The villain apprentice is very arrogant

Chapter 126, Crazy Exploration on the Edge of Being Sealed

Chapter 126, Crazy Exploration on the Edge of Being Sealed
After Jing Ci finished speaking, the two fell into silence again, and Lan Qing looked up at him quietly without saying a word.

As the day approached, the sky gradually turned white, and the faint light dispelled the darkness.

Jing Ji didn't know if it would be strange to say these words from his mouth, so he dodged his eyes and said, "Actually, what I mean is..."

"Needless to say, I understand." Lan Qing interrupted him, pursed her lips, and said softly, "What have you learned all these years?"

Jing Ci raised a smile, deliberately lowered his voice, with a hint of cunning: "Do you really want to hear it?"

Lan Qing withdrew her gaze and changed her words: "Forget it. Let's go, they are about to wake up."

After speaking, he was about to raise his hand to withdraw the barrier.

But Jing Ci grabbed her back and said, "No hurry, it's still early. Let's stay a little longer, just a little while."

"what happened?"

"It's okay, it just feels like we haven't been alone in the past few days..." As he spoke, he stretched out his other hand to push aside the hair around her ear.

"Do you still have a little time by my side?" Lan Qing didn't mind this, she pulled her hand away and turned her head to avoid his scorching gaze.

"But it's not enough..." Jing Ci moved closer, and his already deep and magnetic voice became hoarse.

Lan Qing had a bad feeling in her heart, "What?"

"Qing'er, I want to kiss you..."


Lan Qing took half a step back, and Jing Ci immediately stuck her up, looking at her with downcast eyes, extremely gentle.

After her back leaned against the tree, Jing Ci trapped her in a small open space in front of him.

Looking at her reddish ears, Jing Ji suddenly felt a little dry in his throat, mustered up his courage, bent down, and did what he wanted to do most.

Feeling the warmth from the corner of her lips, Lan Qing's pupils shrank, and she froze in place completely.

After a long time, her non-resistance made Jing Ci gradually become bolder, moving from the corner of her lips to between her lips, tasting the taste that belonged to her alone.

And he was also wondering, it was obviously the first time he kissed her, but he was very familiar with every movement that followed, as if it had been deeply rooted in his bones.

Lan Qing's body trembled slightly, and she subconsciously held her breath, her soft long eyelashes were in front of her eyes.Even the mole of blood and tears under the corner of the eye slipped into a flash of light.

In the narrow space, only the sound of the heartbeats of the two of them was entangled.

After a while, the sun's rays shone into the forest and fell on the two of them.

The kiss ends.

Jing Ci stood up, still feeling a little unfinished, stroked the corner of her lips with his fingertips, and smiled slightly: "This is enough."

Lan Qing suddenly came back to her senses, only to feel that there was a bang in her head, and her thoughts were completely messed up!
Pushing away the person in front of him, withdrew the barrier, and left in a panic.

Jing Ci didn't chase after him either, the smile on his mouth remained undiminished, and his heart beat extremely fast.


After returning to the camp, Lan Qing felt that she was still in a daze. After changing back into the devil's attire, if Hua Qing hadn't happened to pass by and stop her, she might have gone to the wrong camp.

"I said, why do you look so out of your mind?" Hua Qing folded her arms, her black face full of surprise.

What could make this cold and noble Lan Xianjun lose his composure?
Lan Qing quickly recovered her demeanor, stepped back a few steps away from him, and asked, "No, what's the matter?"

Hua Qing squinted slightly, and looked up and down: "It's okay, it seems that you are the one who has something to do, right? Why does it look strange?"

Before she could answer, she asked again: "What did you go to last night, and you didn't come back all night? What a coincidence, Jing Ci didn't come back either. Were you together last night?"

Hua Qing threw a series of questions like a cannonball at Lan Qing, with a playful tone.

In fact, when Jing Ci didn't come back last night, he had already expected it.That said, I just wanted to tease her.

When I first got along with Lan Qing, my hands were tied, and I always felt that she was a great fairy who looked down on me, a person who was so bad at the bottom.

But it took a long time to discover that it was not the case.

Her temper is extremely calm, and getting along with her is not as difficult as imagined, on the contrary, she is more down-to-earth and more trustworthy.

So occasionally I would make fun of her, like an ordinary friend, not so restrained.

"Don't you want to know what happened all these years? I can tell you right now." Lan Qing changed the subject expressionlessly.

Unexpectedly, Hua Qing looked indifferent, breathed a long sigh of relief, pillowed her head and said: "I just need to know that the two of them are Jing Ci and Wugui Xianjun. As for why that kid Jing Ci doesn't know me, I don't want to know now. I'm more interested in what you two did last night than that."

Punch in cotton.

At this moment, Mu Gui and the leftover son came over, Hua Qing followed the trend and raised her eyebrows, saying: "Ah, why do you get up so early?"

Leftover smiled and said: "Didn't you also get up early? Well, let's pack up quickly. The domain master ordered that we will invade the Blazing Palace today, so we must make final preparations."

"Hahaha, good!"

Mu Gui looked at him smirking, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

"By the way, where is Lianlan? Why don't you see him?" Leftover looked around and asked doubtfully.

Hua Qing spread her hands, and said meaningfully: "I don't know, you have to ask Chen Geng about it, I went out early in the morning to find her."

So, under the deep gazes of the three of them, Lan Qing said softly, "He..."

"Why, looking for me early in the morning?" A lazy voice sounded from behind Lan Qing, who knew who it was without turning around.

Jing Ci walked over with two wild fruits in his hands.He conveniently stuffed one into Lan Qing's hand.

"Where have you been?" Hua Qing asked.

"Can't you see?" Jing Jiliang glanced at him and threw away the fruit in his hand.

"Oh..." Just pretend.

Hua Qing curled her lips, looked away and ignored it.

Lan Qing stood beside him, feeling a little unnatural in her heart, the scene just now appeared before her eyes again.

"Okay, don't stand still, pack up and go eat something." Mu Gui said.

Several people responded, then stretched their waists, yawned and walked towards the tent.

Jing Ci leaned against Lan Qing intentionally or unintentionally, and called out in a low voice: "Qing'er, I..."

"Shut up." Lan Qing flew away with a cold look.

Jing Ci couldn't help laughing: "Okay."

Is she shy?Well, it must be.

Suddenly started looking forward to the next time!


In just one morning, Qianbairou led his soldiers to fight all the way to the outside of the Blazing Palace.

The troops outside the palace are obviously more than every previous city.

But the same thing is that these magic soldiers are like unconscious puppets, their expressions are stiff, and their moves have no routine at all.

Qianbairou ordered them to be exterminated without hesitation, after a while, Shui Zheyu didn't lose a single soldier!
Everyone was excited, thinking that Chiyanyu was about to surrender.

But Lan Qing didn't think so.

Would Yang Fengdan really give up so easily?

 This is the bus to the kindergarten. Children who have bought tickets, please find their own seats and sit down, and don't run around.

(End of this chapter)

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