Chapter 10 Two Acres of Fertile Land
If there are outsiders at this moment, then the Ruyan scene is.

In a white cotton field, a long-haired woman in a light gray sportswear, with an idiot-looking face, fumbled around an unknown machine, making crazy laughter from time to time, hahaha.

Yes, this is our heroine, Ms. Su Ning. After getting the spinning machine, she fiddled with the spinning machine for 5 minutes like a mentally retarded person before gradually returning to normal.

Su Ning called out the backpack and looked at the other two items. This time, the rewards did not appear in the form of cards, so she couldn't tell what grade it was, but she was satisfied with the spinning machine.

One pack of cotton seeds: one pack of cotton seeds can plant one acre of fertile land.

Two mu of fertile land certificate: After settling down, you can buy two mu of fertile land locally with this certificate.

When buying fertile land, Suning immediately thought of buying a house and land to live and work in peace.If you can buy a family property, then there must be new social rules. If the end of the game is to establish a new social system according to the rules of the system, it is not bad.Forget it, the game is just beginning, Suning doesn't want to save the world, and secondly, he doesn't want to explore the ultimate secret.My own brain, I know it, I don't think much about it.

At present, the level [-] challenge reward is taken by her, and it is not known whether it will be level [-] or level [-] next time.She would not easily miss such an important event as Liangtian.But at present, it is still mainly to upgrade and go home.

After picking 100 times, Suning only got [-] cotton flower balls, complaining silently, the system is really bad.

Seeing that it was still early, Suning turned to the nearby flax planting area.

"Hey, the player enters the fifth-level picking area, and can pick species, flax. Guardian warrior: fifth-level mutant cockroach. After the challenge is completed, enter the picking. Do you want to start the challenge?"


Su Ning said silently, is the mutant cockroach the fifth-level cockroach in the east of the safe zone?
Suning asked himself, although he had not seen many monsters, but no matter how he analyzed it, cockroaches would never be kited like skeleton soldiers.

After thinking twice, I still choose to challenge.The reason is very simple, just withdraw if it doesn't work, a nanny will not be killed by a cockroach in one hit!
"Drip, players, please get ready, the challenge has officially begun."

The same challenge table, the same push button, the only change is that the skeleton soldier becomes a black cockroach the size of a shoe.

As the challenge began, the mutated cockroach flew straight to Suning.Seeing that he couldn't run, Suning simply took out the dagger, held the staff in his left hand, and used skills, and held the dagger in his right hand to defend himself in close combat.

The cockroach flying towards the head was a critical strike, and the blood of the mutated cockroach was instantly reduced by one-fifth.Before Suning could give it a second blow, the knocked down cockroach opened its mouthparts and took a bite towards Suning's calf.

Su Ning shuddered in pain, half of the blood was lost immediately, Su Ning held the staff in his right hand, quickly added a blood recovery to yourself, and stabilized the red bar.

The left hand also quickly gave the cockroach two knives, but the cockroach just didn't go down, and bit Suning's calf tightly. At such a close distance, Suning didn't dare to use too much force for fear of hurting his calf.One cut can cut off a tenth of the blood of a cockroach.

But the cockroach shook its mouthparts every once in a while, taking away nearly half of Suning's blood.The cockroaches continued to bite and also caused a quarter of Suning's blood bar to be dark, and the blood could not be filled.

Looking at the blood bar, Su Ning's heart sank, and he simply slashed at the cockroach, returning blood to himself with two strokes.After several rounds like this, the mutated cockroach finally died, and it was still the kind that died without a whole body.

"Drip, the challenge is successful, congratulations to the player for obtaining today's picking permission in the flax planting area: 0/100"

"Hey, congratulations to the player for successfully challenging the fifth-level Guardian Warrior. The system rewards: a pack of flax seeds, a piece of white cotton cloth, and two pieces of light gray linen cloth. I wish the player all the best!"

Su Ning saw that the fabric in his hand was suitable for summer wear, so he felt that the biting was not in vain.

After performing two dark night sacrifices for myself, I dared to sit in the field and rest for a while.The dark part of the blood bar is slowly returning to normal.

Suning looked at the lush green flax field, and began to think about collecting it with you.After all, she really didn't know that this piece of land was a flax field before the system prompted it.

After thinking about it, Suning took out a dagger and harvested from the roots, still picking hemp and weaving cloth, so it is always useful to collect a lot.

After Suning has worked so hard to harvest 100 flax plants.I don't want to continue collecting in the fifth-level collection area here.

The two level five battles consumed most of Suning's energy.However, Suning also discovered a drawback.That is, in this challenge mode, although the rewards are rich, it does not give experience.

On the way back, Suning picked some tomatoes and cucumbers.They are all first-level guardian monsters, and Suning can easily deal with them.

On the other side, Qiao Duoduo in the teahouse finally completed a day's great work of swordsmanship.

Back at the hotel, facing the still tired and limp Qiao Duoduo, Suning washed some cucumbers and tomatoes for you.

Although there are no attributes, it only adds a little bit of satiety.But for the two who ate steamed buns and rolls for several days, they were still very satisfied.

While eating, Suning also talked about the situation of the challenge mode in the picking area, and also mentioned the two-acre certificate of fertile land, which immediately made Qiao Duoduo excited.

The two girls have more expectations for the future besides going home.

The chat is over.Suning called out the production system and took out the rabbit skin that had been tanned long ago.

Suning couldn't put it down because of the smooth and soft rabbit skin.It is softer and smoother than the rabbit skin directly exposed by beating a rabbit.

Su Ning suddenly felt the power of the production system, clicked on the production assistant, and the rows of various processing words really blinded Suning's dog's eyes.

In the end, Suning still processed the flax plants directly into hemp thread that can be woven directly after sizing.In this way, it can be directly used for weaving or printing and dyeing in the future.

This depends on the opportunity in the future.

For the remaining cotton, Suning plans to leave it alone, and ask a teacher tomorrow to see how to spin it.

After all, it was already night at this time, and the game did not force players to fall asleep.

Just lack of sleep can also lead to some negative states.So there are very few people active at night.

But Su Ning didn't want to fall asleep so early, she needed time too much.

She needs time to observe the album given by the master.

She needs time to contact the craftsmanship passed down by the master.

Her own level also needs time to kill monsters and upgrade.

No way, she can only reduce some sleep time appropriately to learn the craft.

It just so happened that the rabbit skins were all tanned, and Suning also learned how to make rabbit skin wristbands while watching the apprentice's sewing manual.

Who made this the easiest, she just happened to have the finished product of the rabbit in her hand.Comparing the two, Suning awe-inspiringly found that if the method in the manual is followed, the wrist guard made out must be much better than the one that exploded directly.

The rabbit skin tanned by Lenovo's production system is really done by yourself, and you have enough food and clothing.It turns out that the system actually encourages players to make equipment.

After figuring this out, Su Ning became interested and began to ponder over the album.

(End of this chapter)

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