The villain apprentice is very arrogant

Chapter 15, Master and Disciple Dispute Again

Chapter 15, Master and Disciple Dispute Again

"What did you say?" Lan Qing's eyes flashed across her self-deprecating words, "You've taken the poison, you've also drunk the wine, what do you want me to say?"

Speaking of drinking, Jing Ji suddenly thought of that absurd kiss in his mind, and couldn't help feeling annoyed, so he let go of his hand.

"It's the disciple who overstepped the limit. Master can do whatever he wants."

Lan Qing lowered her eyes, walked straight to the huge snake head, gathered spiritual power in her palm, and slapped it down.

There was a loud bang, and the snake's head was torn apart, leaving only a glowing red spirit core on the ground.

Lan Qing bent down to pick it up, the spirit core was so clean that there was not even a trace of blood, and she just threw it into Jing Ci's arms.

"High-level spirit core, keep it."

Jing Ji raised his eyebrows, but he didn't refuse.This kind of thing is useless to Lan Qing, but it is indeed the best for him.

"That disciple thanked Master."

"The Misty Forest is extremely dangerous, and it's not suitable for you to enter with your current cultivation." Lan Qing looked at him calmly, with a rare serious expression.

Jing Ji tossed the spirit core in his hand, and said indifferently: "Then Master will protect me."

"Don't fool around."

"I do not!"


Whenever Jing Ci talked back, Lan Qing didn't know how to teach him back. If it was normal, she might have obeyed him.

But today.
"Master, are you afraid that I will cause trouble for you? Heh, I'm not Junior Brother Sheng. What's more, I was brought up by you yourself. Don't you know my temper?"

Jing Ji waved his hand to catch the fallen spirit core, and put it into a storage bag.Walking in front of Lan Qing, she leaned over slightly, with a wicked smile in the corner of her eyes, her deep eyes fixed on those quiet eyes.

"Right, Master?"

Lan Qing withdrew her gaze, didn't answer any more words, and didn't want to make too much entanglement, and walked towards the forest.

Looking at her back, the meaning is self-evident.

Jing Ci pouted contemptuously and followed.

The further you go in, the denser the fog becomes.There are almost middle-level human-mask trees around, and the screams of howling ghosts and wolves surround my ears, but it can also be heard that many people seem to have broken in here.

After walking a few steps, he kicked a head. It seems that most of these people, or all of them, died here.

Due to the mist, Lan Qing tied Shu Moling between their wrists halfway through.

It was well intentioned, but even through the mist, Jing Ci's strong sense of resistance could be felt.

"Master, do you have to tie it with this thing?"

Jing Ci shook the tied wrists of the two, and his tone was full of displeasure.

It's not a good thing to be tied to this thing every time!
"If you have another way to let me know that you are beside me." Lan Qing replied quietly.

Hearing this, Jing Ci pouted.

I was in a trance for a while, remembering that when Lan Qing took him back to Han Gongfeng the night before, she was afraid that he would run away, so she always held his hand.Sometimes when she was tired from playing, she would hug him sound asleep and return to her disciple's residence.

And every time he wakes up in the morning, he will be surrounded by the envious eyes of his brothers and sisters, and a sense of pride will always rise in his heart.

The cranky end.

Jing Ji suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and snorted softly: "Forget it, that's it."

After walking for a while, Lan Qing suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Before Jing Ci could ask a question, he heard something passing across the ground around him.

The human face tree around him began to laugh slyly, the laughter was like the piercing sound of two sharp swords passing each other, piercing and frightening.

"Hahahahaha this strange treasure is mine!"

"Wooooow. I don't want to die hahahaha!"

"Go to hell! I'm going to kill you! Hahahaha."

"Let me go! Please, please!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo""

"Father! Don't! Don't touch my father! Hahahaha!"

These laughters were mixed with strange words, Jing Ji felt that his spiritual consciousness was messed up, frowned and shook his head.

"Concentrate on calmness, discard noises, and let go of the five senses."

Lan Qing's voice was blown into Jing Ji's ears like a breeze, making him a little clearer.Don't say much, just do it right away.

In an instant, the ears were clean.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a thick vine rose from the ground in front of him, cut through the fog, and blew towards the two of them with a sharp wind!

"Stand still."

While speaking, Lan Qing withdrew her magic damask.

Draw a curse out of thin air again, and the white sword breaks out of the air!

Holding the sword in Su's hand, he pushed towards the huge vine, and the confronting light of white light and blue light broke through the fog around him.

Standing behind Lan Qing, Jing Ci was shocked by the powerful fluctuation of spiritual power, and slightly blocked it with his hand.Squinting again, I was shocked!
The stems of the vines are covered with human eyes!
Every leaf is full of bloody mouths, some are grinning, some are smacking their lips.

Lan Qing's expression remained unchanged, she raised her other hand, and a pure white spiritual power and a dark blue spiritual power intertwined and rose up.

Jing Ci suddenly felt the spiritual power in his body riot for a moment, and blood red flashed in his eyes.

