Chapter 60
Afternoon time, fleeting, night came.

Qiao Duoduo held Suning's hand reluctantly, "Brother Su, do you really want to stay in this barren cemetery?"

"Of course, you guys go back quickly, I'll be fine by myself."

Suning waved his hand and told them to leave quickly, so as not to waste time, it would be bad if they couldn't go back to the city.

Watching Qiao Duoduo and Huo Yang go away, Suning silently walked towards the center of the ghost place. After all, it was to purify the blood, so no matter what, he had to choose a central place with the heaviest yin energy and the purest devil energy.

After walking for a long time, Suning Jingxin felt the killing intent in his blood, and sure enough, he found the best place, surrounded by desolation, and there were few ghosts and ghosts.If Suning hadn't felt it carefully, he wouldn't have noticed that this place is actually the area with the most yin energy.

Suning took out the rat hole shelter and placed it under his feet, and there was an entrance like a sewer manhole cover under his feet.Looking at the entrance, Su Ning thought, a manhole cover and a rat hole are a perfect match.

Click to enter, the manhole cover opens automatically, and Suning slowly climbs down the ladder for two meters, feeling as if he has entered a larger cave.Another four meters before landing.

When it landed, it was pitch black.

At night, in the dark underground, Suning couldn't help feeling flustered.I bought a small wall lamp from the mall and hung it in the passage next to the entrance first, so that it will be convenient to enter and exit in the future.

Following the dim light, Suning found that this shelter is really not big.

But that's right, four meters by four meters is only sixteen square meters, how big can it be.Suning sighed to herself that she thought too much. Faced with this square shelter, she had to arrange it carefully.

Suning had no choice but to spend a huge sum of money to buy it from the mall, with small stairs and raised shelves, and transformed the shelter into a loft.

Suning originally thought that since the place is so small, it is better to completely change it to two floors, so that the usable area will be larger.But thinking about the two-meter-high roof, it was too low, and she was afraid that she would be depressed.

So, half and half, the small second floor of two meters by four meters, was turned into a bedroom by Suning, with a big spider silk bed.If it weren't for the Babu bed taking up too much space, Suning really wanted to live in a Chinese-style big bed.However, the conditions did not allow it, no matter how much Suning wanted to get out of the bed, he couldn't sleep on it for the time being.

The remaining half is integrated up and down, and Suning is going to serve as a living room.I took out the groundhog chandelier and looked at the exquisite crystal chandelier. The shapes of each small lamp turned out to be a cartoon groundhog, which was really beautiful.

Suning doesn't know what the fuel of this crystal lamp is. Put charcoal in it, it feels dirty, put lamp oil in it, it doesn't work well, is it possible to charge it? ?

After some thought, Suning decided to put out the lamp oil and change it if it didn't work anymore.I bought two taels of lamp oil and put it in the lamp. Sure enough, the originally exquisite and transparent crystal lamp seemed to be returned to its original shape, emitting a dim light.

Suning didn't care either, as long as it wasn't pitch black in the underground, it would be fine.

In this way, the second floor is almost built, with lights, beds and stairs.Looking at the first floor, Suning had to separate the kitchen, living room and bathroom from the originally small place.It's really difficult, and of course, if conditions permit, she also wants a workbench for sewing clothes.

But for the kitchen, there are no resources for the time being, and Suning doesn't do much cooking, so I don't really want it for the time being, so I just divide the area. As for the bathroom, it is the most important thing.

Su Ning fiddled with the backpack, originally looking for a simple toilet that he bought, but unexpectedly found that today's backpack still contained good things.

Blue product. Exquisite bathroom and toilet.

Details: This is a new ghost with mysophobia, who cannot let go of what is in his heart and keeps his secret treasure.The compact bathroom is two meters by two meters, with built-in toilet, bathroom heater, water heater, and wide sink for washing clothes.Guaranteed 24-hour hot water supply and built-in ventilation system.

Now that he can take a bath, Suning feels that he is really an emperor. Although he wants a bathtub more, his conditions are limited.Even if the bathtub really exploded, there would be no place for him to put it.So when I think about it this way, I am really a little greedy.

After setting up the bathroom, Suning bought some wallpaper floors and ceilings. Fortunately, they were installed automatically by the system. Even if the order was messed up, Suning didn’t care. A decent home.

Take out the furniture of the organ paper series and put them on, and you will have a small living room.

The placement is almost the same, and Suning couldn't help but take a shower, occasionally still wondering how the bathroom can be ventilated in such an underground place with no vents.Suning, who couldn't figure it out, just felt that the system was really amazing.

After climbing onto the big bed, Su Ning began to study the blood-purified medicine again. Looking at the new ghost heart in the backpack, Su Ning couldn't help feeling sick. Who can swallow this thing raw?
Call out the production system, put it in for refining, but only a heart, in just five seconds, Suning received a red elixir.After careful study, this elixir named primary magic power crystal still exudes a faint smell of blood.

Without hesitation, and with the spirit of breaking the cauldron, Suning swallowed the magic crystal in one gulp. He did not feel worse than death as he imagined, nor did he feel any discomfort.Suning felt that the magic crystal melted in his mouth and turned into a warm current, flowing from his food into his Dantian.

Open the panel again, and sure enough, the blood purity has changed from 5.08% to 5.18%.In other words, Suning, who stayed here for a day, only got 0.08% purification, and an average of 0.01% purification in two hours.And one elixir increased the purity of Suning's blood by 0.1%.Sure enough, eating is the fastest way.

Turning on the production system again, Suning put the entire new ghost corpse into refining, and it really worked, but there are a lot of corpses in this batch, and they are all unrefinable, and the last blow to those corpses is not his own.Su Ning had no choice but to endure the pain in his heart, and followed the prompts to pick out one by one.

After dealing with this chore, Suning was finally ready to go to bed.

However, late at night, Suning was awakened by a strange sound.Next, not only the sound, but also a slight vibration came from the shelter.Could it be an earthquake?But it shouldn’t be. The world is in a state of gamification, and natural disasters as serious as earthquakes should not occur.

However, Suning did not dare to delay. He quickly climbed up to the exit and looked out through the small hole in the manhole cover.It's just that the hole is too small, so Suning's efforts were in vain and he could only see a starry sky.

After buying a set of remote control cameras, Suning released the cameras.The screen was embedded on the wall at the entrance, and the camera was remotely controlled to look around. Only then did Suning realize that the ghosts around seemed to be stimulated by something and started to kill each other.

As more and more ghosts emerged from the ground, the ground continued to tremble slightly.As for the sounds that Suning heard, they were the sounds of the ghosts fighting. Their eyes were red, and they were constantly digging out the hearts of their companions and swallowing them in one gulp.

This scene was like hell. Suning felt cold all over, and did not dare to move.

Gradually, the ghosts stopped gathering, and several powerful ghosts gradually turned into entities. With a final attack from a new ghost, another solid ghost fell down, and this ghost, which had swallowed countless energy cores of the same kind, finally Evolve successfully.

"lv.20 Demon"

(End of this chapter)

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