Chapter 138, Bold Idea
Jing Ci moved his gaze to Jin Wenchen, "Tell me, how can there be two people in the world who can't fight each other, but show strange things everywhere?"

"What do you want to say?"

"I have a bold idea, do you want to hear it?" Jing Ji raised the corner of his mouth.

Lan Qing flew over with a cold look, "Say."

"There are too many people, I'll tell you when I go back." After finishing speaking, she raised her hand to straighten her hair that was blown by the wind, and her movements were very gentle.

Soon, the third test began.

After the baptism of the first two games, there were not many children left on the stage, and all of them were covered in blood.The innocence and kindness completely faded from the eyes, and the eyes were red with murder.

Jin Wenchen couldn't see how satisfied he was, his fingertips tapped rhythmically on the table, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Brother, this year's trial product looks pretty good. After two tests, there are still so many people left." Jin Qi crossed his arms and said.

If it was placed in the past few years, it would be considered good to have about 30 people on stage at this moment.This time there were nearly 50 people left!
Jin Wenchen hummed lightly, but he kept paying attention to the two people in the corner from the corner of his eye.

Compared with the sample, he is more interested in her...

The third test is survival.

A circle of beams of light rose around the trial selection platform, trapping the people inside, and then, a beast howled in the air!
The high-level demonic beast Curlywing Bird spread its wings across the sky, its figure covering the sky and the sun, holding a cage under its two thick and huge claws, which contained dozens of middle and low-level demonic beasts.

The people present gasped and gasped in amazement!
The curved wing bird hovered directly above the trial selection platform. With a whistle, the pair of animal claws released and threw the giant cage on the trial selection platform.

The monster seemed to have been starved for a long time. When it hit the ground, it smelled blood and broke free from the cage like crazy. Before the child who was close could resist, it was swallowed.

The smell of blood is getting stronger!

The other people who were still alive quickly reacted and dodged around in a panic.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, a few magic soldiers carried the big box and threw the contents into the stage one by one.

It's some short knives, short sticks.

When the children on the selection platform saw it, they desperately picked it up.

No matter how small a sparrow is, it is still meat. It is better to have some weapons for defense than bare hands!

For a moment, the arena was filled with the sound of tearing up flesh and blood, shouting and cheering.

After a stick of incense, finally, under the signal of Jin Wenchen, the magic soldiers took control of the group of monsters and rushed back to the cage.

There were only a handful of children standing on the stage, and most of them lacked arms and legs. They were lying on the ground dying, breathing in less and exhaling more.

After the monster was taken away, the living people were counted again, and there were only 25 left.

After listening to the report, Jin Wenchen nodded slightly, ordered the next matters, and prepared to leave.

When he left, he subconsciously glanced at the corner, but the slender figure had long since disappeared.


Jing Ci pulled Lan Qing to successfully use the space teleportation technique for the first time, and the two returned to the inn as soon as the third test was over.

The room looked like it was when the two left, and it still looked like it when they came back. It seemed that no one had come in to clean it.

Lan Qing sat on the stool, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, but when she was about to drink it, Jing Ci snatched it away.

"The tea is cold, don't drink it." As he spoke, he shook the teacup and poured the tea back into the pot.He went out with the pot in hand, and after a while, he came back with a pot of steaming tea in his hand.

He skillfully poured a glass and placed it in front of her, "Okay."

Lan Qing didn't refuse, she rubbed the rim of the cup with her fingertips, her cold fingertips were slightly red from the smoke.

"What was your idea just now?" Lan Qing asked.

Jing Ji pulled out a stool, sat beside her, propped his chin with one hand, and said with a smile, "I really want to know, do you have any indication?"

"Forget it." Lan Qing picked up her teacup and took a sip.

Jing Ci sighed, took off the mask, looked at the moist corners of her lips, her throat became dry for a while, and a dark light flashed across her eyes.

"Then I'll take it myself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, and pressed a light kiss on the corner of his lips.

Before Lan Qing regained consciousness, she quickly let go of her hand, admiring her flushed cheeks.

He had already discovered that every time he got too close, her ears and cheeks would always turn red, but her face was extremely cold, like an angry little beast.

This is what he wants to see, the cuteness that belongs to her alone.


"My guess is very simple, distracting the soul." Jing Ji interrupted her with meaningful eyes.

Divided soul?

Lan Qing was shocked by these words!
The things that bothered me all night were strung together again...

There is only one person who can do these things!
Seeing her face turn from red to white, Jing Ci obviously figured out something.

He smiled lightly and said, "Qing'er, did you think of anyone?"


"Let me guess, it's the Immortal Emperor, right?" There was no doubt about this sentence, but it was very certain.

Lan Qing glanced at him, hummed, and asked, "How did you guess that?"

"Want to know? Then..."

"There's no need." Lan Qing really didn't want to know this time after she had been stumbled once.

Jing Ci embarrassingly pressed down his ready-to-move hand, turned to the teacup on the table, picked it up and took a sip.

Said: "It's actually very simple. Rong Zhen said that Sheng Yang is the prince of the fairy world. If he really split his soul, the only ones who can do such big things on His Royal Highness are the Immortal Emperor and the Fairy Queen. Rong Zhen told me There are a lot of things in the fairy world, and as far as which of these two people has this strength, it must be only the emperor."

Lan Qing nodded, although she didn't know what Rong Zhen had said to him that made him think of the Immortal Emperor so easily, but it's pretty good to be able to think of these after years of cultivation.

"Apart from cultivation, what have you learned all these years?"

This is the third time she has been curious, and each time she has a different mood.

Jing Ji didn't make any jokes this time, and said with a smile: "I want to know everything about you."

The tone is gentle and serious.

"...Mmm." Lan Qing suddenly didn't want to continue asking, feeling powerless, she didn't know if she listened to what she told him yesterday.

"Do we still need to go to the fairy world?"

"No rush, let's finish dealing with the Jinhuayu matter first."

There are too many secrets in the Jinhua domain, what exactly do they want to do with so many test products?And, most importantly, the Magic Orb.

The thing that can unseal the disc wing seal.

So far there is no news, although the Chiyan Domain has survived, but if it is possible because of the support of the Jinhua Domain, it will not last long.

Why did Jinhuayu choose to send troops to aid Chiyanyu?Yang Fengdan's general situation is gone, there is no power if he wants power, no resources if he wants resources in the Demon Realm, external troubles and internal troubles.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a piece of "fat" that can bring benefits.

In this way, it is even more incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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