Chapter 95
Afterwards, the dissolution of the marriage contract between the Song family and the Xia family became a matter of course, and Su Ying gradually took over the property of the Xia family, and the studio gradually got on the right track.

After taking over the Xia Group, Su Ying directly suppressed the Song Group with resolute means, and expelled her second uncle's family from the capital. She absolutely cannot accept such top-notch relatives. Just get her into a car accident, and the layout for so long will be in vain.

Song Chuxia suffered from severe depression because of the loss of her first child. Song Yu had no choice but to take her abroad for treatment. Before leaving, he sent a text message to Su Ying, hoping to get rid of the past meet.

However, Su Ying immediately rejected it. Anyway, the two of them have nothing to say, so they just want her to think about the marriage between the Song and Xia families!She had said long ago that there was no room for negotiation on this matter. It seemed that Song Yu was still spoiled by women, and everything was centered on himself.

It has been more than ten years since we met again. Su Ying appeared at the banquet with a radiant face, while Song Yu was already gray at the temples, and he was no longer as handsome as before. The uncle turned into a downcast old man. When acquaintances met each other, Song Yu wanted to say hello, but Su Ying skipped over him. Like a stranger, he completely forgot his existence.

At this time, he realized that there might be some missed things, once missed, they would never remain again.

The cultivation essay was finally over. Su Ying returned to her Linyuan Pavilion, peeled a grape, and threw it into her mouth. Feeling the sweet and sour taste, she smiled contentedly. After experiencing Xia Xiaoyan's life, She finally understands what she wants, even though the world is ever-changing, she must keep the pure land in her heart and not be polluted.

He took another grape, threw it into his mouth, and slowly savored the taste as it flowed between his lips and teeth, "Ding dong", the flickering sound of the soul bell sounded again, making her put down the grape in her hand and wipe it clean. With water stains on his hands, he walked to the front of the desk and looked at the person coming.

Dressed in a bright red wind cannon, she is as graceful and luxurious as a peony, dignified and generous, she is really the queen of the dynasty, her appearance is extraordinary, after seeing Su Ying, she got up and saluted without putting on airs at all, which made people feel good about her. Her favorability level immediately rises upon the first meeting. Some people cannot make her feel the slightest favorability even after meeting them hundreds of times.

"You are indeed the first queen to appear here. I wonder what your wish is?" Su Ying arranged the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of her, and she looked much more refreshed.

"This palace... what I want as a concubine is to win the hearts of the people and not leave each other, but now it seems that it is just an extravagant wish. Now all I want is power. As long as I have power, the rest is nothing to worry about "It really is a person who has been a queen of a country, and her worldview and values ​​are different from those of the previous women.

What others want is to find someone who truly loves them, and this empress wants to seek power and usurp the throne. It is really... just what she wants. This time happened to be an opportunity.

"Very good, do you understand the price you have to pay?" Su Ying narrowed her eyes, with an unfathomable expression on her face.

"Ben... I understand." The queen obviously hadn't realized her identity, but she changed the title very well, and Su Ying didn't care about anything with her.

After signing her name, Su Ying looked into her memory. Unexpectedly, the queen's name was also called Su Ying. The two were somewhat similar. She was not dissatisfied. There are so many people in ancient and modern China and abroad , and you can’t ask for no duplicate names. If you call yourself by your name every time, you don’t need to be overwhelmed for a long time when others call you.

This time the male protagonist is covered in hypocrisy, and the client likes the male protagonist's mask of being as gentle and gentle as an immortal, but in fact he is bloodthirsty and ruthless, otherwise how could he become the emperor.However, the client endured her whole life, but she was still used thoroughly by the high-powered heroine Marysu and the heroine, and put her in the cold palace, and she was not allowed to be buried in the imperial tomb after death.

The six palaces are pink and black, and I wear red makeup myself. I don't want the six palaces to have no concubines, but I only want to be unique.

When my heart is cold and hot, when my love is strong and then weak, let him be infinite, beauties are endless, this red walled pavilion, the world's women, only I can match the true red color, the phoenix crown is unparalleled!

She was moved by the client's forbearance, concession, and loyalty to love. However, the palace is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones. Without scheming, it means being bullied. Su Ying couldn't help but think of the TV show in her previous life. The Chinese concubine in "The Legend of the Harem" I saw was beautiful, arrogant, jealous, and petty, which made people hate and pity her.When Feiyang was domineering, he hated her so much that he gritted his teeth and when he was frustrated and lonely, he felt sorry for her and cherished her. He had aura, charm, beauty, and femininity all in one.

Unfortunately, now that she has become a queen, she has to do something for her own future. After the emperor's indifference and the noble concubine's framing, the client's desperate love is as cold as ice, and she will no longer be for that unattainable feeling. And to pray for something.

At this moment, she must learn to be ruthless, put away her gentleness, coldness, and sharpness, and calculation is her protective color, which is the principle that the client has entrusted to her throughout her life.

Our heroine, Zhao Xiangzhu, is definitely the reincarnation of Zhen Huan. Su Ying had to deal with it with 12 points of energy. In the entire harem, she is the most scheming city, the deepest psychological quality, and the most cunning. She is also the most powerful.

Zhao Xiangzhu was taken out of the palace by an assassin, but she was able to be rescued by the Eighth Prince; she was allowed to guard the mausoleum, but she was able to capture the heart of the Seventeenth Prince, and returned to the palace with the help of the Seventeenth Prince. Among them, is there anything she can't do!Seeing a woman who came with a cheat like this, Su Ying just wanted to scold her, God, do you prefer this one person over this?
One rise and one fall is for love, two rise and two fall is for favor, three rise and three fall is for power.Every woman who entered the palace was longing for love and full of longing, but in the end she became ruthless and heartless in the court struggle.

Zhao Xiangzhu's life illustrates a truth: relying on beauty, favor, man, and mother's family are all unreliable. The most important thing is to rely on one's own wisdom and ability.
In the end, she took the position of queen, but the client, the former queen, was not recognized by the royal family because of the name of adultery. His life is the imperial power of the Lin family!
She has no way out, her son was killed by Zhao Xiangzhu when he was born, and she was also unable to conceive because of the severe loss of her body, so she was trapped in this red walled pavilion all her life, and she couldn't break free and came out again. don't go.

 There is no suspicion of making up the number of words, because the plot needs to be explained, and there is also the reason why the client has to change so decisively. I hope everyone can calm down and take a look. Don't just start scolding, Qing Dai is really scared~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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