensive in her heart, so she didn't go forward to grab it herself.

"Come here."

A ghost-faced man walked in from outside the house, his voice was not the slightest bit warm: "Yes."

"Take this little... take this spiritual pet to the Lord, and tame it well."

The ghost-masked man didn't move, but looked at Lan Qing, as if waiting for her to say something.

Wen Yun was a little embarrassed, clutching her swollen hand, and said, "What are you waiting for? Go."

"The lord has orders. Seeing Miss Jun is like seeing the lord. We will follow all orders from Miss Jun, and we will not neglect."

The ghost-faced man's indifferent voice was like an emotionless killing machine.


Wen Yun couldn't even pull out the last trace of a smile, she gritted her teeth and looked at Lan Qing: "Xiao Zhao, look..."

"Take it."


The ghost-masked man stepped forward, picked up the white dumpling carefully, and walked out.

"Then Xiao Zhao, rest first, and I'll leave first." After Wen Yun finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, Lan Qing was the only one left in the room.

After a long time, seeing that the time was almost up, a gleam of white light flashed across Lan Qing's eyes, and the scene she saw suddenly changed, becoming the scene in Bai Lang's eyes.

Since we didn't find out what happened last night, we can only follow suit and find out from Jing Ci.

Jing Ci was sitting in the main hall at this time, talking with several people, one of whom was the man in red that he saw yesterday.

"My lord, Miss Wen asked me to bring a spiritual pet, and I want you to tame it." The appearance of the ghost-masked man interrupted the communication among the people in the hall.

Hua Qing was a little dissatisfied: "Go, go, come back later, didn't you see that you are busy right now?"

Jing Ji raised his hand to stop it, and saw that the little thing in the ghost-masked man's arms looked familiar, it seemed to be the one Jun Zhao held in his arms yesterday.

"give me."

The ghost-masked man leaned over slightly and hugged him.

Bailang looked around, looked over all the people in the hall respectfully, and was finally placed in front of Jing Ci's table by the ghost-masked man.

"Where did the little thing come from?" Hua Qing asked curiously, flicking Bai Tuanzi's forehead.

"It belongs to Miss Jun."

"Miss Jun?" Hua Qing turned her gaze to Jing Ci: "That little girl from yesterday?"

Jing Ci hummed lukewarmly, and tapped rhythmically with his hands on the table, wondering what he was thinking.

"Go back."


The ghost-masked man withdrew, and the people in the hall all focused their eyes on Jing Ji and the pet.

An old man with a white beard said: "My lord, the matter of opening the magic door is very important. We have made preparations for so long, why do we just give up now?"

"Yes, my lord, I heard that the little disciples of Hangong Peak came to stop me yesterday, but a girl fell from the sky, and my lord brought her back. I don't know who this girl is? You must find out, not those A secret work sent by a sect." Someone echoed.

Jing Ji stared quietly at Bailang in front of him, and said, "There's no rush about the Demon Gate, we'll talk about it later."

After finishing speaking, there was no further words, not a word about "that girl" in this group of people.

How could Hua Qing not know what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's stop here today, the lord is tired, everyone, please go back."

Several people in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to say more, so they could only bow and retreat.

After everyone had left, Hua Qing resumed her carefree look, touched Bailang's head, and said, "The girl's wolf, why did Wen Yunrang send it?"

Bailang turned his head away in disgust, and jumped back, his head held high, his eyes full of contempt.

Hua Qing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "As expected of being raised by that girl, her temperament is exactly the same as hers."

Jing Ci slowly raised the corners of his mouth, but did not speak.

"What are you going to do with it? Have you assimilated with the group of spirit beasts? It's so small, it probably doesn't even have all its teeth. If you let it out to fight, it won't be crushed to death by other spirit beasts."

When Bailang heard this, he was unhappy, so he stood up and bared his teeth at Huaqing and yelled!

Yo?Quite smart, can understand human language?But it didn't seem to have any lethality, Hua Qing shook her head amusedly.

"There is no need for assimilation, take him to the beast farm and the gateless prison."

"Huh? Take a... er... dog? Go to the zoo and the prison without a door, and see? Just see?"


The corners of Hua Qing's eyes twitched unconsciously, did he hear correctly?It would be more normal to take it to Wumen Prison and kill it, or take it to the beast farm to feed other spirit beasts!
"That's right! I really don't know if I'm crazy or you are stupid." Hua Qing sighed helplessly, and stretched out her hand to Bailang.

"Come on little guy, I'll take you out to play."

Bailang sniffed the hand, pressed the paw up, lifted his chin, his eyes were full of arrogance.

In the next second, Hua Qing pulled out her hand, picked up the nape of her neck, and walked out in a flash.

Bailang: ...

Suddenly I miss the days of roasting sheep in Jiutianyuan. Why are these stupid humans always carrying me away in the lower realm?

inside the house.

Lan Qing frowned, her spells should be invincible in the lower realms, she was sure that Jing Ci would not be able to recognize them.

But why, let the man in red take Bailang to the place he wanted so easily?
accidental?Is it really such a coincidence?
 Today's third shift failed (˙-˙=)
(End of this chapter)

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