The villain apprentice is very arrogant

Chapter 35, I'm not going anywhere, I'm already dead...

Chapter 35, I'm not going anywhere, I'm already dead...

At night, Jing Ci sat at the table, tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table, and looked at Lan Qing who was lying flat on the bed with dim eyes.

He used spiritual power to keep her body, making her look like an ordinary person except that she was not breathing.The body is soft, the complexion is rosy, and the clothes are neat and clean.

His gaze gradually moved to Lan Qing's hands, those slender hands with well-defined joints.In my impression, the touch of it is a bit vague, but I still vaguely remember that the palm is very cold and soft.

Dong dong dong

"Xiao Ci, are you asleep?"

Wen Yun's voice came from outside the door, Jing Ci looked away and looked at the door.After a long time, he replied leisurely: "No."

Wen Yun outside the door was about to leave, but stopped when she heard the response.Pressing against the door, he tentatively asked, "Can I come in?"

"of course can."

When Wen Yun walked in, she immediately saw the man sitting at the table exuding invisible coercion.And... the woman lying on the bed, even if she died, she would subconsciously feel fear from the bottom of her heart when she saw it.

"Senior sister came to see me so late, is there something wrong?"

There was a smile on the corner of Jing Ci's mouth, and Wen Yun's mind was taken aback by the deep and pleasant voice, and her face blushed: "I, I want to talk to you, can I?"

Jing Ji raised his eyebrows and did not refuse.

Wen Yun walked straight to the stool next to Jing Ci and sat down, then secretly glanced at Lan Qing.She obviously didn't feel a trace of life, but her complexion improved a lot.

"What does senior sister want to talk to me about?" Jing Ci sat up straight.

Wen Yun seemed a little embarrassed, and said, "I, I already know."

"what do you know?"

"Master, it was you..."

Jing Ci smiled and raised his chin: "Go on."

Wen Yun raised her head abruptly, her watery eyes crashed into those bottomless black pupils: "Master was killed by you, right Xiao Ci?"

"Well," Jing Ci pretended to be unexpected, propped his face sideways with one hand, and looked at Lan Qing who was on the bed: "Is that what Senior Sister came here to talk about? Or do you want to blame me for being unkind and bullying?" Master destroying ancestors?"

"No, no, no!" In a panic, Wen Yun tightly held Jing Ci's hand, pressing it close to her heart.

"Xiao Ci, senior sister won't blame you! I... probably know a little bit about what happened these years. I know that you fell out with Master because of me. However, she is our Master after all. Now that the matter has come to this, let's find a fairyland and let her go to the earth for peace, okay?"

"Enter the earth, why not?"

Jing Ci withdrew his hand, a little amused: "Senior sister, how could you have such a crazy idea?"

"What?" Wen Yun's eyes widened slightly, and the misty eyes were full of fear.

Jing Ji smiled lightly, stretched out a hand, stroked the top of her hair, and said softly, "Hey, go back to sleep."

This action is what Wen Yun used to do to Jing Ci, but now that the two of them are in reverse positions, there is no violation at all.Wen Yun's face turned slightly red, and she stood up in a panic.

"Then, then I'll go first, Xiaoci, you go to bed early too! If you don't like my proposal, just pretend I didn't say it."

After speaking, he left as if fleeing.

When the fleeing figure disappeared from sight, Jing Ci's eyes instantly sank.Facing the air lightly, he said, "After listening for so long, aren't you going to come in and have a sit?"

Hua Qing jumped in from the window, sat on Wen Yun's seat, raised her index finger and little finger, and said eccentrically, "Hey~ go back to sleep~ tsk tsk tsk, I'm so tired of you."

Jing Ci gave him a cold sideways glance: "I have something to say."

Hua Qing giggled, and said, "Actually, I came earlier than my little senior sister, but I just wanted her to talk to you first. After all, I know you two won't talk for long."

"so what?"

"So, hey, one thing has been bothering me all day. I was planning to come to you tomorrow, but I don't think I can sleep tonight if I don't figure it out."

"and then?"

Hua Qing approached him mysteriously, pointed at Lan Qing, and asked cautiously, "Is it true that it's rare to hear about it outside?"

Jing Ji raised his eyebrows: "You mean I killed her?"

"Oh, no! It's just, you two...Really, what, dual cultivation?"

Hua Qing spoke vaguely, with inexplicable excitement on her expression.

Jing Ci was silent, looking at him coolly, the meaning was self-evident.

"Isn't it? Aren't you planning to find someone, that tortoise from Qianming Mountain? Why did you do it yourself?"

After being surprised for a moment, Hua Qing showed great interest, and Tao Hua looked at him with burning eyes.

Jing Ci said three words lukewarmly: "I don't know."

"I said, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your cultivation base has increased so fast, so it's because of the double cultivation with Lan Qing."

"Is that enough?"

Jing Ci's tone was filled with impatience, Hua Qing immediately sensed the fun, and said with a smile: "Enough is enough! Then I will go back first. If there is no place to sleep, there are many vacant rooms in the courtyard, just pick whatever you want. It's really not possible, You can sleep with me, I don't mind."

Jing Ji glanced at him sullenly: "Get lost."

"Okay, okay!" After finishing speaking, he jumped out of the window in a few steps.

After jumping out, Hua Qing came to her senses.

This is my own territory, I should come and leave whenever I want!Why do I still have to sneak up on the roof and through the windows to see him?

No, no, this habit is not good.

With a jerk of his brain, he jumped back again.Under Jing Ci's cold gaze, Da Fangfang walked out from the main entrance.

Well, that's right!
After a long time, when the courtyard became quiet again, Jing Ci leisurely got up, came to the bed and sat down.After watching Lan Qing for a long time, he lifted the quilt, lay down beside her, and held her in his arms tightly.

He leaned against her ear and murmured a word in a low voice.A gust of wind blew by, and the leaves outside the house rustled, and the words quietly dissipated between the two of them.


Lan Qing was immersed in the darkness, unable to see or hear.It was like falling into a bottomless abyss, with no end in sight.

She has no self-consciousness, and the only thing she knows is that she is dead.

How did you die?

She didn't know, and she didn't want to think about it.

She just wanted to stay quietly in this abyss that made her feel inexplicably at ease, and stay forever.

Suddenly, there was a crack in the dark space.A vertical white light came in and sprinkled on her body.

Lan Qing sat on the ground, hugged her knees, raised her head in a daze, her dark eyes were full of bewilderment.

A shadow seemed to jump out of that crack.Looking at the outline, it should be a person.

The man walked towards her with the backlight, squatted down, stretched out a hand to her, and said softly, "Come with me, okay?"

Lan Qing shook her head fiercely, buried her face in her knees, and hugged herself tightly.

She didn't know who this person was, but her heart was always hurting, which made her feel uneasy.

I'm not going anywhere, I'm dead...

Lan Qing kept repeating these words in her heart.

A helpless sigh sounded in the ear, and the next second, the light disappeared, and the man disappeared.

Lan Qing tightened her grip and immersed herself in the darkness again...

(End of this chapter)

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