Chapter 177

In the hustle and bustle of the city, people are coming and going on the long street, and hawkers are shouting one after another.

Beside the rubbish dump at the corner of the street, sat a ragged woman with heavy makeup on her ashen face, staring at something dazedly with a smile on her face.

The waiter at the steamed stuffed bun shop saw it, and couldn't bear it, so he secretly went to the back kitchen to get two warm meat buns, and slipped out the door.

Half squatting in the distance, like feeding a dog, he threw the bun in front of her, and ran away without looking at whether she picked it up or not.

The woman didn't move, with a smile on her face, watching the passers-by trample the buns to pieces, and finally some wild dogs jumped out from nowhere and took the buns away.

"Mother, look at that big sister, why is she smiling all the time." The sweet childish voice was innocent, and the little girl ate the candy in her hand with a puzzled face.

The voice gave the woman a slight reaction, and she slowly raised her head to look at the girl in front of her, with a hoarse voice, she stretched out her hand with a smile: "A Luo, A Luo, come to my sister, A Luo, come here quickly..."

The child was frightened and cried.

The woman next to her was full of bad luck, spat at her, picked up the child and hurried away.

This woman is exactly Wen Yun.

"A Luo...A Luo, why are you missing again, A Luo...don't leave my sister, okay, A Luo..."

Wen Yun still had a smile on her face, but big drops of tears slid down her cheeks and fell to the ground.

"A Luo, A Luo... If my sister doesn't leave again, my sister will always be with you. Will you come back... A Luo..."

Not far away, there were a few homeless men staring at her with cloudy eyes, and a stream of water dripped from the corners of their mouths.

They have been paying attention to her for a long time.

At night, the surroundings were silent, and the homeless men surrounded Wen Yun.

Watching her laugh makes them laugh too.

She said: "A Luo, A Luo... Are you here..."

They said, "No, the brothers are here..."

They rushed forward, and the sound of their clothes being torn was very clear in the silent night.

The waiter at the bun shop who got up at night heard the sound and secretly stuck to the wall to listen.

He heard joyful laughter, which slowly turned into exclamations and screams...

On the second day, the garbage dump on the corner of the street was full of people.

Six tramps and a mad woman, all dead and naked.

Some people said that this crazy woman was actually a spiritual practitioner, and she killed the homeless man who wanted to insult her.Because these vagrants died of their meridians being cut off, only spiritual practice killing people can destroy their meridians.

Others said that it was just that Lingxiu passed by and saw the mad woman being insulted and came to rescue her.

But, who knows?
In the end, someone came out of the city lord's mansion, and the seven people were wrapped up in straw mats and thrown on the mass burial slope.


Inside Siming Mountain, thunder exploded in the blue sky, and purple clouds rolled.

The three people in the courtyard raised their heads together, only to see an illusory door appear in midair.

Two large characters appeared on the cloud layer: It has been completed.

The rank gate is open!
Although they didn't know what happened and why the rank door was suddenly opened, Lan Qing and Bailang still looked at Jing Ci subconsciously.

The corners of Jing Ci's mouth curled up, knowing what they wanted to ask, he stared at Lan Qing meaningfully and said, "[-]% of the recovery has been made, and it's still close."

In the past few days, he has double-cultivated with Lan Qing twice, and his cultivation base has increased extremely fast.But if you want to restrict the way of heaven and enter the gate of rank, at least [-]% must be restored.

Bailang has good eyesight, and ran out with the wine gourd in his arms.

Jing Ji's smile deepened, and Lan Qing turned to leave, but was pulled into his arms by Jing Ji, who whispered to her ear softly.

"Qing'er, what should I do, it's still close..."

Lan Qing blushed and struggled a bit: "You can practice, there is no need..."

"How can cultivation be faster than double cultivation?"

"The rank gate will be open for three days, so there is no need to be in such a hurry..."

Jing Ci lightly pecked her, with a sly look in his eyes: "Well, then tonight, Master, please work harder."

"Don't go back to Jiutianyuan again." Lan Qing tilted her head slightly.

Jing Ji smiled lightly, and tightened his arms: "That's not okay, I'll be where you are, women and husbands will follow."

Lan Qing said helplessly: "Don't be poor, go and see Bailang, and go back to Jiutianyuan immediately, I'm afraid of him..."

Jing Ci also understood, nodded, took her hand and walked out, before leaving the hospital, she heard soft sobbing from outside the door.

Bailang squatted by the wall, hugging the precious gourd tightly, with tears in his eyes, sniffing and whispering.

"Tuantuan... Don't you want to go back to Jiutianyuan the most? I'll take you home right away, okay?"

"Going home... Lan Qing is here, Jing Ci is here, and I am too... We will go home soon... It's all over."

"When I go back, I'll make a lot of wine for you and fill your room full. If you want to drink... come back, okay?"

The corners of Lan Qing's eyes were moist.

Jing Ci glanced at Bailang, silently hugged Lan Qing into his arms, and took her away quietly.


At night, Bailang couldn't fall asleep, and sat on the bed with his legs crossed, staring at Bao Hulu in a daze.

Without the cover of the blindfold, Bao Hulu began to emit a faint light again, flickering, imprinting Bailang's face flickering.

Bailang stretched out his hand and stroked it gently.

"Do you miss Tuantuan too? I miss him so much too! What should I do? He can't come back..."

With a wry smile on the corner of Bailang's mouth, he was talking to himself.

"I'm back in Jiutianyuan. No one will chase beasts with me anymore, and no one can grow flowers with me. I used to be a little selfish. I planted a lot of apricot trees when rebuilding Jiutianyuan. Knowing that he I like drinking apricot blossom wine the most."

"I also thought that if he came back, he would be overjoyed to see it. Now... I don't know if Lan Qing and Jing Ci will punish me after seeing so many apricot blossom trees?"

"Unfortunately, no one can protect me anymore."

Speaking of this, Bailang laughed, and the tears flowed down again uncontrollably.

Wiping it dry with his sleeves, holding back the tears, he hugged Bao Hulu tightly in his arms again, and lay down.

Close your eyes tightly and murmur softly: "Sleep, sleep, you don't know anything when you sleep."

In the dim room, only the treasure gourd was emitting a faint light.


Day two.

Before Bailang opened his eyes, he felt something soft moving in his arms.Disturbing his dream, he tightened his arms impatiently and continued to sleep.

Suddenly, something seemed to bite my shoulder.


The painful Bailang suddenly woke up, opened his eyes and sat up.Lowering her head, she saw that at some point, there was an extra baby in her bosom!

This doll is tender and white, only wearing a bellyband, staring at him with watery eyes, seeing Bailang a little stunned, he folded his arms angrily.

"Langlang, do you know that you are going to suffocate me!"

The doll's childish complaints, tone, and demeanor all resembled Rong Zhen!

Bailang's breath was stagnant, and he pointed a trembling finger at him, unable to believe it.


"Ahhhhhhh!" Doll hugged and took a bite unceremoniously.

"Ouch!" Bailang withdrew his hand abruptly.

Not a dream!
The baby gave him a blank look: "Do you know it's very impolite to point your fingers at people, silly wolf!"

(End of this chapter)

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