Doomsday Game Life Master

Chapter 45 Bright Priest

Chapter 45 Bright Priest
There is no way, this kind of thing, a person's decline, is naturally a sad reminder.But if everyone declines together, it will be a universal celebration, and everyone will be happy.

Qiao Duoduo looked through some records about the family's bloodline again. Sure enough, it was extremely difficult for everyone to improve the bloodline.In comparison, it is Suning's Demon Race, which is more convenient because there are ghosts nearby that can "eat".After seeing this point, Suning felt more energetic.

Qiao Duoduo returned the book to Suning, and reminded him to store it carefully, and remember not to be discovered by villains, and Suning responded one by one.

After putting away the card, Suning got up and left, leaving behind a sad couple, who went home happily and continued to make short sleeves.

At this time, Luo Nanchuan was troubled by being unable to go out because of the rain.

Now, Yan Han has brought back some sort of cousin, and there is no need for Luo Nanchuan to question her carefully.Yan Han blurted out, "Chuan'er, he is the daughter of the second wife of my mother's friend's brother. She is also the stepdaughter of my mother's best friend's brother. Can you understand this complicated relationship? Because my mother's My best friend learned from my mother that we happened to be in the same neighborhood as this cousin, so my mother’s best friend’s brother’s second wife asked my mother. In short, they asked each other, and finally asked me to take her there. Enter Quanfu District."

The long list of relationships gave Luo Nanchuan a headache, and he casually said, "Then what?"

Yan Han saw that there was something going on, and he knew that his Chuan'er was a good man with a cold face and a warm heart.She turned her head and nodded to her cousin, who immediately walked a few steps forward, "Brother Luo, hello, my name is Yao Qianqian, my profession is Bright Priest, and I have two skills, increasing blood, and dispelling negative status. Angel blood."

Yao Qianqian didn't want to introduce so much at first, but seeing the displeased face of the man in front of her, she felt uneasy.Looking at Luo Nanchuan's handsome face with sharp edges and corners, he couldn't help but want to make a good impression on the other party.

Luo Nanchuan looked at Yan Han's almost twitching eyes, and also made a simple self-introduction, "Hello, I'm Luo Nanchuan."

However, this voice caused a huge wave in Yao Qianqian's heart.Before the doomsday, 20-year-old Yao Qianqian had not yet graduated from college and had never dated a boyfriend. She was the age at which little girls love to dream.At this time, the appearance of Luo Nanchuan seemed to make Yao Qianqian see the naked Cupid, waving to her.

He is simply a male god of abstinence, and he is still a brother soldier, with a perfect score in both career and character.A handsome face, perfect appearance, and even such a nice voice.Yao Qianqian, who was thinking more and more, lowered her head and sniggered in embarrassment.

Luo Nanchuan still doesn't care, he still cares more, how to go out in the rainy day, how to get Suning to give a discount.

Yan Han looked at his friend who had finished perfunctory, lost in thought, and Yao Qianqian who looked shy.I also vaguely guessed something in my heart, I only said that my friend's love luck is really strong, Yao Qianqian is also a good little girl, she has fair skin and beautiful skin, long hair reaches her waist, and although her figure is not choppy, she is also bumpy.Oops, with a face, with a face.

Although Yan Han was thinking in his heart, his body was also acting. He hurriedly arranged the little girl to the room that belonged to him, and he started sleeping in the living room from today.But Yan Han is still a little petty in his heart. This cousin who is not related to him is really good-looking and has good abilities.If it wasn't for the death of Gao Zhan from the previous team, maybe there is no need to ask them, the girl herself is also a very popular priest.

The autistic Luo Nanchuan didn't know his friend's inner thoughts at all. He just felt that it was somewhat troublesome for two big men to be with a little girl, but they were sent to Quanfu District. Only two streets away, still very close.

In another bedroom, Yao Qianqian rubbed her hands anticipating her future life.

For a time, there were three rooms and three people with different thoughts.

At this moment, Suning still doesn't know that in the near future, Mr. Fat Sheep will come to catch her.

Read a book, take a nap, and make six short-sleeved pieces. It's already evening.Suning, who had been busy all afternoon, saw that the rain was still falling outside the window, so he gave up the idea of ​​going out for dinner.

I rolled happily on the bed twice, and sent a video chat request to my mother. After a while, the chat was connected.Looking at her mother who was still on the way back to the city, Suning smiled happily, "Mom, you just went back to the city?"

On the other side of the video, Mother Su looked at her daughter lying on the bed, and also showed a concerned smile, "Did you not fight monsters today? Are you lazy?"

Su Ning buried her head in the quilt embarrassingly, and said coquettishly, "What? It's raining today, and you'll catch a cold when you go out. Reduce the automatic reply of the blue bar."

"You should wear more clothes when it rains. Isn't it easy to catch cold when it rains?" Mother Su said, full of concern.But what he said made Suning startled, yes!It's raining to cool down, so if you don't feel cold, you should wear more clothes.Really, I have no common sense in life.

The mother and daughter babbled about a lot of things about their parents. After hanging up the video, Suning dug out his old thermal underwear.Put on a long coat and trousers, add a raincoat, and stroll on the terrace.Sure enough, after an hour, I didn't catch a cold again.

Suning couldn't help but praise her mother's wisdom.

Having found a new method, Suning naturally shared it with his best friend Qiao Duoduo first.At this time, Qiao Duoduo was obsessed with cooking, and Huo Yang saw that Suning came at the right time, so he hurriedly asked Suning to help serve the meal.

Suning watched Huo Yang pack a large pot of rice into different plastic lunch boxes and add side dishes, just like a Chinese fast food takeaway production site.

Huo Yang watched Suning standing still, and hurriedly urged, "Brother Su, come here quickly and help me serve the meal."

Su Ning walked over with a masked face, and asked while filling the rice, "What are you doing, are you opening a restaurant?"

Huo Yang saw that Qiao Duoduo was still chopping vegetables, and was worried that she would be distracted, so he cut it and hurriedly answered, "Duoduo, the bloodline improvement of today's research, Duoduo summed it up, just eat. It's raining today. There are few customers who don't need to follow the kitchen, so she is practicing cooking." Seeing that Suning still looked dazed, Huo Yang had no choice but to continue.

"As a result, I did too much. Although I didn't add attributes, but there are a few positive buffs, she opened it on the Internet by the way, a small restaurant that loves to sleep." Speaking of this, Su Ning tried to send out his own inquiry, "Sleep-loving Small restaurant?"

Huo Yang also sighed, and said, "Yes, that's the name, and then I bought a bunch of fast food boxes from the mall, and prepared to pack them for sale."

Suning looked at the dishes one by one, and found that they were really good. For example, the spicy rabbit head, within one hour, the defense increased by 5.00%.Braised rabbit meat, blood volume increased by 5.00% within one hour.There is also lamb chop soup, which dispels the cold and maintains body temperature within 2 hours.Immediately thought this was a hit.

"This mutton chop soup is not bad. There must be a market for this in the north."

Huo Yang looked helplessly at Qiao Duoduo who was still cooking, and sighed softly, "It will definitely be popular, otherwise I'm sorry for buying so many radishes."

Su Ning followed Huo Yang's gaze, and sure enough, several large sacks of radishes firmly occupied a corner of the living room.In an instant, she understood that the mall is sure, and it's not just for sale, hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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