Doomsday Game Life Master

Chapter 41 The Secret of the Bloodline

Chapter 41 The Secret of the Bloodline
Following Mudan's order, the girls turned and left.

Several flower girls walked around the corner, out of sight of Suning and others.Narcissus stopped and asked unconvinced.

"Sister Peony, why do we have to retreat? She is just a priest and has no combat power at all."

Peony patted her on the shoulder with a smile on her face and a gentle tone.

"That priest is no ordinary priest. He is covered in equipment all over his body, and there are two Gao Zhan behind him."

"Aren't there just two people?"

Pomegranate on the side patted Narcissus on the shoulder and continued. "There's another one behind the bushes."

"But even if the four of them join forces, we are not powerless!"

This time, Peony no longer smiled, her face was slightly heavy.

"We need a priest, and Lily also needs a priest, and it's just a retreat this time. Since they came to rescue, they must be friends. As long as they are alive, we might as well wait until the next time."

It's just that Peony doesn't know at the moment, some things, there may not be a next time.

When Narcissus heard Lily's name, she also frowned and said nothing.And Mudan continued, "Besides, I won a big bet this time."

"How to say?" Pomegranate interjected.

"Her name is Su Ning." Mudan smiled lightly.

When Shiliu heard this, she was surprised at first, and then a hint of joy surfaced on her cheeks. "What a coincidence, the owner of the handmade shop is also called Suning."

Peony smiled more intensely and said nothing, the girls walked away slowly, but the pace seemed much lighter.

Suning, who stayed in place, directly skipped Ma Shangfei on the ground, raised his head and said to the tree.

"What about what you promised me?"

Seeing this, Ma Shangting slowly climbed down from the tree and landed on both feet.Only then turned around and spoke.

"Miss Su Ning, it's getting late, see if we can talk after we return to the safe zone."

Suning looked at Ma Shangting's innocent smile, and thought, hey, this little girl wants to treat herself as a free labor force!Then he opened his mouth in displeasure.

"Say it now, immediately, immediately."

"Sister Su Ning, it's not safe in the wild. If we finish this matter, it will be dark and we will all die here."

In fact, Ma Shangting also had her own plans in mind, after all, she almost killed Qiao Duoduo last time, and Suning didn't do anything to her.Thinking about it, he is not a ruthless master, so he dragged himself on and said more good things.She might be able to fool around with this matter, as long as she returned to the city, she would have nothing to do with herself.

"You regret it?"

Su Ning's voice became colder and colder, and he didn't like to talk to others at first, but now he felt Ma Shangting's thoughts, and he was even more annoyed.

"Su Ning, what does Shang Ting regret? Didn't you just happen to come here to save us?"

Looking at the conversation between his younger sister and Suning, Ma Shangfei also noticed that Suning rescued their brother and sister, maybe it was not a coincidence, but came to find his younger sister on purpose.

"No, how could it be? It's just that there are too many things. I'm afraid that time will be delayed for a long time, and we won't be able to go back. If we die here, then what's the difference between dying now and dying just now?"

"Listen to you, do you want to die?"

Su Ning stepped forward and stared straight at Ma Shangting, as if to see through the little girl.

"elder brother."

Ma Shangting hurriedly took a step back and hid behind Ma Shangfei.When Ma Shangfei saw this, he immediately stood up and blocked Suning's eyes for his sister.

"Su Ning, if there is anything you can't go back and talk about, everyone sit down and discuss it together, there will always be a solution. You can't force Shang Ting like this, Shang Ting is still young, even if you say something wrong, please don't take it to heart superior."

After hearing this, Su Ning waved his hand in the direction where Huo Yang was hiding, signaling Huo Yang to come out.He casually said in the small group of three.

"They will repent."

"Let's do it, we will win." Qiao Duoduo said nonchalantly.

Naturally, Huo Yang didn't make any sense, so he said two words casually. "agree"

Suning waited for Huo Yang to step forward, then took two steps back, while Qiao Duoduo and Huo Yang stood in front of Suning, one on the left and one on the right, protecting her.The formation switched to a fighting state for a moment, and Suning immediately spoke nonchalantly.

"Your sister said that as long as I come to save you, I will tell you the secret of improving the bloodline. Now that I have saved everyone, you brothers and sisters, turn your face and deny it!"

Ma Shangfei's expression changed instantly, he never thought that his sister would be so bold.Take out such an important thing to make a deal.But after thinking about it, he was relieved. After all, he also felt that Huo Yang could really kill him. Suning was just a nanny, and it was far from enough to really lead the team.

After thinking about it, he let go of his mind and looked at Huo Yangdao in a blink of an eye.

"Huo Yang, our brother for so long, you can't stop talking about old feelings."

After hearing the words, Huo Yang straightened out his thoughts and said.

"If there is no old love, it is impossible for your sister to leave alive last time. This time, the price is clearly marked, and there is no reason."

After hearing Huo Yang's words, Suning and Qiao Duoduo's minds settled down. They were afraid that the emotional Huo Yang would soften their hearts for a moment and let the siblings go.If it is really a white job, it will really be pissed off.

"I didn't say it. I didn't want to go back on my word. It's just that it's too long to say this question."

"Let's make a long story short." Suning immediately interrupted Ma Shangfei.

"It's all important content. I can't make it short. Look at the sky. It's too late."

Ma Shangfei was also a little anxious when he said that.

"You said, how long will it take for us to kill you?"

Suning tilted his head, with a sneer on his face, and the words of killing were indeed emotionless.This is not the first time that Su Ning has murderous intentions, but the last time was blocked by Huo Yang's affection, no matter what, it is inconvenient for her to intervene.But this time, the price was clearly marked and there was no friendship.Speaking the words naturally makes people feel cold all over.

"Miss Su Ning, we don't want to go back on our word, I was just too scared just now"

"Then you should still be afraid now. You still think that when I say kill you, I just say it casually."

"No, it's not."

Ma Shangting wanted to explain in a panic. She felt that she was wrong. This Suning was not a merciful master at all. As long as she thought about it, she would really die at any time.After forming a team together for such a long time, she knows very well that Huo Yang's strength is actually far higher than that of her brother, even if his brother has made new breakthroughs during this time.But with Qiao Duoduo's long-distance assistance and Suning's nanny assistance, my brother has no chance of winning.

What's more, there is also the burden of myself, as long as I catch myself, my brother will lose.

But Su Ning's patience was obviously exhausted, and she was not given a chance to continue explaining.

"Speak up and walk away alive. If you don't say anything for 1 minute, the transaction will be cancelled. I will help you and die here."

Suning spit out every word almost word by word, with murderous intent.

"I said, my brother's blood needs to absorb the essence and blood of animals, but the improvement is extremely slow."

After Ma Shangting finished speaking, she immediately lowered her head, like a primary school student who made a mistake.But after all, it was written at a young age, and the resentment that flashed in his eyes was fully seen by Suning and Qiao Duoduo.

(End of this chapter)

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