Doomsday Game Life Master

Chapter 8 Discrimination

Chapter 8 Discrimination
Moderate double room on the third floor of the hotel.

Suning reorganizes the current status quo.

On the character panel, the number of points that can be added changes from 2 to 5, one point for level one, and one point for level five.

Duo Duo hasn't come back yet, so it's not easy to divide things in the backpack.don't look at it
Mentoring system
Master: Shangguan Yufen (Mrs. Li)
Teaching: Sericulture, spinning, weaving, dyeing, sewing, embroidery.

Learning progress:

Sericulture (Apprentice): 0/100
Spinning (Apprentice): 0/100
Weaving (Apprentice): 0/100
Dyeing (Apprentice): 0/100
Sewing (Apprentice): 0/100
Embroidery (Apprentice): 0/100
Suning saw a long list of apprentices, 0/100, and suddenly felt that the road to learning art is not easy, as expected, there is no limit to learning!

farming system
Breeding place [-]: Bombyx mori (hatching)
Introduction: Ordinary silkworms have strong reproductive ability and like to eat mulberry leaves.

Breeding place [-]: (empty)
Breeding position three: (empty)
Breeding place four: (empty)
Breeding position five: (empty)
Not bad system, it seems that it can raise five kinds of creatures, but I don't know how many animals can be raised, and how much space for breeding, so I can only explore slowly.

After reading this and looking at the mission, Suning still felt a little headache. 20 cotton flowers could still be picked, but 20 pairs of cockroach wings and a wet nurse who didn't even have a staff felt very strenuous just thinking about it. ah.

Suddenly, a ridiculous idea flashed through Suning's head.

If sewing can make equipment, can you also fumble to make staffs?
Just as she was told, Suning dug out the white card wood. This was the material that Suning felt was closest to a staff. After all, she had only seen one.

Taking out a piece of wood, Suning took out her small white board dagger, and made a drastic modification, waiting to cut it into a similar shape.Suning carefully carved a few simple patterns.

"Hey, congratulations to the player for triggering the production system. Warm reminder from the system: Please arm yourself with your own strength!"

"Drip, congratulations to the player for making the weapon successfully, weapon detection: staff, weapon assignment"

"Drip, the weapon assignment is successful, please name the weapon"

The first magic staff "along the way" wants to go with her to the unknown road.

"Drip, the naming is successful

Weapon: all the way
Grade: White
Limit Level: 5
Attributes: Intelligence +3, Constitution +2
Producer: Suning"

Wow ⊙⊙! , It really is my own strength to arm myself, it's amazing, what I made by myself is not bad!

Without hesitation, Suning called out the production system.Almost every cell in the body radiates this excitement.

production system
Crafting: Apprentice

Crafting experience: 1/100
Historical Making: Staff, Along the Way
Production aids: refining hemp fiber, peeling, drawing silk, weaving, bleaching and dyeing, gem cutting, metal purification, etc.

Very powerful production assistance, which Suning has neither seen nor heard of.

After sorting out his mood and suppressing his excitement, Suning thought that he hadn't had time to deal with the 20 or so rabbit corpses when he saw the tanned skin.

Su Ning walked into the bathroom, took out a small dagger and a few rabbit carcasses, and began to study skinning. Although he was careful, but suffering from inexperience and having nowhere to start, Suning still shredded three rabbit skins, but fortunately, the remaining nine it `s complete.

Sending it into the system, a complete rabbit skin needs an hour to be tanned, and a broken rabbit skin also needs 45 minutes.Suning can only wait for tomorrow.

Just in time, after taking a bath to relieve the fatigue all over, thinking that Duo Duo will be back soon, Su Ning started videoing with her mother again.

At this time, my mother is also a level 3 human summoner, and my father is a level 4 human martial artist.

Sure enough, what Su Ning was worried about happened. The kind and simple father was cheated by others, and almost lost his life. Fortunately, it was only a novice weapon that was robbed.

Suning silently remembered, Xia Gang, the name.It was this bastard who almost killed Dad and robbed Dad of his equipment.

Before the end of the world, he was also a good friend of his father, and kept in touch with each other. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the world was turned upside down, and he actually started to murder and rob.

The cause of the matter is also very simple, because most of the things Suning received were sent to the mother, and the mother took out some food to replenish the strength of the father when he was fighting monsters.

In the end, the innocent father shared it with his friend Xia Gang. When Xia Gang saw that his father often took out some uncommon food, he thought that his father had other good things, so he asked to borrow some food, but his father did not have so many, so he refused. Who knows if he hated his father because of this, and wanted to push him into the pile of zombies.

Fortunately, my father reacted quickly and avoided the fatal blow, but Xia Gang shunned him while dodging, a novice weapon, a sword.

Mom specially asked, don't talk about this with Dad anymore, Dad got angry again.The safe zone does not allow pk, Suning's uncle, cousin, cousins ​​are chasing and intercepting Xia Gang, as long as he dares to leave the safe zone, his blood will be splashed on the spot.

There is no way, Suning's grandmother raised 6 boys and 3 girls, nine children, and his father ranked eighth.These five uncles, two aunts, and one uncle each added how many brothers and sisters to Suning.

And everyone lives in a relatively concentrated place, so most of them are in the same novice area.Besides, there are many relatives and good relationships, and I can show the benefits of detachment when fighting in groups, and now I don't have to pay legal liability.It must not take a few days, Dad will be fine.

Suning briefly talked about apprenticeship, breeding and production systems.

After hanging up the video, I saw that Qiao Duoduo had finished taking a shower, and sure enough, happy time always flies by.

"Brother Su, how is the mission?" Qiao Duoduo's expression was a little sluggish.

"Task 20 cotton, 20 pairs of cockroach wings, alas~" Su Ning really felt dizzy when he thought of this task.

"Is it so difficult for you?" Qiao Duoduo's tone was full of doubts, "The owner of the restaurant gave me the task of chatting with an old man. After I met that person, he insisted that I have a talent for cooking and wanted to take me as an apprentice. Teach me how to cook.

You said that I am a kitchen killer, I didn't dare to think about it, I was afraid that the old man would be pissed off at that time, let's ignore it, and then the old man would stalk him to death."

"Wait, someone wants to take you as an apprentice, you refused?" Suning stared at Qiao Duoduo with wide eyes, why is there such a big gap between apprenticeship and apprenticeship, really.
"I didn't refuse to succeed, and then I wanted to perfunctory the apprenticeship, so I opened the master-apprentice system, and then my fake master began to force me to cook and show him how I look.

I almost blew up the kitchen of the teahouse, and made the master so angry that the owner of the teahouse and my master decided together that I should stay for three days to learn knife skills first, and then fire. If I can satisfy the master, the task will be considered complete. "

Qiao Duoduo also felt a little tired while talking.

But Suning, really, thinks that there is a big difference in treatment, blah blah~ "I worshiped Mrs. Li, the innkeeper, as my teacher. What I asked for was mainly to learn sewing, as well as silkworm rearing, spinning, weaving, rinsing and washing." Embroidery, this is also to better make equipment.

I did it all the way before you came back, which can be regarded as making up for the vacancy of weapons.Open the breeding and production system, the production system is very powerful. "

"Making weapons is amazing. I'm also looking for an opportunity to learn how to make arrows. However, I turned on the cooking system. I can't do it. I'll go to bed first. I'll talk about it tomorrow. After I finish three days, I'm going to accompany you to fight." Cockroach." Qiao Duoduo was probably really exhausted, and soon fell asleep.

"Good night, Dodo"

(End of this chapter)

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