Chapter 33
"Duoduo, bring Brother Yang to my place, I need to sort out the inventory."


Since the organ paper sofa was discovered last time, the cards were all hastily put into the sheepskin backpack, and I haven't looked at them carefully.Until today, the three of them beat cattle, and I took all the final blows by myself, so I had to sort out my property.

"Get my private treasury first. It was destroyed by hunting mice and spiders before. If you have anything you like, just say it. If you don't have it, I will basically send it home."

Suning took out the sheepskin bag and dumped it on the floor. There were about 200 cards.List the ordinary blood-increasing foods and mail them to mom, and add blue and green foods, and give half of them to mom.

Daily necessities, and other small items that are not commonly used, are divided into half and mailed.

"These are the most basic supplies. We don't need it, or we can't use it up. I gave it to my mother."

After Su Ning finished speaking, she smiled embarrassedly.After all, it was his own private property, so the two of them naturally wouldn't say anything.However, compared with Qiao Duoduo, who was used to Suning's big handwriting, Huo Yang was quite shocked.

"Brother Su, are these just the spiders and mice? The ones we fought with?"

Huo Yang was so surprised that he couldn't believe it, this must be much more than his own.If Brother Su's luck has always been like this, no wonder the daughter-in-law can rent a house directly, this life is a bit too rich!
"I won't confuse them. I pack them separately. The new cards from Da Niu are all in my backpack, and I haven't sorted them out."

Suning looked up, a little embarrassed, Qiao Duoduo quickly kicked Huo Yang, Huo Yang also realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly explained.

"No, Brother Su, I didn't mean that, I mean, this is too much, no, forget it, why are you so rich!!"

Huo Yang was also helpless. Although he couldn't explain clearly, he really didn't feel that Brother Su was corrupt.He was just surprised at how Brother Su had so many cards. These cards were more than twice as many as his.Could this be the difference between the European Emperor and the bandit leader?

"I don't buy medicine, but live in a store, so I have a lot of food surplus. But I have indeed become richer by opening a store."

Su Ning thought about it seriously and said that he seems to be a little bit richer than the general public now.

"But" Su Ning stopped suddenly, and said, "Forgot."

In fact, Suning wants them to take out the fabric, but think about it, I have enough fabric now, in case there is someone who can cut clothes at home, although it may not be able to make equipment, it is still a warm and body-protecting garment , I'd better wait until I get a sewing machine myself and can sell equipment stably, then buy fabrics!

Looking back at the card, there are quite a few left, including Suning's favorite fabric.

Green products. One piece of light blue thin denim fabric *3
This is very good, it is suitable for summer, the weather will be warmer in two days, and it will be very comfortable to make two denim skirts.

As for the inconvenient skirt, it doesn't exist. Suning is a nanny and doesn't act alone, so there is no such thing as a fight.

Green product. White lace fabric *3
Green product. One piece of goose yellow lace fabric *1
Green product. One piece of sky blue lace fabric *1
Green product. One piece of red lace fabric *1
Green product. One piece of black lace fabric *2
Suning looked at this part, it should be made by spiders, it is really rich in lace.

Green product. One white silk fabric *1
Green product. One piece of light green silk fabric*1
This batch of fabrics is enough for Suning to spend all summer.

However, there are some organ paper furniture, and the appearance is also good.

There are organ paper single stools, organ paper benches, organ paper coffee tables, organ paper sofas, and even an organ paper double bed.

Although the two Qiao Duoduo like them, it's useless to ask for them.Suning himself also likes it, so he put it all away, put it in the bottom of the box first, maybe it will be useful in the future.

There is no need to elaborate on the whole grain porridge and the white fungus and lotus seed soup.

Looking at the five mountain bike cards, I temporarily mailed two to my home, leaving three, one for each person.It is also convenient to go out to fight monsters, go farther, and save people a lot of trouble.

There are also two pieces of equipment.

Blue product. Rat leather mask.

Details: It is refined from the skin of an elite rat, which can hide its appearance, name, defensive detection, constitution +3, agility +3, and intelligence +2.

Suning likes this mask. It seems that he thought he could wear a mask and did something bad, hehe!
Lanpin. Spider Silk Belt
Details: Made of spider silk, warm in winter and cool in summer, intelligence +5, agility +4.

The spider silk belt seems to be tailor-made for Suning, but it is really a small masterpiece.

Other items also opened Suning's horizons.

Lanpin. Silk slime launcher

Details: Can launch spider slime 30 times, aim at the target, and pull the trigger.Shoot the target, and the target will be stuck in place for 30 minutes, unable to break free.

This is a serious escape tool.

"Brother Su, this is just right for you."

Qiao Duoduo was also very relieved, after all, she was always worried about Su Ge's safety.

Blue Pin. Rat Hole Shelter
Details: Put this product on the ground, and an exclusive switchable channel will appear, which can be as low as two meters, and can reach up to a cubic air-raid shelter four meters high, four meters long, and four meters wide. Furniture can be placed and you can spend the night in the wild.

"Brother Su, this six, this six." Huo Yang's eyes were about to come out in shock.

"Brother Su, this one can put the organ paper furniture and the babu bed in, and the safety factor will be doubled."

Qiao Duoduo was still calm, but her voice was full of joy.

Blue. Spider silk bed.

Details: The exoskeleton of ancient giant spiders is used as the frame, the silk bed surface is filled with spider silk, and it can be cleaned automatically when placed, making it very comfortable.

Blue. Marmot chandelier

Details: The traditional craftsmanship of the groundhog family, it can burn automatically after adding fuel, and the brightness of the light can be adjusted, which is a rare treasure.

"If there is a kitchen and bathroom in the future, can I wander around and make my home everywhere."

Qiao Duoduo looked at Suning, who was pretending to be deep and exaggerated in acting, and said with a smile.

"Okay, hurry up and clean up."

"I know, I know!"

While perfunctory, Suning picked up the last few.

"my God!"

"Is this a gemstone?" Qiao Duoduo was shocked as she had never seen a gemstone before.

"seems like it!"

Suning looked at the treasure in his hand as he spoke, his whole body fell into ecstasy.

"developed, developed"

Two blue pines, aquamarine.The azure blue crystals are very beautiful, each of which adds eight points of intelligence, and Suning is so moved that she wants to cry.

A green product, the source stone.It's like a khaki stone, although it's not very beautiful, but it increases strength by 5 points.

The last one is the Green Product Fire Dance Stone, a red oval stone that is quite beautiful.Increase agility by 5.

"Brother Su, Stone" said, Qiao Duoduo's little hand climbed onto Suning's arm.

"One for each of you, leave the intelligence to me. All right!"

Suning is not selfless. They have been friends for many years and are now close friends through life and death. As they become stronger, it means Suning is safer.

(End of this chapter)

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