The dark blue spiritual power gradually surrounded Lan Qing's body, and the white spiritual power attached to the blade of Baijian. Suddenly, with her as the center, the mist was mixed with the spiritual power and swirled, forming a misty vortex!
The mouth on the vine leaf began to scream and wanted to bite, and the eyes on the stem stared at Lan Qing like a bull's eye.

Lan Qing used the sword as a guide, and after three breaths, the misty vortex swept forward mixed with violent spiritual power!
The storm blew the woman's long hair fluttering, but her eyes were still silent.

Jing Ji was unwilling to just hide behind her like this, trying to do something, but found that there was nothing he could do.

With his current strength, a monster like this is only enough to make a certain mouth on this vine stick between its teeth.

It wasn't until now that he really saw the sky-like gap between him and Lan Qing, and a faint thought of not admitting defeat came up quietly.

With thousands of thoughts, I can't help feeling a little guilty.Such a powerful cultivator can be easily poisoned by him, how indulgent he is.
The vine was swept up by the vortex and fell straight back.

Lan Qing jumped up, taking advantage of the mist not gathering again, fixed her eyes on a certain part of the vine, and concentrated her spiritual power on the tip of the sword.

One jumped up, and the blade pierced into the seemingly thick stem.

The eyes on the stem began to roll their eyes, and the mouth on the leaves gradually quieted down. After a violent twist, the vine gradually became smaller and grew into a thin branch as tall as a person, falling to the ground and twitching.

Lan Qing stood up and drew out her sword expressionlessly.Shu Moling shook, and the blood on her body disappeared immediately.

Bai Ling obediently returned to Lan Qing's wrist.

Turning around, he glanced at Jing Ci standing not far away, who was a little dazed, and asked, "Are you all right?"

There was weakness in the voice, Jing Ci immediately came back to his senses and shook his head.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, obviously she was fighting, but she turned her head and asked if she was okay.
Lan Qing nodded slightly, and stepped on the twisting "branch", which instantly lost its vitality.

"This is the swallowing magic vine of the demon world. It feeds on human heads. It can turn into human eyes on the stem and a human mouth on the leaves. The skull that is swallowed and cannot be digested will be spit out. The stem grows from top to bottom. On the third lower leaf, there is a blood-red round hole, which is its weakness."

"But remember, you can't touch its saliva, and you can't stare at those eyes for too long. The former died of poison in an instant, while the latter lost its mind at the slightest, and it was under its control."

Hearing Lan Qing say so many words at once, Jing Ji was taken aback, how can he teach himself in this situation?Nabaihua poison

As soon as the words "Baihuadu" floated in Jing Ji's mind, Lan Qing already spat out a mouthful of blood.

Frowning, he squatted down, as if he was in great pain.

"Master, you."

For the first time, a trace of regret floated in Jing Ci's heart.

Forget it, no matter what, she protected herself.

Jing Ci took a deep breath, abandoned other thoughts, stepped forward, and squatted beside her.Looking at the already fair side face, it became even paler, and the bright red around the mouth was even more dazzling.

Knowing that it would be useless to talk too much, he raised his hand and stroked Lan Qing's back, a black and pure spiritual power emerged from his palm, slowly calming down the manic spiritual energy in Lan Qing's body and the bursting out like a spring. toxin.

Feeling this spiritual power, Lan Qing suddenly raised her head, stared at Jing Ci in a daze, and pulled his hand in front of her unexpectedly.

On the hands with well-defined joints, there was a faint black light that did not disperse.

As if someone had discovered some secret, Jing Ci immediately withdrew his hand and stood up, turning his back: "It seems that Master is fine, then let's continue walking."

Lan Qing supported her knees and forced herself to stand up, with a rare tremor in her voice: "What's the matter with this spiritual power?"

Did she mean "spiritual power"? !

For some reason, Jing Ci breathed a sigh of relief.At least he didn't just talk about the devil's breath or go crazy. After all, with his current temperament, nine out of ten people would say that he was deviant.

"I do not know either."

It was related to Wen Yun's resurrection, so no matter what, Jing Ji decided to grit his teeth and not let go.

"Is it in Hualong Snow Mountain?"

As Lan Qing spoke, another stream of blood flowed from her mouth, which she wiped away calmly.

Looking at the black figure in the gradually gathering mist, she suddenly felt a strong sense of powerlessness in her heart.

Is it time to come?
Jing Ji was a little annoyed, and just about to turn around and say something harsh, but swallowed it back when he saw her weak body.

Suffocated, he strode forward, ignored her, and continued to calm the aura of collision in her body.

But Lan Qing broke free from his hand as if she had lost her soul.

Shaking his head lightly, he stepped back, his usual indifferent eyes were filled with disappointment, heartache, and even disbelief.

Jing Ci felt restless for a while, and shouted at her: "Yes! It's Hualong Snow Mountain! What's wrong? Can't you? Why do you care about me so much? Don't you know who caused me to become like this? "

"Now you know that you are disappointed in me? Why didn't you think about such a day when you killed Wen Yun?"

"You are made of stone, you have no heart! You don't understand the feeling of losing a loved one!"

"The person I love and respect the most, in front of me, killed the person I love the most because of an unwarranted crime! How do you want me to accept it! How do you want me to accept it!"

 The daily update is three thousand~

(End of this chapter)

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