Doomsday Game Life Master

Chapter 52 The Role of Talent

Chapter 52 The Role of Talent

One morning, Suning's face was gloomy. By noon, the three of Suning had already hit another small road for a morning break.

Mother Ding had to watch from a distance, hesitated for a long time, and did not cross the snake field, which also made Qiao Duoduo and Huo Yang breathe a sigh of relief.In fact, it's not that Ding's mother doesn't want to try, but that the mother and son who have been staying in Xinshou Village have only reached level 7 so far, and Chi Lian Snake has to be at least level 11.

In addition, Ding's mother has to rent a house and eat in a restaurant, and she is already too short of money to afford snake catching tools.The speed of killing monsters dropped again and again, as long as it didn't pass two days, the mother and son could only obediently fight spiders and mice, and would no longer pester Suning every day.

Qiao Duoduo looked at this gloomy friend and was very concerned, "What's wrong?"

"The buyer of the store said that there was something wrong with my raincoat. His girlfriend was sick and had a severe cold. The temperature was obviously the same as ours, so I wondered. Did his girlfriend run out naked? Why did this happen? Come to trouble me .”

Su Ning looked irritated and felt a little relieved when he said it, but he still refused to answer it.

Huo Yang's method is always more straightforward, "If it's a big deal, I'll lose some money."

"I told you, but he didn't dare to answer." Suning replied.

"Surely not. If you give him compensation or a refund, will you still take his orders in the future?" Qiao Duoduo blinked and asked mischievously.

"I will definitely not pick it up, and I will be blacklisted." After all, the customer is God, and it only applies to the buyer's market. In the current world, the equipment seller is the boss.It doesn't matter if Suning loses Luo Nanchuan as a customer, but Luo Nanchuan lacks Suning as a source of equipment, at least for a period of time in the future, his strength will be greatly affected.

That's why Suning can be ashamed as he pleases, while Luo Nanchuan can only ask cautiously.

In the afternoon, when Suning saw Ding's mother and son leave Shetian, she was a little surprised, "It's time to finish work so soon, what a Buddhist player!"

"It should be that the level is not enough, and I can't hold on anymore." Dodo explained.

In this way, Suning can be considered relieved, hoping that Mother Ding can recognize the reality as soon as possible.No matter what, the two groups of people are the same, they have different ways and do not conspire with each other.

That night, in order to beware of chance encounters, Suning didn't even go to the restaurant for dinner, and stayed at home obediently, sorting out the inventory and making equipment, which was a lot of fun.

Suning, who hadn't sorted out the inventory for several days, greeted Qiao Duoduo and Huo Yang, and opened the group chat, and the two of them could hear Suning sharing the inventory. If they encountered very interesting objects, they would naturally send the card attributes to the group.

Suning still roughly divides common daily necessities and food into three waves and mails them first.

The second step is to mail the hundreds of big snake carcasses obtained in recent days to Duoduo individually and ask the guys from the Past Restaurant to help deal with them.

The rest worth mentioning is naturally the most needed sewing material for Suning, snakeskin.

At first glance, this thing is the snake skin of a red-trained snake, with clear patterns and delicate lines.It's just that Suning is timid in his heart, and if there is no accident, he will never take it out and use it forcibly.

Next is the herbs.

Snake head, snake eyes, snake slough, snake gall, snake liver, snake ointment, snake venom.

Even the exploded snake meat is said to be used as medicine.But Suning finally found a new golden finger.

Just like the snake slough, at the beginning the card only showed that the snake slough can be used as medicine, and Suning took out the snake slough.

"Drip, this item can be used for medicine, whether to conduct a drug analysis."


After Suning's talent analysis, the card becomes.

Blue product. Snake slough
Details: It can be used medicinally to return to the liver meridian. It has the effects of dispelling wind, calming convulsions, detoxifying, and reducing nebula.

Although Su Ning doesn't understand medicine, she was greatly surprised that the green product was directly promoted to the blue product.However, he doesn't know medicine, and he doesn't understand what it means, but he can analyze so many words, and more importantly, he has been promoted. Su Ning can't help but feel that he is really a genius.

But this wave of joy has not disappeared, and Suning heard the familiar beep again.

"Hey, this item is edible. Do you want to do food appreciation?"

"Yes", at this moment, Suning was already smiling like a fool, and checked the card again.

Blue product. Snake slough
Details: Edible, salty, sweet, neutral in nature.

It can be used medicinally to return to the liver meridian, and has the effects of expelling wind, calming convulsions, detoxifying, and removing nebula.

Send these attributes back and forth to the group.

Huo Yang: "Brother Su, 666."

Qiao Duoduo: "My God, you can eat this. Brother Su insists on snake meat, let the snake meat increase in grade, keep it for me, and I will make snake meat soup at night."

Suning: "No problem, I look forward to it."

Huo Yang: "Daughter-in-law is the best, she will definitely do better this time."

Qiao Duoduo: "That's for sure. I've never used green products. This time I'm proud to use blue products."

Huo Yang: "It's okay, let Brother Su appraise all the ingredients in the future, and use blue products."

Suning: "."

Every time this time comes, Suning always wonders why he helped Huo Yang chase Qiao Duoduo in the first place. Is it just so that he can eat dog food at any time in the future?

Thinking about it, Suning still honestly put everything into categories.

Keep reading, the snakeskin sleeping bag is the snakeskin sleeping bag used by Luo Nanchuan mentioned above.At this time, Suning saw the sleeping bag for the first time. Although he liked it, he not only had a rat hole shelter, but also a Babu bed, a spider silk bed and a series of organ paper furniture. go home.

Next, there are more than twenty of Lvpin's snakeskin bags.

This is good, although the snakeskin bag has no attributes, no backpack grid.But after someone puts in the card, it can be accumulated.In this regard, it is better than this kind of colorful small leather bag.

Suning thought about how she would own hundreds of snakeskin bags filled with cards in the future. Oh my god, she must be the richest woman in the world in the future.

The rich woman Suning, who was dreaming of dreams, found another item.

Lanpin. Snake skin plaster
Details: It can quickly heal various skin injuries, and the number of times of use is 0/10.

This is not bad, Su Ning thought in his heart, although he is a nanny and can't use it, but in terms of many combat professions, this must be a rare treasure.

Finally, it is equipped.

Lanpin. Snakeskin Belt
Details: Made from whole snake skin.Agility +9, Strength +1.

Lanpin. Snakeskin flat shoes

Details: Crafted from snakeskin.Dexterity +6, Constitution +3.

Lanpin. Snakebone Wand
Details: refined from the whole snake bone.Intelligence +7, Dexterity +3.

Suning sent the last equipment to the group, Huo Yang first, hoping to distribute the snakeskin belt to his wife, so he would not want anything else.Seeing her husband so open-minded, Qiao Duoduo was also happy.She and Huo Yang both have shoes, but neither of them can use a magic wand.

Naturally, Suning took advantage of this.

It's a pity that fortune and misfortune have been dependent on each other since ancient times. Before Suning had time to look at the new equipment, there was a "boom, boom, boom" knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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